La dracu cu america lor cu tot, tot citesc de azi de diminineata si nu-mi vine sa cred ce revoltati sunt low iq's fat mother****ers.
Daca pana acum 2 zile, toate site-urile, forums etc erau pline cu ura la adresa microsh!t, acum se vaita ce nasol o sa fie. Guys, va dati seama ce paguba pe capul cumperi jocul online, si sa nu-l poti sharui cu altii sau chiar revinde (lol), sa fii nevoit sa cauti discul pentru a-l pune in consola ca sa te poti juca..samd.
Aici avem un retardat, cu un articol la fel de retard, cum se plange el (urmat de multi altii la coments) ca a renuntat la precomanda si de ce:

Your entire games collection will no longer be available from the cloud.
Playing disc based games will requite will require the disc for playback.
Also, we will no longer offer family game sharing from the cloud.
The sharing of games will work as it does on Xbox 360, you’ll simply share the disc.
Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold
Microsoft News | A Vocal Minority Of Idiots (& Journalists) Ruin Innovations On The Xbox One