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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #9501 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Nu sunt, sunt fanboy Xbox

  2. #9502 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Dant3_720p iti zic de-acum inainte.

  3. #9503 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Pai da, nu ai vazut ca prin Share Play avem rezoluție de Xbox One?

  4. #9504 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    792 pls.
    BTW are cineva idee de ce nu merge sa ma loghez pe YT? Imi da o eroare.

  5. #9505 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Ia-ti xbone si-o sa mearga.

  6. #9506 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Aaaa pai nu merge sa intru pe YT si Destiny in acelasi timp!?!?? Blasfemie. Maine o vand.

  7. #9507 SP
    Senior Member tudomih's Avatar
    Daca vrei sa asculti muzica in timp ce te joci, baga USB Music Player.

    LE: Mi-am dat seama de ironie

  8. #9508 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Destiny appears to be suffering some sign-in issues on PlayStation 4. Developer Bungie is aware of the issues and is investigating the cause.

    Some players on PlayStation 4 are reporting that they’re not able to sign-in. The issue appears to be affecting PlayStation 4 users only at the moment, and could be due to the recent system update, update 2.00, which is currently being deployed.

    Here’s Bungie’s tweet.

  9. #9509 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar
    Parca update-ul asta repara totul , rait' ?

  10. #9510 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Un rezumat
    Attached Images Attached Images uploadfromtaptalk1414500553787.jpg

  11. #9511 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Se pare ca unii utilizatori ai Playstation camera o folosesc in alte scopuri decat cele concepute initial...Hey Sony, People Are Having Sex Live On The PS4

    Give people a camera and a means to broadcast and you can bet that, sooner or later, they'll use it to film themselves doin' some sex. Even if it's using a PlayStation 4

    In case you're not aware, the new PS4 has a program called Playroom. If own a PS4 camera, it lets you record yourself playing games then broadcast the footage on the internet. There are also robots who walk around "interacting" with you.

    While popular streaming service Twitch was quick to act last year against certain "non-gaming" (read: topless "game shows") broadcasts on Playroom, and later pulled all Playroom listings from Twitch altogether, that hasn't stopped people kicking things up a notch.

    Hey Sony, People Are Having Sex Live On The PS4

    Provided you're not "lucky" enough to catch them live, YouTube and Reddit are the new homes for clips of people doin' it live on their PlayStation 4. No "game shows", no pretence, just couples filming themselves hard at it. On Reddit - I'm not going to link it because even the banner image of the subreddit is super-NSFW - the vids roam free, but even on YouTube, some escape Google's army of robot censors. The images you see above and below, for example, are from videos that were still viewable on YouTube at time of posting. 23

    Who cares? I care. Not for my own sake, or these people's sake, or the innocence of those viewing from home. No, I care because nobody will think of the poor little robot.
    Look at it! So quizzical. So blissfully unaware of what's going on. He knows he wants to look, but knows not why he wants to look.

    I'm sure this isn't the kind of content Sony had in mind when it designed the service. But now that it's here, something probably needs to be done about it. Not for the children, who probably know better places to look for better porn anyway. For the poor robots.

  12. #9512 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Ontopic: din punctul meu de vedere, dupa o jumatate de ora de teste, updateul este un succes. Interfata se misca infinit mai bine, lista de prieteni si PS Store-ul se incarca INSTANT, functia de party cu care aveam probleme in ultimul timp s-a miscat ireprosabil.
    Singurul minus pe care l-am observat are legatura cu mesajele scrise, care au inca acel "lag" pana se trimit, dar oricum e mult mai bine decat in ultimele 2 luni.

    Apropos de youtube, l-am instalat si primesc o eroare in momentul in care incerc sa ma loghez in contul meu. Voi ati reusit?

  13. #9513 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Nu, nici eu nu am reusit sa ma loghez. Doar am testat aplicatia si e mult mai faina decat ma asteptam.

  14. #9514 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Jocurile instalate sunt in același loc acum sau tot haos?

  15. #9515 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    La mine a mers din settings și apoi secțiunea unde configurezi serviciile pentru contul tău.

    Rasko mai mult ca sigur că nu are cont pe YouTube.

  16. #9516 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Bine ca a aparut geniul sa ne lumineze....

    OK, mai asteptam, sigur e o eroare temporara.

  17. #9517 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Au imbunatatit si calitatea sunetului in chat. Super.

    @Rasko, nici mie nu-mi merge YT.

  18. #9518 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasko View Post
    Bine ca a aparut geniul sa ne lumineze....

    OK, mai asteptam, sigur e o eroare temporara.
    Vezi mah ce am scris mai sus.
    Ai încercat așa?

  19. #9519 SP
    Junior Member EuGeniu's Avatar
    Salut la toti, am si eu o intrbare referitor la ps network, sper ca nu am gresit forum-ul. Vreau sa imi iau ps+ pe un an , dar pe toate site-urile de specialitate sunt doar pt regiunea usa/uk. Nu stiti, exista ps+ pe un an, valabil in toate regiunile ? (gen xbox live gold, pe care il iau de pe allromedia). Multumesc anticipat

  20. #9520 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    EuGeniu: bine ai venit. Din pacate nu, la PSN nu exista PS+ valabil pe orice regiune. Trebuie sa cumperi pt. regiunea pe care ai tu nevoie.

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