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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #3101 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    am zis ca este recomandat nu ca este obligatoriu, scrie si in manualul de insctructiuni (daca imi amintesc bine). fiecare face ce vrea el. s-a mai discutat problema asta.

  2. #3102 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    Cred ca este recomandat sa se stinga din spate pentru perioade mai lungi, nu daca te joci cu pauze de niste ore sau a doua zi dar, cum spune cineva mai sus, s-a discutat si ras-discutat kestia asta.

    ---------- Post added at 12:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    Carmack: Rage runs faster on Xbox 360
    id = epic failure. xbox profita in continuare de arhitectura similara pc-ului. Cu tot respectul pentru ce a facut pentru industria jocurilor, nu i-ar strica putina modestie lui nenea Carmack. Nu, nu PS3-ul ruleaza mai prost, motorul lui grafic ruleaza prost pe ps3. Daca l-a conceput prima oara pt PC, i-a fost usor sa-l porteze si sa-l optimizeze pt 360. Cu PS3 nu mai e totul mura-n-gura ca la xbox, este nevoie de alta abordare. Cu putina (buna)vointa, se poate scoate ceva spectaculos precum Uncharted 2 dar, pe buna dreptate, poate e nevoie de putin mai multa munca. O mai fi imbatranit si el, saracul, nu mai are rabdare de ore nesfarsite de trial&error pentru a scoate untul dintr-o noua tehnologie. Sau distractia cu rachetele ii rapeste prea mult timp lately.

    bottom line: este trist ca o echipa cu know-how-ul celor de la id realizeaza un asemenea mare fasss. ca tehnologie 3rd party, criterion sunt mult mai profesionisti. pacat ca au intrat in curtea EA. sau nu...

    unul din putinele commenturi pertinente de la articolul cu pricina:

    "So wait, you're telling me id, a dev with a considerable understanding of making games for PC, gets better performance from a PC and a console with similar architecture than a console that doesn't?

    Somebody catch me before I faint from shock."

  3. #3103 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Stie cineva cand apare EyePet? Nu il vad pe la nici un seller online. M-a mancat sa ii arat o reclama la el, teroristei mele si acum nu mai scap de ea. M-a zapacit cu "papitoiu' din televizol".

  4. #3104 SP
    Member L0G1X's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Mo View Post
    Stie cineva cand apare EyePet? Nu il vad pe la nici un seller online. M-a mancat sa ii arat o reclama la el, teroristei mele si acum nu mai scap de ea. M-a zapacit cu "papitoiu' din televizol".
    Joystiq - Sony confirms EyePet US release this holiday

  5. #3105 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar$1315438.htm

  6. #3106 SP
    Member Sanjuro's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MSlv View Post
    id = epic failure. xbox profita in continuare de arhitectura similara pc-ului. Cu tot respectul pentru ce a facut pentru industria jocurilor, nu i-ar strica putina modestie lui nenea Carmack. Nu, nu PS3-ul ruleaza mai prost, motorul lui grafic ruleaza prost pe ps3. Daca l-a conceput prima oara pt PC, i-a fost usor sa-l porteze si sa-l optimizeze pt 360. Cu PS3 nu mai e totul mura-n-gura ca la xbox, este nevoie de alta abordare. Cu putina (buna)vointa, se poate scoate ceva spectaculos precum Uncharted 2 dar, pe buna dreptate, poate e nevoie de putin mai multa munca. O mai fi imbatranit si el, saracul, nu mai are rabdare de ore nesfarsite de trial&error pentru a scoate untul dintr-o noua tehnologie. Sau distractia cu rachetele ii rapeste prea mult timp lately.

    bottom line: este trist ca o echipa cu know-how-ul celor de la id realizeaza un asemenea mare fasss. ca tehnologie 3rd party, criterion sunt mult mai profesionisti. pacat ca au intrat in curtea EA. sau nu...

    unul din putinele commenturi pertinente de la articolul cu pricina:

    "So wait, you're telling me id, a dev with a considerable understanding of making games for PC, gets better performance from a PC and a console with similar architecture than a console that doesn't?

    Somebody catch me before I faint from shock."
    Omeneste, de ce ar alege cineva calea mai dificila cat timp nu face parte din echipa Sony?
    Omeneste, de ce a facut cineva o platforma in care trebuie sa investesti atatea man hours si atatia bani?
    Nu m-as grabi sa spun epic fail just yet. Halo si Gears ruleaza in 30 FPS blocat si sunt simply epic. Chiar daca va ramane cea mai slaba versiune a unui joc foarte bun (sa fim seriosi, bataia aici se da pentru locul 2), tot iesi in castig.

  7. #3107 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    vesti bune, cel putin pentru Sony:VG247 Blog Archive Oneda - PS3 manufacturing costs now down 70%
    Sony corp CEO Nobuyuki Oneda said in the company’s Q1 investor call yesterday that PS3 manufacturing costs have now been reduced by 70 percent.“The cost reduction since we introduced the PS3 is very substantial and this is on schedule,” said the exec.
    => price cut ?

    Comic Con 2009: A closer look at three new Playstation games
    Playstation was hands-on at Comic Con this year and Sony brought out a few of its best games for the PS3 and PSP to show off. I attended a media party at the Hard Rock Hotel (across the street from Comic Con) and was able to try out a few of the awesome titles coming out. Here are three I was able to extensively play.
    Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
    Heavy Rain
    Fat Princess

    Carmac ne da sperante:hCarmack confident RAGE will be 60fps on all platforms
    Previously Carmack has stated that the PS3 is a little bit slower at running RAGE, but this is the first time we've been told by just how much. However, iD Software still intends to release all three versions at 60fps and they're confident they can achieve this:

    "Everything is designed as a 60 hertz game. We expect this to be 60 hertz on every supported platform," Carmack added

    "The work remaining is getting it locked so there’s never a dropped frame or a tear, but we’re confident that we’re going to get that."

    Let's Find Out How Many People Actually Use The PlayStation Network - psn - Kotaku

    ---------- Post added at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 PM ----------

    Exclusive: Sony Answers 12 Questions about PlayStation 3 Motion Control - PC World
    "Take that, Microsoft," may not be what PlayStation 3 special projects manager Dr. Richard "EyeToy" Marks actually said when he took the stage back in early June at E3 2009. Still, you could practically hear it whispered in the rare downbeats as Marks divulged Sony's own two-fisted take on precision motion-control.

    ---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

    PlayStation LifeStyle PS3 Sells Less, Comes out the Winner
    It is unlikely that every Xbox 360 sold was the Elite version and simple math will reveal that Sony’s higher priced offerings commanded more revenues. How is it that with a price as low as $199 the Xbox 360 only managed to outsell the $399 PS3 by a mere 100,000 consoles? This goes to show that the battle for the hearts of core game players is still very much anyone’s ball game.
    foarte interesnt articolul

    ---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

    jocurile care vor aparea in luna august pe PS3
    August 4th
    - G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra (multiplatform)

    August 7th
    - Ashes Cricket 2009 (multiplatform)

    August 13th
    - Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PSN)

    August 14th
    - Madden NFL 10 (multiplatform)

    August 18th
    - Wolfenstein (multiplatform)

    August 25th
    - Batman: Arkham Asylum (multiplatform)

    TBA Releases (expected in August)
    - Trine (PSN)
    - SuperCar Challenge (PS3 Exclusive)
    - PixelJunk Shooter (PSN)
    - Digger (PSN)
    - Mushroom Wars (PSN)

  8. #3108 SP
    Member Arslany's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Studentul View Post
    Insa in acelasi timp trebuie sa stii urmatoarele .
    Jocurile se impart pe zone . Sunt 4 la numar . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    Ele merg indiferent de zona pe PS3-ul tau , dar daca vrei sa iti iei DLC-uri ( add-on-uri de pe PS Store, online ) va trebui ca pentru jocurile de zona 2 sa ai cont facut in UK , iar pentru zona 1 va trebui sa ai cont facut in US .
    4 zone? Eu stiam ca sunt 3.

  9. #3109 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Arslany View Post
    4 zone? Eu stiam ca sunt 3.
    1 - America de Nord
    2 - Europa
    3 - Asia
    4 - Australia

  10. #3110 SP
    Member sentyno's Avatar
    Intrebarea asta s-ar putea sa sune cam idioata dar !
    Ma gandeam sa`mi dau net la ps3 de la laptop .
    Ar veni asa : modem - laptop - wireless connection - ps3 .
    Se poate sau visez eu ?

  11. #3111 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    nu se poate.. decat daca ai 2 placi de e destul de complicat din cate am auzit. Un laptop nu e router, nu trimite semnal doar primeste. Si daca ai avea 2 placi de retea nu ar fii prea comod cu atatea fire prin laptop.
    Solutia cea mai simpla e un router. Iti recomand Lynksis.

  12. #3112 SP
    Member sentyno's Avatar
    Mersi de lamurire, chiar visam lol
    oh well d`link or linksys now

  13. #3113 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    dar oare nu merge sa creezi o retea ad-hoc intre laptop si ps3 si faci ics (internet connection sharing)?

  14. #3114 SP
    Member sentyno's Avatar
    Se pare ca nu sau nu stiu eu.. Azi dimineata cum m`am trezit mi-a venit idea . Prin intermediul laptopului dau net si la ps3.

  15. #3115 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Cred ca mi s-a stricat unitatea blu-ray. Nu mai citeste nici un disc, mai mult de 5 minute. Se mai poate face ceva?

  16. #3116 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Imi pare foarte rau.... Sa le ia naiba, doar in weekend isi gasesc sa se duca dracului. Asa am patit la fiecare 360 care s-a stricat: sambata si duminica

  17. #3117 SP
    Member L0G1X's Avatar
    Neplăcut, şi eu am păţit-o cu două PS3-uri �n 2007. �n lipsa garanţiei te rezolvă Donely.

  18. #3118 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

  19. #3119 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    • Sony a anuntat prin intermediul unui comunicat de presa numarul de console vandute de la lansare consolei.
      quote]Here are the figures as of June 30, 2009:
      PS3 consoles: 23.8 million
      PS3 software: 189.7 million (all publishers, includes both retail and PSN titles)[/quote]

    • Un articol excelent despre PS3 vs Xbox 360: Console vandute. Articolul complet
      Point 1: The Xbox 360 had a one-year head-start and on top of which, there was zero competition for that one year. It was the only "next-gen" console available.
      Point 2: The PS3 launched at a ridiculous $600 price point and remains the most expensive console out there. It's still the most expensive console and yet, in a freakin' recession, it has managed to keep pace with the 360.
      Point 3: The PS3 kept pace with the 360 before the vast majority of the popular exclusives arrive; we haven't yet seen God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, MAG, The Last Guardian, and others; it has really only been MGS4 and Killzone 2 that have contributed heavily thus far.
      Point 4: The PS3 kept pace with the 360 during a time when developers had yet to really grasp the complexity of the PS3's hardware, and multiplatform games were often inferior on Sony's machine.
      Point 5: The PS3 kept pace with the 360 during a time when the PlayStation Network essentially started from nothing and had to build to catch Xbox Live. In 2007, the two services weren't even comparable on any level.

    • PlayStation LifeStyle Rare InFamous Press Kit Hits the Auction Block
      Whoever thought that the Special Edition of inFamous was cool, you haven’t seen anything yet. A new rare inFamous press kit has hit eBay, and it will most likely “shock” you.

      The item, described as “Ultra Rare” on it’s eBay page, is a press kit for the title.

    • detali noi despre "The Last Guardian": New details on The Last Guardian - Playstation Squad
      The Last Guardian will focus on the relationship between the boy and his creature friend. It looks like the underlying basis of the relationship between the two is trust where the creature will act hostile towards the boy at first but as time goes and the boy looks after him/her the relationship will grow. (continuare in articol)

    • Congratulations, Activision, You’ve Scared Everyone Off GOONL!NE: Jonathan Cullen’s Blog

    • FatPrincess de abia a fost lansat si deja primeste un update: Titan Studios Dev Blog Blog Archive Update from Titan: Fixes Coming - Fat Princess
      Thanks to all of the folks who continue to send in comments on the game. We’re thrilled to say that a huge number of people are having a great time with the game. We’ve also continued to receive some complaints about ongoing connection problems and lag. In effort to keep you informed: (despre update in articol)

  20. #3120 SP
    Member rockybt18's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by L0G1X View Post
    @DJMo - Nu doar cei mici sunt nebuni dupa maimutoi. Eu am 22 de ani, prietena la fel; amandoi ne-am indragostit de animalutu ala. E incredibil sincer

    Abia astept sarbatorile, un motiv in plus de bucurie.

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