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Thread: Silent Hill

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

    Silent Hill

    PlayStation LifeStyle Next Silent Hill Revealed, Spooks E3 Audience

    At Konami�s E3 Press Conference, Silent Hill, the publisher�s ultra-scary, ultra-creepy horror franchise has been announced to be making a comeback on current gen consoles. Silent Hill: Homecoming was the last PS3 instalment in the Silent Hill survival horror series, developed by Foundation 9 Entertainment and Double Helix Games. Now, at E3, the next game has been officially announced.

    The game will have try and give gamers a �feeling of helplessness and dread�. In the trailer shown, the walls start to disintegrate around he player as he tries to survive in a dark, and rainy world with his flashlight and gun.

    The game will simply be called �Silent Hill�.

    The game is set for 360 and PS3 on 2011

  2. #2 SP
    Member Dasani's Avatar

  3. #3 SP
    Member angellicus's Avatar
    Urasc jocul asta...m-am speriat si la trailer...

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Malach HaMavet's Avatar
    Holly Mother of GOD vreau jocul asta... ce ar mai fi faicn acum ar fi al doilea film sa apara odata!

  5. #5 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...așa mai merge.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member ShpioOn's Avatar
    ...super tare frate!

  7. #7 SP
    SnowManiac dadu093's Avatar
    Si uite asa, mi s-a facut chef de un joc de groaza...

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    New Silent Hill 8 Info in February GameInformer

    The next Game Informer looks to be revealing new information on Silent Hill 8. Not much info to go by besides this following line from the magazine publisher:

    “In addition, the February issue includes our first look at Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, our blowout on the new Mortal Kombat game (including two new characters), and our frightening look at the newest Silent Hill. Also watch for our final review of Dead Space 2.”

    Perhaps the real title of Silent Hill 8 will be revealed in this issue. We were teased about that announcement by producer, Devin Shatsky. Hopefully this announcement reveals some new info, but not too much. We don’t want the next game to leave nothing to be imagined.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Silent Hill: Downpour information from Game Informer

    Silent Hill: Downpour is the official title for the new Vatra/Konami Silent Hill title for PS3 and Xbox 360. Text from the scans was hard to read but here's some info from what I could make out:

    - Demo takes place in the outskirts of SH
    - The town is so large that you can use a subway system to travel between focal points
    - Sidequests
    - Avoid fights when possible, better to deliver incapacitating blows and run away (so good!)
    - Boss fights with quicktime events (not so good)
    - Water plays a huge part in the game, bizarre water effects like what looks like an upside down river flowing across a ceiling is described
    - Prominent locations in the older installments like schools and hospitals will not return
    - The southeastern part of Silent Hill that you see on the maps in the older games but never go to is the area that will be explored in Downpour
    - No weapon inventory, weapons weaken and break
    - There will be puzzle difficulty options

  12. #12 SP
    Member Dasani's Avatar

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member Tekken's Avatar
    Mda, alt survival-horror care imi va manca noptile cu lumina stinsa...
    Attached Images Attached Images sh_d_01.jpg sh_d_03.jpg sh_d_04.jpg sh_d_05.jpg sh_d_07.jpg sh_d_09.jpg sh_d_11.jpg sh_d_12.jpg sh_d_14.jpg sh_d_15.jpg sh_d_16.jpg sh_d_17.jpg

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Tekken's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images sh_d_19.jpg sh_d_dp_01.jpg sh_d_dp_02.jpg tw_01.jpg tw_02.jpg tw_03.jpg

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member ShpioOn's Avatar
    ^^ f**k yeah!!!

    Imaginile de mai sus imi aduc aminte de Alan Wake. Daca va fi cel putin de bun ca ala, e perfect.

  16. #16 SP
    Member Dasani's Avatar
    Sper sa fie diferit cu mult fata de Homecoming care sincer nu m-a incantat deloc,fiind un mare fan al seriei.

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Silent Hill Downpour developer: Our game is comparable to Silent Hill 2 | Rely on Horror

    Sper sa aiba dreptate tipul deoarece Silent Hill 2 a fost cel mai bun joc din serie.

  18. #18 SP
    Member Mykayel's Avatar
    Ura, inca un Silent Hill. Pariez ca va fi la fel de profund ca si Homecoming (sau mai rau, ca Origins). Nu inteleg de ce nu lasa lumea seria asta in pace, am tolerat Shattered Memories pentru ca era un Reboot asa ca nu exista motiv sa ma plang ca povestea nu se leaga, dar Homecoming si Origins nu au avut scuza asta. Dupa faza din trailer cu puscaria am o presimtire ca tot din seria "Silent Hill - I watched the movie" (asa numesc eu Origins si Homecoming) va face parte.

    Si voi cumpara si pe asta...pentru ca sunt prost.

    @Killswitch: Asa a zis si Double Helix despre Homecoming.

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    screenshot-uri noi
    Attached Images Attached Images sh_downpour_screen_20110225_01.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_02.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_03.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_04.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_05.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_06.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_07.jpg sh_downpour_screen_20110225_08.jpg

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    New Silent Hill: Downpour screenshots

    Alan Wake v2.0?
    Attached Images Attached Images sh_dp_01.jpg sh_dp_02.jpg sh_dp_03.jpg sh_dp_04.jpg sh_dp_05.jpg sh_dp_06.jpg

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