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Thread: STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

  1. #41 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Amanat pentru 8 decembrie:
    Attached Images Attached Images fi6pjnhwqaekgbv.jpg

  2. #42 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Sunt deprimat total, era main highlight pentru mine, pe tot anul 2022…
    Macar sa iasa cum trebuie…

  3. #43 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Mda... Si eu abia il asteptam chiar daca nu am Xbox si nici pe PC nu ma joc.

    Bine macar ca ies destule jocuri faine anul asta sa ma tina ocupat.

  4. #44 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Daca va aduceti aminte la fel a fost si cu Shadow of Chernobyl.... Amanat de mai multe ori insa au livrat bine baietii de la GSC in vremurile de atunci.

  5. #45 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar

  6. #46 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    N-ar fi rau, dar mi se pare un efort prea mare si nu stiu daca se poate concretiza asa ceva...

    'GSC Game World, developer of the upcoming Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, is reportedly looking to relocate staff to Prague in order to safely finish its game.
    The studio is currently based in Kyiv, Ukraine's capital, though has understandably had to put work on hold while the Russian invasion continues.
    Now, the team is apparently investigating ways of finishing Stalker 2 in the Czech Republic, according to reports from Czech journalist Pavel Dobrovsky and news website Vortex, which cites local developers who are helping GSC with the move.'

  7. #47 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Dev Diary: Game Development During the War:

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl — Enter the Zone Trailer:

  8. #48 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Foarte trist sa vezi ce se intampla si cum totusi gasesc puterea sa continue, intr-un fel sau altu, sa lucreze la jocul lor de suflet

    Jocul asta, chiar daca o sa fie day 1 in gamepass, ar trebui cumparat ca sa ne aratam suportul pentru munca depusa, mai ales in vremurile astea mizere

  9. #49 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Day one pentru mine fara doar si poate, sper sa-mi ramana precomanda la editia de colectie valabila pana cand s-o lansa.

  10. #50 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    "Come to me" gameplay trailer:

  11. #51 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Fara prezenta saptamanile astea:

    We usually do not announce or deny our participation in shows, but this one time we'll make an exception. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 will miss the June online conferences preferring to make important announcements in the upcoming months.

    Our plan is to give progressive updates on what we’re planning.
    Xbox Showcase? :: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl General Discussions

  12. #52 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Hands-on cu gamescom showfloor demo de la Team Xbox:
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    The most surprising element for a showfloor demo is the freedom you’re offered. Developer GSC Game World makes clear that this is a tiny slice of an enormous game, and still work-in-progress, but barring a short scene-setting conversation with a mysterious stranger – who directs us to speak to some locals – the demo makes no demands of you to do anything other than explore. It’s a clear marker of the game as a whole, a world that offers you choices from the beginning, and the opportunities to make them how you’d like.
    STALKER 2: Going Hands-on With the First Ever Playable Demo - Xbox Wire

    IGN interview:
    Attached Images Attached Images s2hos_gscgameworld_mill-22f6c7406f40bc56de18.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_wheel_2-0d15ffc91fb5829ca2f4.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_poppy_field-5c557da8abea42995a6d.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_ribs_anomaly-1b70d8220e80b96badd8.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_underground_1-2b7e490e0bb04c18962f.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_forest_3-fd33b908b36df695c57d.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_hospital_2-d299ab962720207de088.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_duga_2-1d4de51c72f21c5df39e.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_bridge-e815e640eba1711bf70e.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_swamps-89a425e38fe5deaa28eb.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_farm-951cf5fc6cb33ac712c8.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_device-d598e029198fdd9df2f4.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_lab-2fbd4ff1a962fcd4d4a4.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_swamp-9d677c97d7df222a065e.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_poppies-734487c142f61d12412b.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_rostok2-92c40a272eeddc17ba10.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_loner-cd97d6c989b13df297fa.jpg s2hos_gscgameworld_village-a83f15c54018efc23430.jpg

  13. #53 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Sunt curios daca zice ceva despre joc in interviul ala. Eu nu am avut rabdare sa-l ascult pe tip cum isi cauta cuvintele...

  14. #54 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nu zice mare lucru:
    00:00 il intreaba cum i-au afectat razboiul
    05:00 10 ani de development, ce asteptari sa aiba jucatorii?
    07:16 mechanic-wise, is it leaning more military-sim style gameplay? (nu)
    10:20 what's with the radar array in this world, is it electrified? (mai degraba de decor, dupa care ezita ca sa nu dea ceva spoiler)

    Conform fact sheet, jocul se lanseaza in Q1 2024.

  15. #55 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Pfff dezamagit un pic la mil-sim, speram sa se duca inspre Tarkov/ARMA, dar inteleg de ce vor sa tina mai mainstream, jocul tre' sa si vanda.

  16. #56 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Bolts & Bullets trailer:
    Take a look around! Looks like the same old Zone, at a first glance… Freezed at the time and always transforming, primed to struck at the unforeseeable moment. But don’t let her trick you: She has changed from the last time you were here. And to let the stalker survive, she’ll demand the same!

  17. #57 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Lansare oficiala pe 5 Septembrie 2024!

    After years of development and multiple delays, STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl is delayed once again, but this time with a firm, “final” release date: September 5, 2024. Ukrainian developer GSC Game World opened up about the challenges the studio has faced getting the apocalyptic PC and Xbox Series X and S shooter up to scratch after a mixed reaction to its debut public showing last year.

  18. #58 SP
    Banned olteanug's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xander RO View Post
    În sfârșit avem o dată de lansare.

    Sper doar să-l jucăm.
    Nu și să-l experimentăm pe cum arată situația din lume și la ce dă presa în ultimele zile despre WW3.

  19. #59 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Tot ce imi doresc de la jocul asta este sa fie finisat si complet, sa fie cu impact (90+), sa nu vad iar toti aliteratii aruncand cu note de 6. Daca au nevoie, il pot amana pana in 2026 din partea mea, vreau doar ca atunci cand iese sa fie cu explozie mare, nu un alt fas in ventilator..

  20. #60 SP
    Banned olteanug's Avatar
    O să aibă cu siguranță 85 - 90+ și s-ar putea să fie candidat serios la GOTY. Și s-ar putea chiar să câștige.

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