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Thread: Zvon: Tone de informatii despre GTA V

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Zvon: Tone de informatii despre GTA V

    Acum cateva minute a inceput sa circule o lista cu o groaza de informatii legate de Grand Theft Auto V, sursa fiind userul Gloggle de pe forumul GameSpot. Desi acesta povesteste totul pe principiul "sunt un prieten al unui prieten care cunoaste un prieten care a lucrat la RockStar", am zis ca nu putem sa ignoram pentru ca par a fi "palpabile". Ramane de vazut insa si cat de adevarate vor fi aceste informatii. Postul oficial poate fi vazut in cache la Google (intrucat GameSpot a sters threadul respectiv): GTA V Info -

    I am a friend of someone who recently got sacked from RockStar North for general misconduct. Because one contract to RockStar covered everything, including secrecy, and his contractual obligaton was now removed, he was legally allowed to spill the beans on Rockstar's upcoming GTA V. And he is making damn sure everyone knows about it.

    Here is the info you really want:

    1. The protagonist will be one character, and one character alone. His name is (as some rumours said) Albert De Silva. He's a half hispanic man who was once part of a crime family in Vice City. He decided to settle down and have kids in Los Santos. He has one son called Kevin De Silva who is your stereotypical CoD player. He's lazy, useless and shouts racial abuse online and is really into FPS games. Kevin does admire his Dad though.

    2. Multiplayer will hold 32 people on the Xbox and PS3. I wasn't told how many were able to be on the PC. Just like in RDR, players will be able to form Gangs. These gangs are not ranked through XP anymore, but via Reputation. Instead of gang hideouts, you can do jobs that range from robbing a launderette to breaking into a military base and stealing state-of-the-art weaponary. The Gang leader has much more control over his or her gang by being able to rank members of their gang and setting more specific objectives to specific members of their gang. Gangs can have their own terratory but this only applies to areas inside the city of Los Santos.

    3. The map is about 5x as large as the GTA IV map and the City of Los Santos takes up just under half of this area (so it's a bit bigger than 2 GTA IV Liberty Cities).
    The map is (like most GTAs) seperated into three different sections.

    4. Planes are flyable, they range from World War 2 fighter planes to Private Jets.

    5. Cars and guns are customisable to an extent, for example, you can cusomise a gun to have a supressor on it and you can install nitrous into cars.

    Here's some stuff you might like:

    1. The protagonist is the "rich guy" from the GTA V debut trailer. You get to learn more about this man in the second when he talks about his troubles. You only see the protagonist twice in the trailer. First time is the side of his face and second time is when he is driving a Deceptor (Audi R8). The people robbing the jewellery store are just with the protagonist. He is driving the van ready to get away.

    2. Gunfights are more realistic. When you are shooting a gun out of a window of a car, depending on how fast it's going you will have troubles aiming due to shaking cameras.

    3. The game is due in May 2013. A more specific date has not been decided because the game is still needing 6 months to be fully developed. They will have a playable demo at E3.

    4. Police chases are now way more than either running or driving. Depending on how wanted you are, police may bring out riot shields and flash bangs. 5. When someone reaches 4 star wanted level, there will be a radio warning on some stations.

    6. Radio stations now do traffic reports that are actually correct. So if you don't know what route to take, you can check the traffic reports on your phone or the radio. 7. The in-game TV now has many more channels

    8. The protagonist DOES NOT die unlike in the last two Rockstar games.

    9. The underworld actually has a working economy that you can contribute too by buying and selling drugs, weapons and illegal cars in single player.

    10. The protagonist can take drugs which will have some effects. But smoking weed on the streetwalk will lead to getting a one star wanted level.

    11. Police cars will go after you if you're obviousely breaking the speed limit. Having high speed crashes will also damage your health.

    Wanted levels:

    1 star - police follow you on foot and try to make an arrest. No sirens, no car chases (unless you are speeding).

    2 star - police will still attempt to make an arrest. If a weapon is drawn then the police will begin opening fire. Police will use stun guns if a weapon is not drawn.

    3 star - Chases begin and the police don't care how they stop you, they just want to do it.

    4 star - road traps, radio stations and much more hostile police.Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 24 in-game hours for someone matching your description.

    5 star - shoot to kill, arrest only if it's made very possible. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 48 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Few missions become unavailable if you are wanted.

    6 star - military vehicles come after you. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 72 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Some missions become unavailable if you are wanted.

    Hope this is useful!
    Attached Images Attached Images gta-v.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member CSergiu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    They will have a playable demo at E3.
    Rockstar niciodata nu au facut vreun demo pentru vreun joc din seria GTA, si chiar daca au facut vreunul pt alta serie nu cred ca a fost prezentat la E3 => fake and gay.

    Dar e totusi ceva... decat nimic

    my 2cents.

  3. #3 SP
    Member RELOADED9's Avatar
    in legatura cu data de lansare: nu cred ca cei de la Rockstar baga pe piata un trailer la finele lui 2011 ca sa lanseze jocul peste un an si jumatate. sa fim seriosi... cand au mai facut asta? eu din cate imi aduc aminte am vazut o data de lansare prin septembrie sau octombrie.

    chestia cu politia sporeste realismul jocului, dar 24 de ore in joc sa te ascunzi mi se pare cam mult banuind ca nu te duci ca un nebun cu rpg si incepi sa tragi de plictiseala in masini sau faci pe teroristu cu bomba. acum asta... gloggle a cam pus paie pe foc, ca eu oricum asteptam gta V cu sufetu' la gura, iar acum ma innebuneste.totusi gta 4 si saints row 3 sunt niste calmante destul de bune.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    La ce se refera punctul 8? concret...

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RELOADED9 View Post
    chestia cu politia sporeste realismul jocului, dar 24 de ore in joc sa te ascunzi mi se pare cam mult banuind ca nu te duci ca un nebun cu rpg si incepi sa tragi de plictiseala in masini sau faci pe teroristu cu bomba. acum asta... gloggle a cam pus paie pe foc, ca eu oricum asteptam gta V cu sufetu' la gura, iar acum ma innebuneste.totusi gta 4 si saints row 3 sunt niste calmante destul de bune.
    ba exact asta poti face in GTA si in alte jocuri nu asta fac dupa campanie

  6. #6 SP
    Member RELOADED9's Avatar
    sa te vad cum faci asta cand esti dat la radio si te cauta politia pe strazi...

    am citit in alta parte ca in gta V masinile vor trebui alimentate cu benzina...banuiesc ca nu prea des.

  7. #7 SP
    Junior Member abcdef's Avatar
    Astea sunt stiri de cateva luni. Fake and gay.

  8. #8 SP
    Member ciypriyan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RELOADED9 View Post
    sa te vad cum faci asta cand esti dat la radio si te cauta politia pe strazi...

    am citit in alta parte ca in gta V masinile vor trebui alimentate cu benzina...banuiesc ca nu prea des.
    deja pleaca de la ideea de GTA

  9. #9 SP
    Member donatelo's Avatar
    Hmm..... suna bine in legatura cu alimentarea cu benzina.
    Exact ca in Mafia 2

  10. #10 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by donatelo View Post
    Hmm..... suna bine in legatura cu alimentarea cu benzina.
    Si ce se intampla daca bagi motorina in loc de benzina?

    P.S. Or fi si masini electrice? Nu de alta, dar sa stai 2-3 ore sa se incarce...

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member x2z's Avatar
    Pai intre timp dormi 6 ore si iti incarci si viata

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by x2z View Post
    Pai intre timp dormi 6 ore si iti incarci si viata
    Care viata? Ca nu mori. N-ai citit?

    O sa fie jocul meu preferat, NU MORI. Pai zi asa tata, o sa fac ce vreau eu, pot sa am si 10 stele si sa vina dupa mine USS Enterprise si sa traga cu torpile fotonice. Mi se rupe, NU MOR.

  13. #13 SP
    Member rulzmaker's Avatar
    Presupun ca se refera la faptul ca nu mori la sfarsitul jocului (personajul principal)..

    Oricum multe dintre lucrurile scrise mai sus sunt speculatii, altele se vede clar ca sunt inventate. Postul e fake, nu exista discutii.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rulzmaker View Post
    Presupun ca se refera la faptul ca nu mori la sfarsitul jocului (personajul principal)..
    Uhm, recunosc ca n-am terminat decat un GTA. GTA III. Dar nu-mi amintesc sa fi murit la sfarsitul jocului.

  15. #15 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Eu nu-mi amintesc de niciun personaj principal sa fi murit la sfarsit

  16. #16 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Probabil se refera la faptul ca nu poti sa mori in joc ci esti trimis la spital, unde ramai fara niste bani.

  17. #17 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Pai nu asa e in toate GTA-urile? Mereu reincepi la spital.

  18. #18 SP
    Member rulzmaker's Avatar
    Nu stiu exact la ce se refera, dar oricum nu cred ca ai cum sa supravietuiesti unui accident la viteza maxima cu unul dintre bolizii prezentati in trailer.
    5 star - shoot to kill

    PS, daca ati terminat RDR si L.A. Noire (nu cititi daca nu le-ati jucat pe ambele cap-coada):

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar
    Buna rau de tot afirmatia de mai sus cu 2 jocuri Rockstar

  20. #20 SP
    Junior Member B_lin_k_182's Avatar
    Fake! Sa zicem ca intradevar are asta un prieten de a lucrat la rockstar, dupa ce pleaca de acolo nu are voie din pct de vedere legal sa "spill the beans" pt ca un contract de confidentialitate este separat de contractul de munca si este valabil si dupa ce se termina contractul de munca.

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