Fable 2 review
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Fable 2 review (3 min 15 sec)
Uploaded on 18-06-2011 at 02:07 PM by calin_kalf
Reviews, Previews - YouTube

Buy Fable 2 at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...SIN=B000FRVAD4

http://gamesweasel.com - YouTube review of Fable 2 taken from episode 81 of the weekly Gamesweasel video podcast.

Full Fable 2 video review at http://gamesweasel.com/blog/reviews/fable-2-review/

Get the free weekly podcast from the Gamesweasel iTunes store page at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/M...t?id=269451032 for video game reviews, news, previews, competitions and special features. Podcast available in mp3, iPod video, PSP video and HD formats.

Tags: 360, action, adventure, comparison, fable, fantasy, game, gameplay, lionhead, microsoft, ratings, review, reviews, rpg, test, video, videogame, videos, xbox, xbox360

Fable 2 review
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