E3 2011: Kinect Fun Labs Election: Keyboard Anywhere
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E3 2011: Kinect Fun Labs Election: Keyboard Anywhere (2 min 08 sec)
Uploaded on 25-06-2011 at 01:42 PM by andreicristian9
Gameplay movies - YouTube

Vote for your favorite Gadget at www.KinectShare.com! With this musical application of Kinect, players can overlay virtual piano keys over any surface, playing piano on the result. You can play with your fingers on a desktop, or with your feet on the floor. You can even compose a duet if youdisplay the keys over a large surface like your living room floor. The onlything left to figure out is who gets to be Tom Hanks and who has to be Robert Loggia.

Tags: election, keyboard anywhere, kinect, kinect for xbox 360, kinect fun labs, kinectshare, xbox, xbox 360, xbox kinect, xbox360

E3 2011: Kinect Fun Labs Election: Keyboard Anywhere
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