Dungeon Siege 3: Anjali Vignette - Trailer
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Dungeon Siege 3: Anjali Vignette - Trailer (0 min 57 sec)
Uploaded on 30-07-2011 at 04:18 PM by Csander
Game Trailers - YouTube

Not all of your allies will be men and women of Legion blood. Anjali is an archon... a legend, come to life. Anjali was raised by friends of the Legion, and she does not know how she came to this world, or what happened to the others of her kind. In human guise, she fights with staff or spear, leaping in and out of battle with acrobatic grace. But her true form is that of an archon, a fire spirit. And when she surrenders to the divine fire that lives within her, she has the power to inflict terrible, searing wounds. We should be grateful that she fights on our side.

Tags: anjali, dungeon, siege, trailer

Dungeon Siege 3: Anjali Vignette - Trailer
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