Guild Wars 2 Gameplay - Legacy of The Foefire
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Guild Wars 2 Gameplay - Legacy of The Foefire (11 min 09 sec)
Uploaded on 24-07-2012 at 10:42 AM by OEE
PC Games videos - YouTube

Killing and capturing points in a PvP arena in ArenaNet's in-development MMO.

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TAGS: "guild wars 2" "guild wars 2 collectors edition" "guild wars 2 gameplay" "guild wars 2 pvp" "legacy of the foefire" "arenanet mmo" gameplay commentary pc feature ign ignentertainment games gaming "video games" gameplay hd official 2012 "video game"

Tags: 2012, arenanet mmo, commentary, feature, gameplay, games, gaming, guild wars 2, guild wars 2 gameplay, guild wars 2 pvp, ign, ignentertainment, legacy of the foefire, official, video game, video games

Guild Wars 2 Gameplay - Legacy of The Foefire
(click here to watch and comment)