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Thread: Forza Motorsport 3

  1. #1 SP
    Member Axeaxel's Avatar

    Forza Motorsport 3

    Conferinta celor de la Microsoft a fost cu succes, cel putin pentru mine si pentru ceilalti pasionati de racing. De ce spun asta? pentru ca cei de la Turn 10 au venit cu Forza Motorsport 3. Au prezentat si un gameplay din FM3. Se poate vedea faptul ca si acum sunt 8 masini pe circuit, dar cine stie, pana in luna Octombrie cand cei de la Turn 10 ne promit sa lanseze jocul, poate vom avea parte si de alte surprize. Nu mai zic de secventa de drifting in care putem vedea noul Nissan 350z si un BMW.

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar

    Forza Motorsport 3 is for car lovers. That's the message developer Turn 10 hopes to get across to consumers at E3 2009. And they really mean it. The goal of Forza 3 is not to force gamers to play at a higher skill level or even teach them how to become master videogame racers. The goal is to create a game that is accessible to everyone, from a little kid to an old man.

    That doesn't mean dumbing down the gameplay for everyone. Instead, Turn 10 simply added layers to the assists, including a replay function and an auto-braking system. In its easiest form, gamers can just hold gas and go. Bump into AI and you'll see some nifty collisions, but it won't really impact you. And if that's what it takes so you'll play and enjoy Forza 3, so be it. Don't worry, the hardest of hardcore racers can test themselves with all assists off and no replays. That's your choice as well. Either way, the single-player career mode carries on. There's no penalty for playing on easy (or using the replay feature to death), but those who play at harder difficulties do get more cash for each race.

    Aside from making Forza 3 more accessible, there are a hefty number of additions to get excited about. While Forza's AI has always been good, there's now an AI pressure system. This is an additional layer to the Drivatar system (which learns from your racing style). If you're riding an AI driver's tail on medium difficulty, he may feel the pressure and make mistakes. Yes, you can actually sweat guys now. On the higher difficulties the other driver may not be impacted by the pressure in the same way.

    Also greatly improved is the career mode which is ridiculously large. The new career mode features calendar-based seasons. These seasons are controlled by their own AI and are fully dynamic. The game analyzes the types of cars you enjoy racing, the car classes you dig, your skill and more to determine which races you'd like. According to Turn 10, it will take hundreds of hours to exhaust the dynamic scheduling. As for the season mode, it's timed to get you fully immersed with all cars, etc., after about 50 hours of driving time.

    Perhaps the most promising area is one that won't be discussed by Turn 10 until closer to release. User-generated content was a big part of Forza 2 and it's going to have a larger role in the sequel. User content is the area Turn 10 is pushing most.

    While Turn 10 wants to keep its user-generated content plans under wraps for a few months, we did learn a few nuggets. The idea for this new system is taken from YouTube. Most people aren't out there cutting their own videos, creating something great for others. Instead, the majority scan YouTube looking to enjoy others' creations. Turn 10 will provide the tools for making awesome liveries, but they can't suddenly make you creative. What they can do is make it easier to find awesome custom jobs for downloading.

    For this Turn 10 is going to elevate the best Forza 3 creators into heroes. Forza 3 features leaderboards for user-generated content. The more an item is downloaded, the higher it ranks. This way you can start tracking your favorites to see what they do next. It's a pretty cool idea, but it's just one small piece of what Turn 10 has planned.

    Speaking of leaderboards, you may be wondering how the new limitless replay system is going to affect leaderboard postings. Hot lap times will always be uploaded. Turn 10 doesn't want to provide tools to help users race and then punish them for using. Yes, this means that you can use the replay feature to get "the perfect lap" if you like. But don't worry. Purists have their laps certified. If you don't "cheat" by using the replay feature, getting pushes, etc., then your lap time gets a special notation and appears above those earned by those who are less than pure.

    Those are just a few of the big things coming to Forza Motorsport 3. Far greater detail on the career mode, user-generated content and the under-wraps multiplayer elements will be examined over the coming months. Stay tuned. We will have lots more Forza coming.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Pisboy's Avatar
    "This is an additional layer to the Drivatar system (which learns from your racing style). If you're riding an AI driver's tail on medium difficulty, he may feel the pressure and make mistakes. Yes, you can actually sweat guys nowThis is an additional layer to the Drivatar system (which learns from your racing style). If you're riding an AI driver's tail on medium difficulty, he may feel the pressure and make mistakes. Yes, you can actually sweat guys now"

    super tare,si eu fac o gramada de greseli cand sta cineva in coada mea,e timpul sa se intoarca roata de acu.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Super tare! Cand va spuneam de dinamic AI din Ferrari Challenge, ziceati ca sunt eu nebun. Stai sa vezi ce comportament te lasa nici mort sa il depasesti (s-a terminat cu late braking si depasire pe interior), dar daca pui presiune pe el incepe sa ezite, momente cand conduce impecabil si se duce de nebun in fata si momente cand greseste si recuperezi. Ideea este ca schimba total dinamica unei curse, in sensul bun.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Pisboy's Avatar
    Acu am terminat de vazut si eu trailerele,ce sa mai zic super,este un must buy pentru mine in varianta originala,la fel cu am si Forza 2.

    Am vazut acum trasee nu doar pe circuit ci si prin munti,sper ca la partea de trasee sa fie mai bogat decat FOrza 2,la o cariera asa lunga de jucat te cam plictisesti de aceleasi peisaje,pe cateva trasee.

    Camera din habitaclu arata super bine,e numai buna de jucat cu volanul,nu mai am rabdare.

    Vad un sistem de damage inbunatatit vizual,deabia astept sa dezmembrez cele 400 de masini care vor fi disponibile de la 50 de producatori.

  6. #6 SP
    Member Axeaxel's Avatar
    Iata si cateva screen-uri din joc, presupun ca le-ati vazut majoritatea dintre voi. Mie imi place la nebunie detaliile din interiorul masinii, bine, acum poate sunt "coafate" si prin Photoshop

    Enough talk already, here are the screens:
    Attached Images Attached Images fm3_e3_aston_4-2-.jpg fm3_e3_fiorano_2-2-.jpg fm3_e3_ladera_2-2-.jpg fm3_e3_lambo.jpg fm3_e3_montserrat_2-2-.jpg fm3_e3_r8-2-.jpg fm3_e3_r8_1.jpg fm3_e3_r8_2-2-.jpg fm3_e3_r8_5-4-.jpg fm3_e3_r8_6-2-.jpg fm3_e3_r8_8-2-.jpg fm3_e3_r8_9-3-.jpg

  7. #7 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    AI dinamic sau nu, cursele cele mai captivante se fac tot in compania oponentilor umani. Garantat vom avea o etapa de campionat dupa ce apare jocul

  8. #8 SP
    Member Axeaxel's Avatar
    part II
    Attached Images Attached Images fm3_e3_r8_10-2-.jpg fm3_e3_scuderia_3-2-.jpg

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Ce inseamna "blocked on 60 fps". Cat de cursiva este imaginea.

  10. #10 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Pe mine m-a speriat un pic trailerul (care este si in featured video)... Am avut feelingul de NFS arcade... Sper ca a fost doar o joaca de "montaj"

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Pisboy's Avatar
    asa pare o joaca de montaj,filmuletele cu adevaratul gameplay nu par in sensul NFS.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Si in Forza 2 se poate face drift.

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member Pisboy's Avatar
    da Dj Mo dar in trailerul la Forza 3 nu e vorba de drift,are niste intoarceri de 180 de grade ireale

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Pai te-ai uitat la filmuletul pus de mine? Nu este vorba numai de drift in acel proiect. Daca te uiti atent, sunt multe elemente din trailerul Forza 3. Si crede-ma ca ce fac oamenii aia acolo, este extrem de greu de realizat in Forza. Eu sunt fan al alunecarii, dar mai mult de drift ordinar nu reusesc sa fac oricat as seta masina pentru asa ceva.

  15. #15 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Filmuletul ala in care masinile fac giumbuslucuri se vede foarte clar ca este CGI, nu are nicio legatura cu jocul, singurul scop al lui fiind acela de prezentare.
    Cum zicea si MonkY mai sus, a fost doar o joaca ... de montaj

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Khan's Avatar
    cum? ca la conferinta s-a zis ca filmul ala a fost facut cu movie makerul in-game.
    Intoarcerile alea 'imposibile' s-au facut probabil cu ajutorul unor noi assisturi. "One button driving" spune ceva?

  17. #17 SP
    Junior Member Cosucj's Avatar
    Forza Motorsport 3 on Xbox 360 has an expected release date on October 2009.

    p.... m..... de bac.

  18. #18 SP
    Member Axeaxel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Mo View Post
    Da.. si cum arata Audi ala Totusi sunt curios daca o sa fie o editie de colectie, de fapt ce zic eu, sigur o sa fie o editie de colectie e jocului, mai mult ce o sa contina aceasta editie de colectie

  19. #19 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Iata si dovada ca acelea erau doar CGI show-off movies

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member Khan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Axeaxel View Post
    Da.. si cum arata Audi ala Totusi sunt curios daca o sa fie o editie de colectie, de fapt ce zic eu, sigur o sa fie o editie de colectie e jocului, mai mult ce o sa contina aceasta editie de colectie - Buy Forza 3 GameStop Exclusive Limited Edition - Xbox 360

    The Forza 3 GameStop Exclusive Limited Edition comes with:
    • Forza Motorsport 2GB USB Storage and keychain: Show off your Forza pride with these specially branded items.
    • Forza Motorsport VIP Membership* and Exclusive Car Pack*: Want to be a top painter, tuner, driver or just more active in the community? VIP membership is the way to get yourself noticed. Includes special treatment within the online Auction House, Community Storefront and on the forums. Also includes 5 of the hottest cars from the roster of Forza Motorsport 3, available only through your VIP membership.
    • Exclusive Collector�s Edition Car Pack*: This one is for the fans. This pack includes 5 cars that have been hand tuned and hand painted by the developers at Turn 10 to fly the Forza Motorsport colors.
    • Exclusive Forza Motorsport 3 Theme Customize your Dashboard experience with this limited availability Xbox 360 theme.

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