Mi se pare deosebit de crud ca despartierea de o persoana care a adus atata fericire sa fie, mereu, atat de dureroasa. Atat de dureroasa incat nu mai poti vorbi, sau scrie, desi sunt atat de multe lucruri de spus, sau scris. Si nimeni nu a scris mai frumos decat Shigesato Itoi, in ultimul sau mesaj pentru Satoru Iwata:

In any farewells, all you have to say is "See you again".
Friends see each other again.
There's nothing strange about it.
Yes. See you again.

I heard that you are going on a long journey.
It was supposed to be in the far future.
You never said it in words, but wearing your best outfit, you were saying "Sorry for it to be so sudden".

You always looked after somebody instead of yourself.
As such friend, maybe this journey is your first time being selfish.

To be honest, I still don't really believe anything.
I feel like you'll be sending me email to ask for lunch.
Just like always, you can call me and ask "If you have some free time".
Of course, I can always ask you too.

Anyway, "See you again".
You can call me anywhere, anytime, and I'll be calling you too.
There are things I want to discuss, and good ideas I want to tell you.

See you again.
No, we are seeing each other right at this moment.