Single post: Little Big Planet Delayed!

  1. #1 SP
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    Little Big Planet Delayed!

    Little Big Planet(PS3) avea ca data de lansare 24 Octombrie 2008 dar se pare ca Sony a pus frana, avand niste probleme de copyright. Din pacate nu avem o perioada determinata pe care se desfasoara acest delay dar se estimeaza a fi 3 saptamani. Din comunicatul oficial tragem concluzia ca problema ar fi legata de muzica ce contine cuvinte din Coran: "During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur'an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused."
    Attached Images Attached Images lbp.jpg