Single post: Lulzsec se "pensioneaza"

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    Lulzsec se "pensioneaza"

    Daca nu ati auzit de acest grup, sigur ati auzit de cel putin unul dintre multe lor atacuri la foarte scurt timp unul de celalalt. Ei sunt cei care au cauzat nenumarate probleme celor de la Nintendo, Codemasters, Square Enix, Eve Online, Minecraft, League of Legends, Bethesda, Epic Games si The Escapist. Se pare ca grupul de hackeri a decis sa retraga din acest domeniu dupa exact 50 de zile de la formarea sa. Acestia au postat si un mesaj de ramas bun pe site-ul lor si diferite date obtinute de ei in ultime 2 luni: 50,000 de conturi de pe diferite site-uri de gaming, 550.000 de conturi de la Battlefield Heroes Beta, date interne de la AT&T, date interne de la AOL si multe altele.

    Aveti mai jos mesajul de care ziceam:
    “Again, behind the mask, behind the insanity and mayhem, we truly believe in the AntiSec movement,” it said.
    “We believe in it so strongly that we brought it back, much to the dismay of those looking for more anarchic lulz. We hope, wish, even beg, that the movement manifests itself into a revolution that can continue on without us.”
    “So with those last thoughts, it’s time to say bon voyage. Our planned 50 day cruise has expired, and we must now sail into the distance, leaving behind – we hope – inspiration, fear, denial, happiness, approval, disapproval, mockery, embarrassment, thoughtfulness, jealousy, hate, even love. If anything, we hope we had a microscopic impact on someone, somewhere. Anywhere.”
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