Single post: Prince of Persia "va lua o pauza" pentru moment

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    Franciza Prince of Persia ia o pauza

    Yannis Mallat CEO la Ubisoft Montreal le-a spus celor de la IGN intr-un interviu, ca printul din Persia va primi o pauza binemeritata. El mai spune ca fanii acestei francize nu ar trebui sa interpreteze acest lucru ca fiind un semn rau, pur si simplu printul este pus un pic in stand-by, iar dupa ce isi va face un pic somnul de frumusete va aparea mai tanar si mai nelinistit. Si eu cred ca aceasta pauza e binevenita si mai cred ca, in acest moment cei de la Ubisoft au ramas fara idei, concentrandu-se pe alte francize sau poate idei noi. Sa speram ca nu vor dezamagi cu Watch Dogs si Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist anul acesta si poate la E3 ne fac o surpriza cu Beyond Good & Evil 2.

    Pana atunci va prezint mai jos o parte din interviul luat de cei de la IGN si astept parerile voastre despre printul nostru adormit din Persia, dar fara polemica, sa nu il trezim...deocamdata!

    “Brand management is a tricky thing, It needs people's attention a lot. I think it is fair to say that, right now, Prince of Persia is being paused. But we said the same thing for some other brands that suddenly popped up because a team is willing to do it.”
    I'm not scared at all for Prince of Persia fans,” he said. “We'll find something to entertain them with in the future. Prince of Persia is part of Ubisoft's portfolio. As a matter of fact, we sometimes iterate on franchises and sometimes we give them time to breathe and time to grow, or time to rest. Prince of Persia is as important as any other franchise for Ubisoft. As soon as we have something to show, we will.”

    Prince of Persia Franchise ‘Paused’ - IGN
    Attached Images Attached Images closeup-prince-persia_192799-1280x720.jpg