Tu nu ai inteles nimic din ce am zis eu. Nu am zis ca ar trebui sa fie mai usor, doar ca e prost facut. Nu am inteles nimic din joc.. eu impreuna cu Joystiq, IGN si Destructoid.

Though locomotion is spot-on, combat simply isn't there. Hit detection is sloppy on the rare occasions that you're forced to use hand-to-hand combat and the (even rarer) gunplay feels worse. Avoiding fights altogether is more frustrating than it needed to be thanks to cheap enemies that have flawless accuracy (even though they occasionally won't take a shot at you when you're within point blank range). Next time, I hope that DICE just ditches shooting altogether and makes up for it by making Faith better at disarming foes.
The only problem comes when you engage in the hand-to-hand combat that's required for a disarm. The collision detection is off at times, punches and kicks are very redundant and to perform a true disarm you'll need to slow down time and wait for that brief window when the weapon flashes red to snap it out of your assailant's hands. Combat is much clunkier than it should be and because of that Mirror's Edge becomes a slightly one-dimensional experience.
While the game also features hand-to-hand combat and gunplay, the game design discourages these types of encounters, mostly by making it frustrating and sometimes ineffective. In most instances, head-on encounters with enemies can be avoided, but when you’re forced into it, it fails on a number of levels.
Data viitoare informeaza-te inainte sa scrii o aberatie. Asta a fost una din marile probleme ale jocului care l-au tras in jos, dar acum toti suntem experti.