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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #2981 SP
    Member chesterb's Avatar
    Mulţumesc. Trăiască!

  2. #2982 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Gamescom: Battlefield 4's Graphics Lacking on PS4 - IGN

    In ultima vreme se vede ca EA nu sunt chiar cei mai buni cand vine vorba de grafica si performanta dar se pare ca BF4 e cu mult in urma pe PS4.
    Si cel mai probabil n-o sa-l vedem cum ruleaza numai dupa lansare in timp ce ei ne vor arata trailere cu versiunea de PC...

    Cel putin avem Killzone Shadowfall care arata next-gen de-adevaratelea si care n-o sa incerce sa ne stoarca de bani cu map packs, asa cum face EA.

  3. #2983 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Daca la Killzone: Shadow Fall au confirmat ca ruleaza in 1080P in 60FPS si Battlefield 4 nu, inseamna ca nu pot developerii, nu consola... Parerea mea.
    Dupa cum am auzit Killzone va fi 60FPS doar in MP (vor fi boti si online si offline),iar SP va fi 30FPS

  4. #2984 SP
    Member storm89shadow's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JeNeI View Post
    Dupa cum am auzit Killzone va fi 60FPS doar in MP (vor fi boti si online si offline),iar SP va fi 30FPS
    Si e perfect asa! Un joc precum Killzone este oricum realizat pentru MP, deci sa speram ca va fi la 60fps cu servere dedicate.

  5. #2985 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    Pentru cine a ratat un review mai detaliat al XMB

    Unele lucruri peste care poate am trecut cu vederea cum ar fi live action unde poti vedea live bineinteles ce joaca cei din lista ta deci renegade la PS4 vei putea renunta la Twitch

  6. #2986 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ma gandesc un pic cu "groaza" la ideea aceea de a te putea uita la un prieten cum se joaca in multiplayer. La o prima vedere pare interesant (si ne-original - exista deja pe OnLive) insa dupa aceea m-am gandit un pic mai bine. Va dati seama ce latenta ii adauga omului? Mai ales sa aiba si o conexiune mai slaba, si sa sara 10 insi sa se uite la gameplay (streaming 720p)... Welcome my friends, but also Welcome lag!

    Sper sa existe o optiune de privacy, sa poti sa dezactivezi asa ceva. Asa cum sper sa existe o optiune sa poti dezactiva auto movie capture, care am inteles ca face buffer pe HDD. Eu unul n-am chef sa-mi omor HDD-ul stiind ca el inregistreaza in continuu. Mai ales ca vorbim de un HDD de 4500 RPM...

  7. #2987 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Asa cum sper sa existe o optiune sa poti dezactiva auto movie capture, care am inteles ca face buffer pe HDD. Eu unul n-am chef sa-mi omor HDD-ul stiind ca el inregistreaza in continuu. Mai ales ca vorbim de un HDD de 4500 RPM...
    E posibil oare sa salveze captura pe HDD video in timp ce te joci?
    Ce se intampla daca jocul ruleaza doar de pe HDD? Asa sigur il omori.
    Eu credeam ca filmarea se pastreaza in memoria RAM alocata OS-ului, de aceea are o limita de 15 minute.
    Si cand vrei sa o salvezi pui pauza si o salvezi pe HDD sau faci upload pe cloud.

  8. #2988 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  9. #2989 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sexbobomb91 View Post
    E posibil oare sa salveze captura pe HDD video in timp ce te joci?
    Ce se intampla daca jocul ruleaza doar de pe HDD? Asa sigur il omori.
    Eu credeam ca filmarea se pastreaza in memoria RAM alocata OS-ului, de aceea are o limita de 15 minute.
    Si cand vrei sa o salvezi pui pauza si o salvezi pe HDD sau faci upload pe cloud.
    Si eu am crezut ca se tine in RAM dar citisem intr-un articol ca de fapt face buffer pe HDD. Nu sunt 100% sigur de acel articol... dar indiferent daca e vorba de RAM sau HDD, eu vreau optiunea sa pot sa dezactivez chestia asta. Eu cu PS4 am de gand sa ma joc, nu sa stau sa fac inregistrari video. Da, e o functie dementiala (ma gandesc cat ne chinuiam la campionatul de Forza sa facem filmuletele), dar e "on demand", nu mi se pare ceva obligatoriu. E ca si cand pe PC mi-as pune o aplicatie care sa inregistreze tot ce fac.

  10. #2990 SP
    Member Caponescu's Avatar
    Daca jocul ruleaza doar de pe HDD omori HDD-ul? Pe bune?

  11. #2991 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Caponescu View Post
    Daca jocul ruleaza doar de pe HDD omori HDD-ul? Pe bune?
    Probabil ca s-a referit la rularea jocului de pe HDD in combinatie cu scrierea inregistrarii video in acelasi timp (plus Dzeu stie ce alte nebunii legate de caching, aplicatii de social media, etc...). E totusi doar un HDD de 5400 RPM (sper ca in sfarsit la un PS4 sa se SIMTA un SSD sau macar un HDD mai rapid de 7200 RPM). De omorat nu cred ca-l omori asa repede... insa se introduc niste latente cam mari la tot ce e legat de HDD.

  12. #2992 SP
    Member temugin's Avatar


    Normal ca hdd va avea de suferit, deja din trend o dau in tembelism cu atata socializare si jucat online, FIRST - toate functiile ce tin de chat, skype, inregistrari, poze, capturi si toate k....urile ce le scot zilnic VREAU (ca si jucator) sa poata fi dezactivate, eu iau consola pentru a ma juca nu sa fac poze in parc langa statui si dupa le postez pe fbook, toata politica agresiva de a impune jucatorilor cloud si restul de magarii tin doar de castigul financiar cat mai mare al celor din conducere, eu sunt gata sa trec pe digital DACA - preturile vor scadea cu cel putin 30% pentru titlurile noi, reduceri de peste 50% la cele old (daca nu trec la retailer asa ar fi corect, daca nu mai este discul media costul scade), pana atunci sa faca ''gura mica'' Sony si Ms, sa se joace ei acasa cu Vita la ps4 si sa ne vireze noua banii obtinuti in conturi propii, asta le doresc. E jenant la noua generatie sa fie hdd pe 5400 rotatii, macar pot sa le faca sata 3 ? eu inteleg ca bani de pasta termica nu sunt, nu visati ca vor pune MX sau AS5 la cipuri, macar asa de suprafata puteau face un efort. Da, sunt pretentios cand vine vorba de respectul fata de user, ei vor bani - eu vreau un produs fiabil. Si vreau transparenta cand te arunci si faci declaratii gen ''ps4 va fi mai rece cu x procente...'', unde si cand ? pai au facut demo sa stim si noi in ce consta sistemul de racire, l-au testat zile la rand ? Lame...

  13. #2993 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Astia de la Sony nu s-au gândit la chestia asta, nişte nepricepuţi...

  14. #2994 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Shuhei Yoshida Confirms Ability to Turn On the PS4 Remotely with The Vita, Talks about Perfection | DualShockers

    Deci poti sa-ti pornesti PS4 si sa te joci prin remote play chiar daca nu esti acasa .

  15. #2995 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sexbobomb91 View Post
    Shuhei Yoshida Confirms Ability to Turn On the PS4 Remotely with The Vita, Talks about Perfection | DualShockers

    Deci poti sa-ti pornesti PS4 si sa te joci prin remote play chiar daca nu esti acasa .
    Pai stai... de unde pana unde sa te joci chiar daca nu esti acasa? Din cate am inteles va folosi WiFi Direct... ceea ce inseamna ca nu merge decat daca este in aceeasi retea. Poate daca-ti faci VPN acasa si ai banda serioasa... atunci da...

  16. #2996 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar
    Yoshida wants to keep a 'steady flow' of post-launch PS4 games | Polygon

    "We started preparing for the Gamescom press conference after we finished E3, and at that point, we had no idea what we'd be able to announce from these smaller teams," Yoshida said. "It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was informed by our third party teams that this was the lineup of games we had prepared. I was like, 'Oh! That's amazing.'"

    Those titles aren't just catalog filler, though. Everyone has a chance to create a console's killer app, Yoshida said; even a small team with a handful of employees and meager budget.

    "I think it's fair to say that every game has a chance once it's released and more people have a chance to play it," Yoshida said.
    "It's interesting that when we discuss the lineup and launch timing of titles, we always discuss internally with our marketing teams about strategy, about when we want these games," Yoshida explained. "It's not like we're saying we have to release everything at launch or we shouldn't release everything at launch. They're also going back and forth; they want to create a larger launch lineup, but at the same time, they want to create a supply of new titles with good pace. That's a competing goal."

    The PlayStation 4 has already been adopted by third parties, padding out the launch lineup for the console significantly. According to Yoshida, their support has been critical in ensuring Worldwide Studios has the time it needs to get its products done right.

    "I think, because we have good support from third parties, I think we should focus more on the steady flow of titles from our studios, rather than trying to get everything for the launch," Yoshida said.

    As an added benefit, the unannounced games teased during Sony's Gamescom presser — PS4 games from Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica and more — can stay unannounced, because there are plenty of other games for the console coming out at launch.

    "The teams really want to wait until they have something that people will see and say, 'Wow,'" Yoshida said. "It's a natural desire for game development teams to wait until later in the development to unveil their titles. I agree, if we talk about some new Naughty Dog game that's coming, and show some teaser movie or something, people might like it —but that might not be the best presentation of the game they're actually developing for PS4.

    "It's a luxury for us not to announce these games we have in development, that we do not feel the need to do that to support the launch of PS4."

  17. #2997 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Pai stai... de unde pana unde sa te joci chiar daca nu esti acasa? Din cate am inteles va folosi WiFi Direct... ceea ce inseamna ca nu merge decat daca este in aceeasi retea. Poate daca-ti faci VPN acasa si ai banda serioasa... atunci da...
    Va functiona si prin conexiune normala.
    Atat timp cat PS4 si Vita sunt conectate la internet vei putea face remote play.
    Sigur nu va merge la fel de bine ca si atunci cand ambele sunt conectate la aceeasi retea wi-fi dar e bine sa ai optiunea asta.

  18. #2998 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sexbobomb91 View Post
    Va functiona si prin conexiune normala.
    Atat timp cat PS4 si Vita sunt conectate la internet vei putea face remote play.
    Sigur nu va merge la fel de bine ca si atunci cand ambele sunt conectate la aceeasi retea wi-fi dar e bine sa ai optiunea asta.
    Ai o sursa care confirma chestia asta sau asa speri tu? Pana acum in toate cele oficiale s-a spus clar ca Remote Play-ul nu functioneaza decat daca sunt in aceeasi retea (probabil datorita latentei si a bandwith-ului necesar pt. streaming video).

  19. #2999 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Ai o sursa care confirma chestia asta sau asa speri tu? Pana acum in toate cele oficiale s-a spus clar ca Remote Play-ul nu functioneaza decat daca sunt in aceeasi retea (probabil datorita latentei si a bandwith-ului necesar pt. streaming video).
    Asa functioneaza si pe PS3 in prezent: Remote play outside your home via the Internet | PlayStation�Vita User's Guide .
    Si o sursa care sugereaza ca pe PS4 va fi la fel: Sony Confirms PS4-Vita Remote Play Will Utilize the Internet | GenGAME .
    Si inca un lucru interesant - se pare ca remote play este facilitat de Gaikai: Gaikai Used for PS4 Remote Play On Vita � Radio PlayStation .

  20. #3000 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    News: EA's Gibeau insists relationship with Sony 'is very good' -

    EA Partners game Titanfall will be an Xbox console exclusive, while every Xbox One sold at launch in Europe will come bundled with a copy of FIFA 14 at no extra cost.
    Additionally, FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Legends will be exclusive to Xbox consoles, while the first Battlefield 4 DLC will debut on Microsoft's new console.

    But despite this impressive roster of Xbox exclusive deals, Gibeau insisted in an interview with CVG that EA is platform agnostic and enjoys a "very good" relationship with Sony.

    "We're changing nothing in our policy about being platform-agnostic," he said. "One of the things that struck me this week is how a tactical deal with one of our platform partners has been blown out and perceived as strategic tilt - that's a messaging error on our part. There is no strategic tilt.

    "The Sony platform and the Xbox platform are both very important to us. If you look at the previous generation we did tactical deals with both Sony and Microsoft throughout the cycle. Titanfall is different, it's an EA Partners game - everything else is platform agnostic."

    Gibeau said it's in EA's interest for all platform holders to do well and praised Sony for the work it has done since the PS4 reveal in February.

    "Sony has been executing exceptionally well on the next-gen transition. Their hardware's hot, they're clear and disciplined and consistent with their policies, they are showing some amazing things with indies, so overall I couldn't be more pleased with how they're executing."

    He added: "It's a long cycle, and certainly there's potential with Sony exclusivity deals too."
    Cine are nevoie de EA cand Sony vine cu cateva exclusivitati foarte bune pe PS4

    ---------- Post added 25-08-2013 at 00:52 ----------

    PS4 and PS Vita cross-platform party chat confirmed -- PlayStation Universe

    Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony's Worldwide Studios was asked on Twitter by user @rossthebassist if PlayStation 4 and PS Vita users can communicate between consoles through the party functionality. The answer was a short but emphatic ‘yes’.

    Yoshida is often asked questions on Twitter and he responds to people often, using a jovial and joking manner, but this time he got straight to the point with a resounding 'yes'.

    Good news indeed, as it further enhances the connectivity between the two latest Sony platforms and will improve PSN as a whole.

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