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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #381 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by krOOm View Post
    Imi place cum arata! Daca e si o versiune negru mat e si mai bine...

  2. #382 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Totusi trebuie sa arate cumva si consola, ca totusi nu poate arata ca wc-ul acela de dev kit

  3. #383 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Eu nu am o problema cu designul, oricare ar fi el, ca nu ma joc uitandu-ma la ea, ci la TV si nu o sa am poze cu ea in telefon sau in portofel.

    Dar, este clar ca daca vor merge pe acelasi design slim-superslim- slimfit-easy iron, o sa fie acelasi tip de aerisire obosita care imi va scoate peri albi. (ca piese de calitate indoielnica oricum vor baga in ele, cat de cheap se poate)

    Pana cand nu se confirma ceva, totul e zvon, asta e clar, dar omul poate sa spere.

  4. #384 SP
    Banned Crbl2001's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by krOOm View Post
    Amice, iti garantez ca e fake.Nu cred ca e nevoie sa-ti explic de ce, orice om normal la cap si-a dat seama.Arata frumusel, dar NU este real.Daca va ramane in zona PS4 e ok, mai bine Slim&Sleak Design cu aerisire "obosita" decat o consola cu design de VCR din anii '80.
    Abia astept reveal-ul oficial de la Sony, ca sa terminam cu leak-urile

  5. #385 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  6. #386 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Leak pe Reddit
    (Poate ma ajuta un admin sa il puna intr-un spoiler (nu ma pricep), ocupa mult spatiu)

    The event:

    -The event will be held at the Sony hall theatre on the 12th of February. Expect a short teaser to come out in the next two weeks.

    -The press already knows about it and they will be able to test games and write articles. There will be a lot of news and iterviews with key figures like Mark Cerny and Hermen Hulst.

    -The event will be presented by Geoff Keighley and it will be a very big show. After all you have to consider that Sony has been quiet for quite sometime now.

    -Sony's strategy has been that not to reveal everything in one shot. Things like price, launch date and shape of the console will still be unknown after the PS meeting.


    -CPU: 8 core/16 threads at 3.6 ghz based on a Zen 2 architecture

    -GPU: "Big Navi"/RDNA1 based with some features from RDNA2 like RT and VRS, 12.2 TF at 1.8 ghz

    -Memory: 18GB DDR6 at 576gb/s and 4gb of DDR4 for the OS (Sorry HBM believers)

    -1 TB SSD. The SSD is a proprietary solution similar to a cartridge and you will be able to purchase them separately in a way similar to an old memory card from the PS2 era(1tb, 2tb and 3 tb variants). It is very fast: 5gb/s

    -It has a separate RT core just for the audio, this is something that Cerny and the audio people at Sony (Audiokinetic) insisted on. A new headphones will be made from Sony, specifically designed for the ray traced audio in PS5 games.

    -Overall, the PS5 is a much more balanced machine than the PS4 pro. This is much more important than just brute force as devs will be able squeeze much much more from the hardware.


    -First game announced for the PS5 will be from Bluepoint, Demon's Souls.

    The trailer will start with a dragon flying through the ruins of an ancient city before landing on a bridge destroying part of it, the camera will then move to a character in a knight armor. The dragon will spit fire at the knight that will be parrying it with his shield.

    The trailer ends with a voice saying "The old one is calling for thee" revealing the Demon's souls logo, available at launch.

    Very impressive tech on showcase:, RT reflection all over the knight's armor

    -Ubisoft will announce their new AC title, Assasin's Creed: Kingdom. As you already know it is set in northern europe with historical and mythological elements. The trailer is not really a trailer but a long gameplay (10+ mins).

    The game focuses on being a better RPG than its predecessors with multiple endings and more meaningful choices for better roleplay. Immersion is also a big focus, Ubisoft has created a believable world based on the kingdom of Ragnar Sigurdsson (better known as Lothbrok) as king of Denmark.

    NPCs have realistic routines and behaviours based on multiple situations they can be found in (finding shelter from the rain, fleeing their village after a raid from enemy soldiers are some examples).

    All animations have been enhanced. Now the main character (male or female like in Odyssey) moves differently based on the enviroments they are in. Animations are really similar to something you can find in a ND game with the character touching the wall at their side if they get to close it or struggling to walk through snow or mud.

    As many other games, AC:Kingdom will use the haptic triggers to simulate the action of pulling the rope of a bow or swinging an heavy weapon.

    There are levels, but they are handled like in Skyrim or Kingdom come where you don't require a certain level to enter an area or fight a boss. Here you can access the whole world from the start and fight all the enemies, of course it will be very hard because your character will be very unexperienced and at first they will handle certain weapons with struggle, it will get better the more they use them.

    I got mentioned something about ray tracing being used to eliminate clipping of the various clothes on the character's bodies, but I don't know anything other than it may be a thing on the next gen versions of the game.

    Available at launch, but after the current gen versions.

    -Gran Turismo 7 will be announced featuring full VR and RT support, native 4k and 60 fps. It will be a technical showcase for the console. Available at launch.

    It features a single player carreer like the old GT games and a multiplayer mode similar to the sport mode in GT sport. The partnership with the FIA continues and the one with Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes becomes even stronger (Lewis and the Mercedes brand are on the cover of the game and a big part of the single player carreer).

    -New R&C game announced from Insomniac. Full RT support and sequel to the remake, but part of a new trilogy. Semi-open world with pilotable ships. It looks even more like a Pixar movie, this time on a way bigger scale. Available in 2021

    -Capcom will show a demo of their updated RE engine and announce Dragon's Dogma 2 exclusively on the PS5. Deep Down was not all to waste and Capcom wisely decided to build upon it and create this new DD. It's a really impressive game technically. Full open world with fights and monsters similar to a Monster Hunter game. It will run at 60 fps on PS5.

    It's unclear if the exclusivity deal has a limit or not. I'm willing to bet it will come out on Xbox Series X/S after a while

    -Shuhei Yoshida will showcase lots of indies coming to PS4 and PS5 as part of the new "PS❤Indies" intiative at SIE. Games such as: Sky:children of the light, Inaka project, a new game from Jonathan Blow, Lost Soul aside and the new game from Ken Levine studio (not really an indie, but it will still be present in this short segment).

    -TLOU: Factions will be revealed, coming to PS4, PS5 and PC these holidays. It is a multiplayer only title made to replace the "Factions" mode of the original TLOU. It features an open world similar to games like DayZ, but with the love and care that you can expect expect from a team like ND.

    It will feature: different seasons like Forza Horizon 4 (each will come with its pros and cons), clan support, a battle pass, a fully destructible map, lots of depth for roleplay (players will be able to cover various roles in their games: doctors, bounty hunters, traders, mercenaries for the various groups of players, soldiers ecc.), the players will be able to build camps and even "addomesticate" clickers and runners. 4k/60 with RT audio on PS5 and 1080 30 on PS4/pro. Cross play is being experimented (the difference in framerate may be an issue).

    -Sony reveals a new team based in San Diego and their new game, Uncharted. A sequel to U4, but with different characters and a few cameos from the old games. Just a teaser will be shown featuring exotic locations from all around the world and glimpses at veichles both aerial and terrestrial. No release date given.

    -Activision announces Crash Bandicoot:worlds on PS4 and PS5 for then end of the year (think Mario galaxy, but with Crash Bandiccot) and confirms that COD will be back at the end of the year on PS5 and in partnership with PS once again.

    -Square Enix shows an impressive tech demo of a new version of the luminous engine featuring RT shadows, reflections and lighting along with 4k textures and realistic facial animations. Very reminiscent of the aestethic you can find in a FF game, but no real announcement is made (for now).

    -Guerilla announces Killzone: Breach. A mp only title for PS5 and PC. The influence from games like R6 can be seen a lot during the trailer. Full destructible enviroment and a "War" mode that features up to 80 players in a fully destructible arena (Remember that first Crackdown 3 demo?). Available at launch.

    -Mark Cerny announces full backwards compatibility with PS4/3/2/1/VR and that PS Vita and PSP are in the works. The PS4/2/1 whole lineup will be fully compatible from launch. As for PS3 games, they will be made compatible regularly by Sony in a way similar to how Xbox already does it on Xbox One with 360 games. All the games will receive technical enhancments like 4k resolution, better AA and 60 fps. Demos for TLOU 2, RDR1, Jak 2 and the original GT are shown briefly.

    -Last announcement will be a small teaser with in-game graphics of Horizon 2. The teaser shows an older Aloy meditating on the top of a Mountain before being attacked by a huge machine and hijacking a thunderbird in order to ride it and fly around the huge machine to fight it. 2021

    -Please note that all games that I've listed are exclusive to the PS5 unless I've said otherwise.

    -Don't expect any PSVR2 news. VR will be mentioned as you can see, but it is still a bit early for PSVR2.

  7. #387 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Multe din lista se regasesc pe diferite siteuri, deci adevar pe acolo cu siguranta este. Incepe bine noua generatie de console: Demon's Souls Remaster

    Chiar si cu atati oameni care cer jocuri noi, tot se va vinde. Ma astept ca GT sa fie launch title, cum si Order ar putea sa fie pe acolo. DD 2, ok, bun.

    Hai si cu castile speciale de PS5, sa traiasca patentatul. AC nu ma intereseaza catusi de putin si oricum nu ala vinde unitati.

    Era timpul pentru un Killzone, ultimul a fost o dezamagire, sa vedem daca reusesc un MP bun sa anime seria.

    Hai rapid cu ea pana nu o amana

  8. #388 SP
    Member ExocrathX5's Avatar
    @fdkenzo unde ai gasit articolul respectiv? Am cautat dupa mai multe cuvinte cheie si nu am gasit niciunde.

  9. #389 SP
    Banned Crbl2001's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Multe din lista se regasesc pe diferite siteuri, deci adevar pe acolo cu siguranta este. Incepe bine noua generatie de console: Demon's Souls Remaster

    Chiar si cu atati oameni care cer jocuri noi, tot se va vinde. Ma astept ca GT sa fie launch title, cum si Order ar putea sa fie pe acolo. DD 2, ok, bun.

    Hai si cu castile speciale de PS5, sa traiasca patentatul. AC nu ma intereseaza catusi de putin si oricum nu ala vinde unitati.

    Era timpul pentru un Killzone, ultimul a fost o dezamagire, sa vedem daca reusesc un MP bun sa anime seria.

    Hai rapid cu ea pana nu o amana
    Same here.Primul AC va ramane cel mai bun din serie.Celelalte sunt batai de joc sau glume proaste

  10. #390 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Scuze, este de pe
    Foxy Games UK a postat pe YouTube (este de incredere tipul).

  11. #391 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  12. #392 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ok, dar nu e mare diferenta.

    3.7GB/sec (care oricum e max speed si se atinge doar la one huge file) vs cat era la PS5 rumored, 5GB.

    In teorie, diferenta e huge intre SSD-urile budget si alea scumpe, dar nu vad cum ar putea pune unu din ala premium nici la Xbox si nici la PS5, pentru ca unu de 1TB din ala costa fix cat toata consola.

    O sa vedem ca in practica diferenta o vor face jocurile si modul in care este gandit loading screen-u.
    Probabil doar exclusivitatile PS5 sa para ca nu au deloc loading screen, vs 1-2s in general la orice alt joc.

    Singura smecherie pe care ar putea sa o faca Sony, ar fi sa impuna dev-ilor sa faca fisiere de 20-30GB pe care sa le citeasca mult mai rapid decat alea de la jocurile multiplatform.
    Ideea e ca asa au fost proiectate dintotdeauna (si sunt si azi) jocurile. Ai mii de fisiere mici (cu sute de texturi si sute de obiecte 3D, assets, props, care trebuiesc incarcate dinamic in functie de locatie), iar acolo viteza la SSD e foarte mica.
    Acolo este, efectiv, locul unde SSD-urile scumpe fac diferenta, dar daca ai fisiere de 5Mb, p-ala il incarca la fel si de pe un SSD scump si de pe un SSD ieftin, dar si de pe un HDD.

    Important e ca ambele vor avea SSD si asta in sine este un big leap forward.

  13. #393 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Suna foarte bine leak-urile, dar pe mine ma ingrijoreaza un lucru pe care poate pe altii ii bucura: Pare din ce in ce mai sigur ca Sony va renunta la exclusivitati, sau cel putin le va face timed.

    Motivul pentru care am intrat in lumea consolelor Sony (putin si in tabara Xbox) si am ajuns sa detin sute de jocuri in format fizic, a fost fix pentru ca Sony avea "magia" aia de PS2/3/4 Exclusive. Desi nu toate au fost capodopere, de cate ori am pus mana pe un joc exclusiv, il facea sa para mult mai pretios in ochii mei, savuram orice trailer, tech breakdown (DigitalFoundry ftw), stire etc. Asa am ajuns sa iau si editii de colectie.

    De cate ori era vorba de un joc existent si pe PC, interesul scadea brusc, stiam ca il pot avea instant, digital, la un pret derizoriu pe gog/steam/epic si de ce nu, torrents (boo me). Faptul ca era pe PC ma facea sa-i acord 0 zero atentie editiei in format fizic.

    Daca decid sa le lanseze si pe PC, chiar si la un anumit timp mai tarziu, tot hype-ul pentru ecosistemul Sony se cam duce de rapa dpmdv.

    Si asa timpul meu e extrem de limitat, trece si un an pana apuc sa joc un joc care sta pe raft in casa. La fel de bine pot sa astept sa iasa pe PC.

    Sunt constient ca exista argumentul: "PS5 va fi peste un PC potent, la o fractiune de pret".
    Eu am investit mereu in PC, asa ca nu ma regasesc acolo.
    Daca imi dai de ales un joc pe PC si consola, voi alege mereu PC-ul. Nu mai simt "magia" aia de PS Exclusive...

    Sorry de rant, sunt curios daca doar eu ma regasesc in gandurile astea.

    Also, MP only Last of Us si Killzone sunt un no-no pt. mine, fiind 100% SP oriented..
    Sper desemenea sa putem juca trilogiile Killzone si Resistance pe PS5, la 4K60, daca remaster nu pupam.

  14. #394 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Iti respect opinia dar nu sunt sigur ca am inteles pe deplin. Practic preferi sa platesti mai mult pe jocuri din dorinta de a avea exclusivitate (chiar daca in final tu te-ai juca fix acelasi joc, pe ce platforma vrei tu), decat sa ai optiunea de a le cumpara mai ietfin de pe GOG?

  15. #395 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Cam da, de cate ori e vorba de un joc exclusiv, se inconjoara intr-un fel de magie pentru mine, mai ales ca studiourile 1st party Sony poliseaza jocurile alea pana devin ceva ce nu are grad de comparatie cu ce gasim multiplatform.

    Suna paradoxal, am hulit Sony multi ani pentru ca nu lansau pe PC, apoi am inceput sa devin "fanboy" Sony si mi-am dat seama ca exclusivitatile astea au adus Sony unde e acum, le-au adus suficienti bani cat sa-si dezvolte studiourile, si sa scoata jocuri atent lucrate, care scot tot din hardware-ul disponibil. E mult mai usor si mai eficient sa dezvolti pt un singur tip de hardware. Nu zic ca e si cel mai bun lucru, dar a dat roade pt Sony.

  16. #396 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar

    Tommy Fisher said:
    Just need to remind you things that i said before for the last time\
    GPU: PS5>SeX ~10%
    RayTracing Accelerators: PS5>X1 (PS5's RT works by using acceleration structures and algorithms much like nVidia's RTX cores)
    CPU: Sex>PS5 ~ 6%
    Memory: PS5>Sex for the size and bandwidth
    SSD: PS5>Sex ~ Over twice as fast (this is the biggest and most noticable difference)
    Fan noise (Dev-Kit): Sex>PS5 (not as egregious 1x vs. Pro).

    BTW it's up to you believe me or not, but things gonna be clear very soon and you will find out who knows and who knows ****.

    Remedy and Housemarque have been in Sony's WWS family for a while now!

    Techland belongs to MS now!

  17. #397 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Concluzia deci este ca PS5 o sa fie mai bun ca sexul! Asta da avans tehnologic!

  18. #398 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Sunt gamer de mic, am putin peste 30 de console, stiu cam cu ce se mananca acest hobby. Astept cu nerabdare ambele console noi si probabil vor fi ambele cumparate in scurt timp de la lansare.

    Sunt foarte incantat de noile capabilitati video, RTX, rezolutie, VFR, Low Latency, etc insa, efectiv, a inceput sa ma scoata din sarite fiecare aducere in discutie noua din partea MS/PS in legatura cu SSD-ul. Cand se discuta in vreo conferinta de next-gen, mult timp din acea conferinta este acaparata de introducerea SSD-ului. Daca va amintiti, chiar prima dezvaluire a PS5-ului, a fost numai despre acest lucru, demo-ul cu Spider-Man.

    Nu am simtit niciodata nevoia de asa ceva, nu m-a deranjat niciodata sa astept 10, 15, 45 de secunde pentru a incarca un joc. Legat de harta, daca jocul este optimizat bine, se intampla minuni. Amintiti-va in 2013 cand a aparut GTA V pe 360/PS3, se incarca in maximum 5 secunde harta cand schimbam personajele din puncte diferite ale hartii.

    Chestiunea cu cea mai mica utilitate in plus dpmdv, este cea mai marketata.

  19. #399 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by fdkenzo View Post
    Tommy Fisher said:
    Just need to remind you things that i said before for the last time\
    GPU: PS5>SeX ~10%
    RayTracing Accelerators: PS5>X1 (PS5's RT works by using acceleration structures and algorithms much like nVidia's RTX cores)
    CPU: Sex>PS5 ~ 6%
    Memory: PS5>Sex for the size and bandwidth
    SSD: PS5>Sex ~ Over twice as fast (this is the biggest and most noticable difference)
    Astea sunt lucruri spuse de un MEGA fanboy Sony (iti poti da seama si dupa prescurtarea SeX - daca n-o fi a ta @fdkenzo, din moment ce noul Xbox se va prescurta XsX).

    Faza cu RTX-ul ma amuza teribil, din moment ce in toate leaks-urile spun ca vor folosi RTX pentru sunet (adica ce fac ei acum cu emularea aia de 5.1 in castile lor) + de asta, RTX e RTX. Ori il ai hardware (cum vor avea ambele console) ori il ai software (lucru ce efectiv omoara GPU-ul si nu e cazul de asa ceva).

    Referitor la SSD este absolut mind blowing cum poate cineva sa spuna ca nu 2x mai rapid, ci PESTE 2x mai rapid, in ideea in care, cum am zis mai sus, e vorba de max 5GB/s (PS5) vs max 3.7GB/s (XsX) intr-un mediu ideal (deci ar fi maxim 0.x% mai rapid, nici macar inca odata mai rapid) care oricum e max speed si se atinge doar la one huge file.

    Imi dau quote la ce am zis mai sus ca sa nu scriu de 2 ori acelasi lucru :

    Singura smecherie pe care ar putea sa o faca Sony, ar fi sa impuna dev-ilor sa faca fisiere de 20-30GB pe care sa le citeasca mult mai rapid decat alea de la jocurile multiplatform.
    Ideea e ca asa au fost proiectate dintotdeauna (si sunt si azi) jocurile. Ai mii de fisiere mici (cu sute de texturi si sute de obiecte 3D, assets, props, care trebuiesc incarcate dinamic in functie de locatie), iar acolo viteza la SSD e foarte mica.
    Acolo este, efectiv, locul unde SSD-urile scumpe fac diferenta, dar daca ai fisiere de 5Mb, p-ala il incarca la fel si de pe un SSD scump si de pe un SSD ieftin, dar si de pe un HDD.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teo View Post
    Nu am simtit niciodata nevoia de asa ceva, nu m-a deranjat niciodata sa astept 10, 15, 45 de secunde pentru a incarca un joc. Legat de harta, daca jocul este optimizat bine, se intampla minuni. Amintiti-va in 2013 cand a aparut GTA V pe 360/PS3, se incarca in maximum 5 secunde harta cand schimbam personajele din puncte diferite ale hartii.

    Chestiunea cu cea mai mica utilitate in plus dpmdv, este cea mai marketata.
    O sa fie cam cel mai mare selling point si se va vedea cea mai mare diferenta de pana acum, la trecerea dintre generatii. Dpdv grafic nu vom avea mega avans tehnologic pentru ca dpdv hardware, ambele sunt de "doar" 2x-ish mai rapid.
    Asta inseamna ca ce rula inainte la 4K 30fps, va rula acum 4k 60fps. Atat. Poate doar la PS5 vs PS4 Pro sa se vada diferenta mai mare. In schimb, avand chipul de RTX separat, vom vedea niste efecte de post procesare diferite (iluminare, reflexii, sunet, dar nu toate 3 odata in toate jocurile, ci cate 1-2 in fiecare, in functie de posibilitatile devilor).

    In schimb, dpdv HDD vs SSD + faptul ca jocurile vor fi programate pentru asta, iar OS-ul stie sa profite de el, o sa fie un salt de neimaginat. Efectiv o sa avem 1-2s din momentul in care pornim prima data un joc, pana il jucam efectiv (cel putin asta spun ei), iar asta comparand cu 1-2 minute cat stam acum (intro-uri non skippable, meniu, dat new game/continue, loading, samd - unele jocuri gen Gears 5 sau Forza Horizon 4 au loading si pana la meniu).

    Daca includem aici partea de "multiple games suspended at the same time", ceea ce inseamna ca poti intra oricand in alt joc acolo unde ai ramas (2, 3, 5, ei stiu cate si cum fac asta, probabil in extra RAM-ul ala), deja este ceva game changing.

    Personal, am 1, maxim 2-3 jocuri pe care le joc in paralel. Daca e totul digital, o sa le pot tine pe toate deschise si sa pot schimba intre ele intr-o secunda.

  20. #400 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Timpul de incarcare mai scurt e bine venit, dar nu chiar ceva revolutionar. Deja deschideam un joc in cateva secunde pe PS4 daca il lasam suspended. SSD-ul ala e extraordinar pentru potentialul pe care il deschide devilor - imi imaginez ca in sfarsit vom putea avea jocuri cu translatii ultra rapide si dinamice (limitarea vitezei lui Spidey pe PS4 e un exemplu bun, dar ceva cu avioane sau abilitati de teleportare open world ar profita la maxim e SSD).

    Plus ca nu se mai obosesc studio-urile sa optimizeze harti foarte mari pentru HDD si poate fac altceva in timpul ala.

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