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I do not understand the whole mess anyway finally moved the deadline has expired and as promised Weekly Famitsu (and only then Famitsu PS3) unveils his long awaited project. His name is Krieg directed by Shinji Mikami himself with his new study called "Tango."

Here are the first official information during the interview:

- The title Krieg is a German word meaning "war, conflict, clash," but is also used to define "cool" German metal bands that have a large role in the soundtrack.
- Mikami's backstory reveals a first title. The project is set on an earth devastated by an explosion of nature, after years of suppression by the man who exploited without brake suddenly nature has rebelled. Blizzards .. climbing plants of tropical nature in the middle of the steppe, gigantic roots breaking through the soil of the great metropolis emandando secreting poisonous gas and liquid acids making them become uninhabitable, the word chaos.
- The Japanese director added that many animals on the planet have mutated and are called by heavy sovravvissuti "Hybrid".
- The name of the protagonist of Krieg was not disclosed but a boy (visible in the artwork) was the subject of an unusual military experiment but can not remember what the laboratory where he wakes up and is completely destroyed while trying indicia is forced off without a goal.
- According to Mikami san protagonist may use unique techniques and found to have capabilities similar to the plants around it but the developer did not want to unbutton more about the issue because they are working in many exciting features to the gameplay.
- We noticed that nell'artwork (soon visible on the site online as more Famitsu) an outline of a girl behind the protagonist, the question "Even this girl will have a role?" Mikami replied smiling, "No comment".
- Although we have not seen any image in game Mikami confirms a very specific visual style.
- Krieg is planned as a PS3 exclusive though Mikami confessed that the title was originally expected on the Nintendo Wii platform.
- As with FF XIII will be shown before its release, the backstory in the form of comics and anime.
- The game presents itself as the first freeroam style Fallout (post-apocalyptic setting with RPG elements in real time).
- The final interview ended with the words of Mikami "This game is one of my personal bet, arriverrano new information during E3.
- Release TBA without specifying the year.
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