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Thread: Gran Turismo 5

  1. #2181 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by stanzor View Post
    sal oameni buni!!! am o mica intrebare . toate masinile au interior?
    Nu. Doar 20% din masinile din joc au.

  2. #2182 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GeOKeR View Post
    Da, sunt suportate, dar nu oficial. Adica nu iti vei putea seta tu exact toate butoanele cum vrei din pacate.
    Apropo de volane; voi pe cat tineti setat forcefeedbackul? Eu il am pe 8 momentan si cu power assist off. Ma gandesc sa il urc pana la 10 dar mai trebuie antrenament
    Trebuie sa te duci la Driving Force Pro si cred ca iti poti configura si butoanele cu toate ca default works well pt mine, all of them.
    Ridica FF-ul la 10, fara antrenament. Go to Daytona, Nordschleife sau La Sarthe.

    LE: restul de 80% au gauri negre inauntru, nu exista nimic. singularity. tot ce intra acolo nu mai iese, inclusiv lumina.

  3. #2183 SP
    Member justamodel's Avatar
    "We are preparing Credits and XP for online," Yamauchi tweeted. "Please wait a little more."

    The game designer also said that the developers created a YouTube upload option for GT5, but ended up dropping it, due to memory issue. Polyphony is considering it for the future, however. Face tracking also did not make its way into the game's GT Mode (it's in the Arcade Mode) also due to memory issues.

  4. #2184 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Enthroll View Post
    Imi pare rau ca experienta ta cu GT5 nu e una frumoasa. Dar parca ai pornit o cruciada personala impotriva acestui joc.
    pai m-ai inteles gresit.
    chiar nu am nimic cu jocul, si imi place foarte mult, insa asta nu inseamna ca este perfect, cum vor unii sa creada. de la gt5 la "real driving simulator" e cale lunga din pacate. nu am fost decat obiectiv, iar cei care nu au aceiasi parere sunt liberi sa si-o spuna si sa si-o argumenteze.

    Quote Originally Posted by GeOKeR View Post
    Cam derapeaza jucaria ta. I-ai facut ceva tuning la partea tehnica? Sper ca folosesti niste cauciucuri adecvate de racing, medii sau soft chiar.
    e un inceput de tuning, vine cu cauciucuri de racing medii de la dealer...
    o sa ma gandesc foarte bine la urmatoarea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enthroll View Post
    Ridica FF-ul la 10, fara antrenament. Go to Daytona, Nordschleife sau La Sarthe.

    10? come on... si 5 mi se pare urias pentru ca nu reda exact cum trebuie. este mult prea puternic efectul.
    eu cred ca un 3 se apropie cel mai mult de realitate. try it!

  5. #2185 SP
    Member romey's Avatar
    Aseara am primit si eu jocul si dupa vreo 4 ore de joc am o intrebare la acei dintre voi care au mai multe ore de GT5 : In tuning parts nu este tuning pentru frina? Nu se poate sa fi renuntat la el ,e o parte inportanta .

  6. #2186 SP
    Member gpaul's Avatar
    E acolo tunning-ul frana.
    NU cred ca se poate cumpara, dar se poate seta.

  7. #2187 SP
    Member romey's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by gpaul View Post
    E acolo tunning-ul frana.
    NU cred ca se poate cumpara, dar se poate seta.
    Ai dreptate, nu se poate cumpara ca si in celelalte GT ( adica 1,2,3 ,4) dar se poate seta .In cursa ai optiunea options.Mi se parea absurd sa nu poti face ceva si cu frinele. Merci

  8. #2188 SP
    Member gpaul's Avatar
    A gasit careva o modalitate practica pt o partida online?Eu unul nu am gasit nici un invite pe friend sau ceva de genul.Singura cale e sa faca careva o camera si sa trimita tuturor nr acesteia, care e de 20 cifre.

  9. #2189 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Yamauchi on GT5�s Mechanical Damage, Updates, & More
    • Flexible camera angles and �dynamic and wide-area lighting needs� are to blame for the sometimes blocky shadows. Yamauchi admits they are a problem and wants to improve them.
    • Yamauchi appears to consider the possibility of removing the in-game HUD (heads-up-display features) at some point in the future.
    • To unlock the Red Bull X1, you�ll need to complete the �Sebastian Vettel Challenge�, which appears at Level 30.
    • Online �lounge� functionality and other features will be added �one by one�.
    • Polyphony Digital continues to work on fully supporting the Logitech G25 and G27, though Yamauchi admits he would like a �new steering device soon��
    • Mechanical damage options will be implemented in a new update for GT5 coming �early December�.
    • As you may know, many players noticed that GT5�s face-tracking functionality only worked in Arcade mode. According to Yamauchi, it�s not available in GT mode due to memory issues with the PS3.
    • In-game rewards (such as the monetary prize in GT5 Prologue) for your performance in online events is something Polyphony Digital is considering, and may be implemented in a future update.
    • Gran Turismo 5�s official, 2-disc sound-track will be released soon.
    • Yamauchi wanted to implement a �free roam� gameplay mode in GT5, where players could drive around, respecting speed limits and obeying traffic laws, and even exit the car to walk around and explore the environment on foot.
    • The YouTube replay upload feature had to be pulled from the final version of the game because it took a very long time to render and it consumed too much memory. Yamauchi is still considering it, however.

  10. #2190 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Intra cineva online pentru cateva curse?
    Daca da, dati-mi mesaj pe PSN si voi face Lounge-ul. Pentru a va joina la un lobby facut, dati GT Mode -> Comunity -> Numele persoanei -> Lounge

  11. #2191 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    VG247 � Blog Archive � Japanese software charts Nov. 22-28: Gran Turismo 5 moves over 430K units
    Gran Turismo 5 debuted last week in Japan, and according to the Media Create figures for November 22- 28, it was a good week for Polyphony Digital and Sony.

    Debuting at number, as expected, the racer moved 430,707 units its first week on sale. The game was sold in bundle form as well with a blue PS3, and the racer finally hitting the market also gave PS3 consoles a double boost in sales over last week.
    Pokemon Black and White was still holding on in the top five, moving 43,227 units for a LtD total of 4,494,106.
    Here’s the full chart. Last week’s figures can be found here.
    1. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3): 430,707
    2. Super Robot Taisen L (DS): 129,054
    3. Mario Sports Mix (Wii): 84,983
    4. Super Mario Collection Special Pack (Wii): 47,487
    5. Pokemon Black & White (DS): 43,227
    6. Call of Dut Black Ops Subtitled Ver. (PS3): 31,354
    7. Super Kaseki Horider (DS): 26,195
    8. Dangan-Ronpa (PSP): 25,564
    9. Power Pro Kun Pocket 13 (DS): 24,717
    10. Wii Party (Wii): 24,525
    11. Tongari Boushi to Mahou no Omise (DS): 22,395
    12. Little Busters! Converted Edition (PSP): 20,066
    13. Wii Sports Resort (Wii): 17,325
    14. Tactics Ogre (PSP): 16,794
    15. Trinity Zill O’ll Zero (PS3): 16,551
    16. Winning Eleven 2011 PS3): 16,371
    17. Winning Eleven 2011 (PSP): 15,832
    18. Kirby’s Epic Yarn (Wii): 13,878
    19. Minna to Kimi no Piramekino! (DS): 13,197
    20. God Eater Burst (PSP): 12,983

  12. #2192 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    Intrebare: merita Lexus Lfa in joc ? ca pret e destul de scumpa, aproape 400 000. Am Ferrari California, 430 Scuderia, Maserati GranTurismo S, Bmw M3 si ma tenteaza Lexusul si SLS sau cumpar cu ceva in plus Ferrari Enzo.

    Deci Lexus LFA + SLS sau Enzo ?

  13. #2193 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar

    Deci sunt dezamagit de damage. Cica la race cars e cel mai mult si la alea doar se ridica putin capota la un impact de 200km/h. Deformarea e aproape inexistenta. Anyway, sper ca maine sa il am si eu si sa vad exact cum sta treaba.

  14. #2194 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Multumesc frumos pentru cursele din seara asta baieti si scuze lui Grey pt 2 x Bump in Corkscrew, a fost fara intentie .. si culmea jocul te-a penalizat pe tine desi eu te-am atins

    Am auzit pe cineva ca are probleme cu un anumit campionat GT all stars? sau Like the wind .. Daca aveti nevoie am 2 race cars , va pot imprumuta una care sa va ajute PM me.

  15. #2195 SP
    Member raptorscream's Avatar
    voi pozele le luati direct din ps (daca merge) sau sunt urcate pe PSN si pe urma down de pe site?

  16. #2196 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    pe stick direct din ps3

  17. #2197 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Minimize View Post
    si scuze lui Grey pt 2 x Bump in Corkscrew, a fost fara intentie .. si culmea jocul te-a penalizat pe tine desi eu te-am atins
    Foarte bine. Sa il penalizeze. Bine ca stiu acum ca daca il lovesc, el merge ca melcul si eu trec.

  18. #2198 SP
    Junior Member Nandy001's Avatar
    Prea multe masini japoneze... Nu vi se pare?

  19. #2199 SP
    Senior Member Tekken's Avatar
    Greyhound i_GreyhounD_i
    eagle-eye eagle-eye1593
    573ph4n rzr_10
    miami miami1983
    nicutapa NicuTapalaga
    manivelli pro_faraonu
    babulu i_babulu_i
    Zdrutz ZdrutZ
    nameless_fear nameless_fear
    kobayashi kobayashy82
    ffocus ffocus2008
    Imperatore conortos
    Enthroll Enthroll
    lotoganja god_of_play27
    cosminbad cosminbad
    Razvan razvanbeldescu
    GeOKeR i_geoker_i
    sacalul273 i_fabian_i
    bartonn bartonn_dan
    justamodel just_A_m0del
    gpaul GGPauL
    Diesel Dieseliulian
    Mariusik MSK9149
    angelcrying i_dj_mo_i
    playgame CashFlow101
    reszeg reszeg
    RobyBoy RobyBoy2009
    Imouthes Imouthes78
    Minimize minimize
    def defxvb
    SeikQ SeikQ
    Tekken Vagabone
    Attached Images Attached Images red-bull-hangar-7_4.jpg laguna-seca-raceway_2.jpg laguna-seca-raceway_3.jpg laguna-seca-raceway_4.jpg superspeedway-daytona_1.jpg

  20. #2200 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Trebuie sa-mi ajunga si mie zilele astea GT5 asa ca puteti sa-mi dati si mie add - PSN : baciu91

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