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  1. #81 SP
    Banned galaxic's Avatar
    Ideal ar fi sa nu mai existe deloc glume si limbaj grobian la locul de munca, de nicio natura. Nici macar in pauza de masa atata vreme cat esti in interiorul companiei si in timpul programului.
    Nimeni n-ar trebui sa mai aiba dreptul sa te faca "prost" , "autist", "tampit", "idiot" pentru ca ai comis o greseala. Numai superiorul ar trebui sa-ti comunice nivelul de performanta si sa decida pe limbaj amiabil daca mai esti capabil sa muncesti sau daca iti inceteaza contractul. Dar am vazut jigniri si glume cu aluzii la inteligenta altora in companiile in care am muncit chiar din partea superiorilor. Am vazut leazi care jigneau colegi si amenintau cu "moartea" (folosind expresia "ba, te omor daca mai gresesti" la figurat vorbind).

    La supermarkete si fast-fooduri, cand merg, mai vad o angajata tipand isteric si injurand alti angajati, facandu-i "retardati", "handicapati", "fatalai". O vad pe managerul de acolo si nu face nimic in privinta ei.
    Vad ca angajata respectiva munceste, ii corecteaza pe colegii incepatori, dar problema e ca o face prin tipete si injuraturi. Nu conteaza ce nivel de performanta are, trebuia sanctionata cu taierea salariului sau chiar concediata pentru ca strica reputatia companiei.

  2. #82 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    The suit also points to a female Activision employee who took her own life while on a company trip with her male supervisor. The employee had been subjected to intense sexual harassment prior to her death, including having nude photos passed around at a company holiday party, the complaint says.

    Daca e adevarat sper sa plateasca astia cu varf si indesat.

  3. #83 SP
    Member iionut's Avatar
    La ce te astepti... la un party corporatist cu mult alcool barbatii beti inevitabil vor incerca sa agate vreo colega pe care au pus ochii inca de la inceput, dar n-aveau curaj sa o adreseze direct. Nu sunt deloc surprins de asta si nu cred ca va fi ultima data cand se va intampla

  4. #84 SP
    Banned galaxic's Avatar
    Asa companie, asa jocuri, asa public tinta.

    Ne miram de ce Call of Duty a ajuns un GUNOI si de ce serverele MP sunt pline de jucatori toxici, trisori , copilasi de 8 ani care injura prin microfon si desaxati neonazisti si comunisti care fac propaganda extremista pe chat si pe profil.

  5. #85 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ce gandire limitata ai. Ce treaba are compania cu 2-3-5 oameni care lucreaza acolo?

    Tu dai vina pe compania unde e angajat un criminal in serie? Sau pe sotie? Nu pe el, ca-i dezaxat?

  6. #86 SP
    Banned galaxianus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Ce gandire limitata ai. Ce treaba are compania cu 2-3-5 oameni care lucreaza acolo?

    Tu dai vina pe compania unde e angajat un criminal in serie? Sau pe sotie? Nu pe el, ca-i dezaxat?
    Ca sa inchei discutia definitiv, da, e vina lor!
    Ca n-au avut HR-isti capabili sa selecteze candidatii. Probabil din aia care au terminat psihologia la facultati dubioase de tip Spiru Haret.
    Problema si mai mare e ca nici nu-i da afara.

    Stiu cazuri si in Romania, chiar in compania de IT unde am lucrat: HR-isti care m-au respins de 4 ori pe diferite motive pana sa ma angajeze in final si apoi sa ma dea afara , ba ca au avut prejudecati privind aspectul, ba ca nu ma pricep si nici nu prea sunt dornici sa ma invete. Dar bine ca angajeaza si ii mai promoveaza in functia de team-leader pe toti descreieratii care isi hartuiesc nevestele pana ajung sa se sinucida.

    S-o pricepe, o avea performanta, dar de ce pe un asemenea monstru il tin angajat si il promoveaza ca team-leader, dar pe mine ma da afara pentru ca n-am performanta ?
    Oare pentru ca corporatismul e un sistem odios , sclavagist, inuman si imoral, si se bazeaza doar pe profit ?

    P.S. ce am zis eu aici legat de cazul de hartuire si suicid e o informatie confidentiala si nu trebuia s-o fi afisat, nici la 4 ani dupa ce am lucrat acolo.

  7. #87 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar

    #metoo intra si pe piata jocurilor video

    Prietene, chiar ai o problema la tichie? Chiar n-ai pic de legatura cu realitatea, cu lumea exterioara? Da-o-n mama ma-sii de treaba, abia ti-ai luat ban pe un cont, deja ti-ai facut altul si ai reinceput cu spamatul?

    Te mai intreb odata, cat de trist si singur poti fi?!! Chiar nu ai pe nimeni?! Un consult medical ai incercat? S-ar putea ca o scurta spitalizare sa te rezolve pentru tot restul vietii si sa redevii si tu un om normal(daca ai fost vreodata).

    PS: imi asum warning/ban, whatever dar mi s-a luat de invididul asta… de cate ori primesc notificare de pe forum, trebuie sa-mi apara in ochi spamul astuia.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #88 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Mesaj trimis ieri de J. Allen Brack, Blizzard president:
    Attached Images Attached Images e6-qyoaxmaaeajn.png

  9. #89 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Raspunsul lor initial cu legatura la procesul:
    ... It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California.
    Adica ameninta ca vor pleca din California in cazul in care vor fi trasi la raspundere de catre stat.
    Ce gunoaie ... niciodata nu voi mai cumpara un joc de-al lor.

  10. #90 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Mesajul lui Rob Kostich, Activision president si mesajul lui Fran Townsend, CCO:
    Attached Images Attached Images e6_kpgswqai6bim.png e6_yqtsxoaauiog.png

  11. #91 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    The news was so shocking and disturbing that many Activision Blizzard employees took to Twitter to share their stories. One of them was World of Warcraft senior system designer Jeff Hamilton, who admitted that work has essentially ceased on the game because of the emotional turmoil the lawsuit has inflicted on his team.
    Production On World Of Warcraft Has Stopped Thanks To Activision Blizzard Lawsuit

  12. #92 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar
    Asa se intampla peste tot, mai ales in companiile mari.

    Asa se intampla si-n politica noastra, cum credeti ca a ajuns Olguta Vasilescu “ministereasa”? Si cate nu sunt de genul asta, peste tot in lume, nu numai pe plaiurile mioritice.

    Din punctul meu de vedere, si ele sunt la fel de vinovate(cele care intr-adevar nu o sug pentru posturi) pentru ca nu ies in fata sa ia atitudine. O fac, numai cand alta “prea abuzata”, nu mai poate si rabufneste. Atunci, prind toate curaj.

    O dam in sus si-n jos cu femeia moderna, emancipata… unde dracu’ e? E emancipata si moderna numai dupa ce te prinde ca ai semnat contractu’ de casatorie si ti se urca in cap?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #93 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Nearly 1,000 current and former Activision Blizzard Inc. employees have signed a letter calling the company’s responses to a recent discrimination lawsuit “abhorrent and insulting.”

    The new letter, which was reviewed by Bloomberg, was circulated Monday following a turbulent week for the publisher behind games like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft. [...]

    The full letter:

    To the Leaders of Activision Blizzard,

    We, the undersigned, agree that the statements from Activision Blizzard, Inc. and their legal counsel regarding the DFEH lawsuit, as well as the subsequent internal statement from Frances Townsend, are abhorrent and insulting to all that we believe our company should stand for. To put it clearly and unequivocally, our values as employees are not accurately reflected in the words and actions of our leadership.

    We believe these statements have damaged our ongoing quest for equality inside and outside of our industry. Categorizing the claims that have been made as “distorted, and in many cases false” creates a company atmosphere that disbelieves victims. It also casts doubt on our organizations’ ability to hold abusers accountable for their actions and foster a safe environment for victims to come forward in the future. These statements make it clear that our leadership is not putting our values first. Immediate corrections are needed from the highest level of our organization.

    Our company executives have claimed that actions will be taken to protect us, but in the face of legal action -- and the troubling official responses that followed -- we no longer trust that our leaders will place employee safety above their own interests. To claim this is a “truly meritless and irresponsible lawsuit,” while seeing so many current and former employees speak out about their own experiences regarding harassment and abuse, is simply unacceptable.

    We call for official statements that recognize the seriousness of these allegations and demonstrate compassion for victims of harassment and assault. We call on Frances Townsend to stand by her word to step down as Executive Sponsor of the ABK Employee Women’s Network as a result of the damaging nature of her statement. We call on the executive leadership team to work with us on new and meaningful efforts that ensure employees -- as well as our community -- have a safe place to speak out and come forward.

    We stand with all our friends, teammates, and colleagues, as well as the members of our dedicated community, who have experienced mistreatment or harassment of any kind. We will not be silenced, we will not stand aside, and we will not give up until the company we love is a workplace we can all feel proud to be a part of again. We will be the change.
    Activision Blizzard (ATVI) Staff Sign Petition Supporting Discrimination Lawsuit - Bloomberg

  14. #94 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Employees at Activision Blizzard Inc. are calling for a walkout on Wednesday to protest the company’s responses to a recent sexual discrimination lawsuit and demanding more equitable treatment for underrepresented staff.

    The strike will take place outside of Blizzard’s campus in Irvine, California, on Wednesday.

    The employees are demanding:

    - That Activision ditch mandatory arbitration clauses “in all employee contracts, current and future.”
    - New practices for recruiting, interviewing, hiring and promotion that facilitate better representation “agreed upon by employees in a company-wide Diversity, Equity & Inclusion organization.”
    - The publication of data on relative compensation, promotion rates and salary ranges for employees “of all genders and ethnicities at the company.”
    - That a diversity task force be allowed to hire a third party to audit the company’s leadership, hierarchy and HR department. “It is imperative to identify how current systems have failed to prevent employee harassment, and to propose new solutions to address these issues.”
    Blizzard Employees Call For Strike After Discrimination Lawsuit - Bloomberg

  15. #95 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Mesaj de la Bobby Kotick, CEO Activision Blizzard:
    This has been a difficult and upsetting week.

    I want to recognize and thank all those who have come forward in the past and in recent days. I so appreciate your courage. Every voice matters - and we will do a better job of listening now, and in the future.

    Our initial responses to the issues we face together, and to your concerns, were, quite frankly, tone deaf.

    It is imperative that we acknowledge all perspectives and experiences and respect the feelings of those who have been mistreated in any way. I am sorry that we did not provide the right empathy and understanding.

    Many of you have told us that active outreach comes from caring so deeply for the Company. That so many people have reached out and shared thoughts, suggestions, and highlighted opportunities for improvement is a powerful reflection of how you care for our communities of colleagues and players – and for each other. Ensuring that we have a safe and welcoming work environment is my highest priority. The leadership team has heard you loud and clear.

    We are taking swift action to be the compassionate, caring company you came to work for and to ensure a safe environment. There is no place anywhere at our Company for discrimination, harassment, or unequal treatment of any kind.

    We will do everything possible to make sure that together, we improve and build the kind of inclusive workplace that is essential to foster creativity and inspiration.

    I have asked the law firm WilmerHale to conduct a review of our policies and procedures to ensure that we have and maintain best practices to promote a respectful and inclusive workplace. This work will begin immediately. The WilmerHale team will be led by Stephanie Avakian, who is a member of the management team at WilmerHale and was most recently the Director of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Enforcement.

    We encourage anyone with an experience you believe violates our policies or in any way made you uncomfortable in the workplace to use any of our many existing channels for reporting or to reach out to Stephanie. She and her team at WilmerHale will be available to speak with you on a confidential basis and can be reached at [email protected] or 202-247-2725. Your outreach will be kept confidential. Of course, NO retaliation will be tolerated.

    We are committed to long-lasting change. Effective immediately, we will be taking the following actions:
    1. Employee Support. We will continue to investigate each and every claim and will not hesitate to take decisive action. To strengthen our capabilities in this area we are adding additional senior staff and other resources to both the Compliance team and the Employee Relations team.

    2. Listening Sessions. We know many of you have inspired ideas on how to improve our culture. We will be creating safe spaces, moderated by third parties, for you to speak out and share areas for improvement.

    3. Personnel Changes. We are immediately evaluating managers and leaders across the Company. Anyone found to have impeded the integrity of our processes for evaluating claims and imposing appropriate consequences will be terminated.

    4. Hiring Practices. Earlier this year I sent an email requiring all hiring managers to ensure they have diverse candidate slates for all open positions. We will be adding compliance resources to ensure that our hiring managers are in fact adhering to this directive.

    5. In-game Changes. We have heard the input from employee and player communities that some of our in-game content is inappropriate. We are removing that content.

    Your well-being remains my priority and I will spare no company resource ensuring that our company has the most welcoming, comfortable, and safe culture possible.

    You have my unwavering commitment that we will improve our company together, and we will be the most inspiring, inclusive entertainment company in the world.

    Yours sincerely,
    A Letter From CEO Bobby Kotick to All Employees (.pdf)
    On the evening before our employee walkout, Activision Blizzard leadership released a statement apologizing for their harmful responses to last week’s DFEH lawsuit. While we are pleased to see that our collective voices — including an open letter with thousands of signatures from current employees — have convinced leadership to change the tone of their communications, this response fails to address critical elements at the heart of employee concerns.

    Activision Blizzard’s response did not address the following:

    The end of forced arbitration for all employees.

    Worker participation in oversight of hiring and promotion policies.

    The need for greater pay transparency to ensure equality.

    Employee selection of a third party to audit HR and other company processes.

    Today’s walkout will demonstrate that this is not a one-time event that our leaders can ignore. We will not return to silence; we will not be placated by the same processes that led us to this point.

    This is the beginning of an enduring movement in favor of better labor conditions for all employees, especially women, in particular women of color and transgender women, nonbinary people, and other marginalized groups.

    We expect a prompt response and a commitment to action from leadership on the points enumerated above, and look forward to maintaining a constructive dialogue on how to build a better Activision Blizzard for all employees.

    Today, we stand up for change. Tomorrow and beyond, we will be the change.
    Activision Blizzard employees say CEO’s letter ‘fails to address’ key concerns - The Verge
    Close to 500 current and former employees of “Assassin’s Creed” publisher Ubisoft are standing in solidarity with protesting game developers at Activision Blizzard with a letter that criticizes their company's handling of sexual misconduct.

    "We believe you, we stand with you and support you," the Ubisoft workers write.

    "It should no longer be a surprise to anyone: employees, executives, journalists, or fans that these heinous acts are going on. It is time to stop being shocked. We must demand real steps be taken to prevent them. Those responsible must be held accountable for their actions."

    Organizers say the letter’s signatories come from 32 of Ubisoft’s studios in Asia, Europe and North America. It will be sent to company management, including CEO Yves Guillemot.
    Ubisoft workers slam bosses in open letter over handling of #MeToo scandals - Axios
    Based on photographs and screenshots of Facebook posts obtained by Kotaku, it’s clear that people beyond Alex Afrasiabi—the man named in the lawsuit, and a long-time World of Warcraft developer—were aware of the “Cosby Suite” mentioned in the lawsuit. That was apparently a nickname for Afrasiabi’s BlizzCon 2013 hotel room, and seemingly a reference to the name of previously convicted rapist Bill Cosby.

    But the “Cosby Suite” was more than just a nickname or a joke. Based on images and comments Afrasiabi posted on his Facebook supplied to Kotaku by a former developer at Blizzard, it was reportedly a booze-filled meeting place where many, including Afrasiabi, would pose with an actual portrait of Bill Cosby while smiling. It was also a hot spot for informal networking at BlizzCon, three sources told Kotaku, where people looking to make inroads at the company would go to meet and hangout with some of its top designers.
    Inside Blizzard developers' infamous Bill 'Cosby Suite'
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  16. #96 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Former World of Warcraft senior creative director Alex Afrasiabi was fired last summer following an internal investigation, Activision Blizzard has now said.

    Afrasiabi's departure had been known, though the details surrounding it - including new and disturbing details of a 2013 BlizzCon hotel room nicknamed the "Cosby suite" - have only now been publicly confirmed following a Kotaku report.

    In a statement issued to Kotaku last night, an Activision Blizzard spokesperson revealed an internal investigation into the "Cosby Suite" had taken place in June 2020, following a separate investigation of Afrasiabi. As a result, Afrasiabi was "terminated... for his misconduct in his treatment of other employees".

    Afrasiabi and the "Cosby Suite" are both named in the lawsuit filed by the State of California against Activision Blizzard which alleges a "frat boy" culture at the World of Warcraft developer. The lawsuit alleges that Afrasiabi's harassment of females was so well known his suite was nicknamed "the Crosby Suite [sic] after alleged rapist Bill Crosby [sic]."
    Blizzard confirms former Warcraft boss fired for "misconduct in his treatment of other employees" •
    Raspunsul lui Yves Guillemot:
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  17. #97 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    “Men would walk into the breastfeeding room. There was no way to lock the door. They would just stare and I would have to scream at them to leave.”
    She said she remembers "crying in the waiting room" trying to explain that Blizzard wouldn't let her go to the appointments even though she had paid time off available.
    Fury, Worry, and Walkouts: Inside Activision Blizzard's Week of Reckoning - IGN
    When she got to the table, she said she asked about the penetration testing position. Penetration testing, or pentesting, is the industry term for a security audit. Mitchell said she was wearing a t-shirt made by cybersecurity company SecureState, which had "Penetration Expert" on the front. One of the Blizzard employees first asked if she was lost, another one asked if she was at the conference with her boyfriend, and another one asked if she even knew what pentesting was.

    "One of them asked me when was the last time I was personally penetrated, if I liked being penetrated, and how often I got penetrated," Mitchell told Waypoint. "I was furious and felt humiliated so I took the free swag and left."
    Blizzard Recruiters Asked Hacker If She ‘Liked Being Penetrated’ at Job Fair
    In 2018, a former Activision Blizzard IT worker installed cameras in the company’s Minnesota office bathroom with the intent to spy on employees while they used the toilet, according to court records reviewed by Waypoint and local media reports from the time.

    The employee, Tony Ray Nixon, pleaded guilty to “Interference with Privacy,” a gross misdemeanor, and was given a suspended prison sentence; he later allegedly violated his parole requiring him to take “sex offender treatment as directed.” Nixon worked for Activision Blizzard in Eden Prairie Minnesota, where the company maintains a building that focuses on quality assurance.
    Activision IT Worker Secretly Filmed Colleagues in Office Bathroom - Bingxo
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  18. #98 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pleaca din companie:
    Starting today, J. Allen Brack will be stepping down as the leader of the studio, and Jen Oneal and Mike Ybarra will co-lead Blizzard moving forward.
    New Leadership at Blizzard — All News — Blizzard News
    I am pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Jen Oneal and Mike Ybarra have been appointed co-leaders of Blizzard. Jen and Mike will share responsibility for development and operational accountability for the company. Both are leaders of great character and integrity and are deeply committed to ensuring our workplace is the most inspired, welcoming environment for creative excellence and to upholding our highest game development standards.

    Many of us already know Mike and Jen and have experienced their leadership, their empathy and their unwavering sense of accountability:

    - Jen is an 18-year company veteran and the former head of Vicarious Visions studio. As Executive Vice President of Development at Blizzard, she has been providing senior development leadership and support to the Diablo and Overwatch franchises.
    - Mike has been in the technology and gaming industries for over 20 years, including 7 years as a senior executive at Microsoft’s XBOX division. Most recently Mike was Executive Vice President & General Manager of Platform and Technology at Blizzard overseeing and our Development Services organizations.
    Activision Blizzard | A Letter From President and Chief Operating Officer Daniel Alegre Regarding Blizzard Entertainment

  19. #99 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Schreier
    NEW: An in-depth look at Blizzard's sexist culture, based on interviews with more than 50 current and former employees. How the company fostered sexual harassment, untouchable rock stars, and blatant discrimination.

  20. #100 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Diablo 4 director Luis Barriga, lead level designer Jesse McCree, and World of Warcraft designer Jonathan LeCraft have reportedly been let go amid the ongoing allegations of harassment and abusive culture within Blizzard.

    Update: An Activision Blizzard spokesperson confirmed that Luis Barriga, Jesse McCree, and Jonathan LeCraft are no longer with the company.

    "We have a deep, talented roster of developers already in place and new leaders have been assigned where appropriate. We are confident in our ability to continue progress, deliver amazing experiences to our players, and move forward to ensure a safe, productive work environment for all," the Activision Blizzard spokesperson told IGN in a statement.
    Three Senior Blizzard Devs Reportedly No Longer With Company Amid Activision Blizzard Allegations - IGN

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