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Thread: Batman: Arkham City

  1. #221 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    The 2nd issue of Batman: Arkham City's mini comic series has got its cover! The artist Carlos D'Anda has revealed the cover and it's sure looking good.

  2. #222 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Astazi s-a confirmat ca Poison Ivy va reaparea si in Arkham City. Tasia Valenza, cea care a interpretat vocea personajului in Arkham Asylum isi va relua rolul.

    "In a recent interview with 918TheFan, Tasia Valenza has confirmed she'll be reprising her role as Poison Ivy in Batman: Arkham City. Tasia goes onto mention that even though she diddn't get to play the game she spent a lot of time seeing her character and claimed she was looking "pretty rocking"." (source

    PS: Cele doua trailere lansate pana acum de Rocksteady, subtitrate in romana:
    Hugo strange trailer
    Gameplay Trailer
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  3. #223 SP
    Senior Member boga's Avatar
    Chiar acum ma joc, de fapt rejoc, Arkham Asylum.. absolut superb Grafica, sunet, poveste, atmosfera de senzatie + freeflow combat-ul care e sublim O sa fie nebunie cand apare asta

  4. #224 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Se pare ca in curand vom avea parte de niste noutati importante, dupa cum ne sugereaza copertile a doua reviste de profil ce au fost postate pe site-ul comunitatii Arkham City cu putin timp in urma.
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  5. #225 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Se pare ca Dax Ginn de la Rocksteady a oferit aceleasi informatii deja stiute pentru nr 104 al revistei Xbox World 360:

    "When we think about all the things that make up the "Batman Experience", one of the great things we're doing at Rocksteady is that we're not just satisfied with having him beat up people and fly around. We want to deal with the detective and forensic side of him. It's the unexpected elements that are really intriguing and loaded with unique gameplay potential"

    "Everywhere that's open to the sky-is open to the player from the off. They can go anywhere they want. That was the emotional feeling we wanted to convey: you're Batman so you can do whatever you want. It's an empowering feeling that Arkham Asylum didn't deliver on because it was such a linear, tight and tense story. We pace out the narrative through internal encounters, we use them to bookmark the experience, but there is loads of content out there on the streets and you can engage with all that in any way you want."

  6. #226 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    O noua imagine care pare a prezenta modalitatea prin care Batman va afla informatiile prin asa numita "thug interrogation". De asemenea Dax Ginn a mai oferit destule informatii noi in interviul acordat pentru PSM3:

    "We want to give the player a sense of freedom this time which, when you think about it, is perfect for Batman. He's the kind of character who should be able to make decisions about where he goes and what he does.
    Interiors are locked to specific missions. But 80% of the game takes place on the streets. This means you can start the game and just go exploring.
    Plot is really important to us, so side missions wont be like "collect 50 of these random things", they will be tied directly to the narrative - like "track down Zsasz." So you will feel part of an overall plot ark, whether your following the core story or not.
    You might see someone being beaten up in the street. If you don't save a guy the first time, they will still be there when you next fly by. But the whole game is changing all the time. Remember the Poison Ivy stuff in AA and the way it changed the enviroment? There is a similar dynamic here. The turf wars erupting on the streets between the various factions might alter entire districts, and that will affect the side missions."
    Attached Images Attached Images batman-arkham-city-4-590x331.jpg

  7. #227 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Batman: Arkham City scans
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  8. #228 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Un nou concept-art lansat de cei de la Rocksteady. Probabil este biserica despre care se vorbea in acel demo lansat doar ptr cateva reviste. De asemenea, pentru cunoscatorii genului, aduce aminte de lupta dintre Batman si Joker din primul film "Batman" din 1989, data tot intr-o biserica.
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  9. #229 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Cei de la Rocksteady au postat astazi o imagine (din pacate asta e rezolutia maxima momentan) ce infatiseaza cum vor fi de aceasta data acele riddles. Se pare ca de aceasta data va fi nevoie de mai multa sarguinta pentru colectarea acestora.
    "Batman has to guide his remote-controlled Batarang through an electrical current, then carry that charge on the Batarang down a flight of stairs and to a power box. Once the power's on, a door unlocks and allows the Dark Knight access to the trophy".
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  10. #230 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Inca doua concept-arts au fost dezvaluite. Pare a fi vorba despre biserica prezentata anterior. Cu siguranta va fi un loc cheie in desfasurarea actiunii.
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  11. #231 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Ce vom vedea in miniseria ce urmeaza a fi lansata, miniserie ce va face legatura intre Arkham Asylum si Arkham City:

    Numarul 1. Data lansarii: 11 Mai 2011
    Detalii: A trecut un an de cand Joker preluase controlol azilului, iar Gotham inca incearca sa revina la normal in aceasta noua miniserie alcatuita din 5 numere, ce elimina golul existent intre mega succesul Arkham Asylum si mult asteptatul sequel Arkham City.Iar acum, un atac din partea unor gemeni super-puternici declanseaza panica in oras si obliga primarul sa ia masuri drastice.

    Numarul 2. Data lansarii: 25 Mai 2011
    Detalii: Pe fondul protestelor facute de grupurile pentru drepturile omului si Bruce Wayne, un nou Arkham se ridica. Joker este programat a fi primul detinut, dar nu si daca Harley Quinn are un cuvant de spus legat de acest lucru. Intre timp, suspiciunile lui Batman il determina sa investigheze cine se afla in spatele acestui nou azil mult mai extins, si care ar fi motivatiile acestuia.

    Numarul 3. Data lansarii: 29 Iunie 2011
    Detalii: Accentul in acest episod cade pe Printul Clovn al Crimelor si marea lui iubire, Harley Quinn, caci cei doi si-au stabilit "cuibul lor de dragoste" in vechiul Gotham Metal Work. Ce rol vor avea cei doi in noul Arkham City si ce va putea face Batman in legatura cu asta?

    Numarul 4. Data lansarii: 27 iulie 2011
    Detalii: Miniseria continua, sub indrumarea scriitorului Paul Dini. Portile noului azil se inchid, prinzand in capcana toti criminalii marunti dar si mai toti super-villainii in spatele zidurilor. Prizonierii incepand un joc al supravietuirii, o unitate de forte de securitate plina de mercenari, angajata de primarul Quincy Sharp, incep sa vaneze liderii de bande rivale, adica pe Joker si Two-Face. Nu numai ca Batman a salvat vietile celor mai mari doi inamici ai sai, dar si-a croit drum printr-o intreaga armata ca sa poata faca acest lucru!

    Ultimul numar al seriei nu a fost anuntat inca, dar este probabil si din cauza ca este cel mai important, deoarece practic dupa el vom putea avea o imagine in ansamblu a ce s-a petrecut intre cele 2 jocuri. Cheers all!

  12. #232 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar
    Now that's some bulls**t .

    Batman Arkham City Delayed.

  13. #233 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheKingOfHate� View Post
    Now that's some bulls**t .
    vai a fost amanat 2 saptamani... ce mare e dezamagirea, noroc ca se lanseaza tousi anul acesta

  14. #234 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheKingOfHate� View Post
    Now that's some bulls**t .

    Batman Arkham City Delayed.
    Astia de la Electronic Theatre sunt niste idioti ca de obicei. 18 Octombrie a fost de la inceput data de lansare a jocului in US.

    Batman: Arkham City opens up for tourism October 18 | Joystiq

  15. #235 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    S-a confirmat faptul ca toata treaba asta e o minciuna. Pe site-ul oficial este foarte clar si coerent specificata data de 18 octombrie ptr America, respectiv 21 ptr Europa si de asemenea in trailerul recent lansat, asadar asta e singurul adevar. Deci a fost doar o incercare de a capta atentia. Niciodata nu a fost anuntata oficial data de 3 octombrie pentru lansare.

  16. #236 SP
    Senior Member AndyZ's Avatar
    Pe ShopTo e de mult trecuta data de 21..

  17. #237 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Printre avatarele disponibile pe site-ul comunitatii Arkham City, au fost astazi remarcate doua poze ce pare a infatisa membrii de banda ai lui Penguin. Desi The Penguin nu a fost confirmat in joc, tindem sa credem ca mai mult ca sigur va aparea intr-o forma fizica, avand in vedere numeroasele indicii.
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  18. #238 SP
    Member batmanfan's Avatar
    Luna viitoare, pe 8 Iunie, cei de la Rocksteady vor dezvalui un nou villain in revista "Official Playstation Magazine Australia".
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  19. #239 SP
    Member batmantiby's Avatar

    Bat-Signal explained

    Batman Arkham City; Bat Signals Function Explained

    The Bat Signal's default position is the primary narrative path to provide you with guidance about where Batman is most needed at any given point.

    However you can also manually re-locate it to help you navigate your way around Arkham City by moving its position on the game map.
    cool idea if you ask me

  20. #240 SP
    Member batmantiby's Avatar
    Batman: Arkham City - Issue 1 (May 2011) - Part 1
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