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Thread: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

  1. #2341 SP
    Member ymy's Avatar
    Super! Vad ca nici misiunea "Where the Cat and Wolf Play" nu mai merge. Gerald nu o mai gaseste pe fetita, sa-i dea papusa si sa o intrebe ce s-a intamplat in catunul ala de sunt atatea cadavre pe acolo. Ramane blocat la cititul urmelor fetitei cu witcher senses.
    Eu unul, m-am cam saturat. Am ajuns sa ma bucur cand apare cate un patch, care sper sa-mi repare un produs pe care l-am achizitionat defect. Dupa ce apare patch-ul, constat ca am alte probleme, fata de cele pe care le-am avut. Acum astept alt patch, care sa-mi repare noile probleme.
    Da. Pot astepta baietii astia de la CD Projekt pana la pastele cailor, ca atunci am sa le mai cumpar eu expansionurile.

  2. #2342 SP
    Member Victor420's Avatar
    Bug fixing:

  3. #2343 SP
    Member CataPuscas's Avatar
    Are cineva expansionul? Poate confirma ca e region locked as usual?

  4. #2344 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Woooo, let's go!
    Attached Images Attached Images 20151013174510.jpg

  5. #2345 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Damn, so far it's so fun!

  6. #2346 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    vesti foarte bune:

    The Witcher 3 patch 1.10 gives PS4 the boost it's been waiting for •

    The good news first. PS4 benefits hugely from the update, and our first stress-test in Crookback Bog shows the biggest gains in the shift to patch 1.10. This area's fog and water transparency effects push the engine hardest, and notoriously, prior versions of the game locked PS4 to the 20fps line here. But with everything updated fully, frame-rates now stick closer to the 30fps line across the entirety of our run. At points this gives The Witcher 3 a boost of 10fps overall on PS4, and it overtakes a fully-patched Xbox One version in direct comparison.

  7. #2347 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    pachetul cu cartile de joc e doar pt ps4?

  8. #2348 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    Da, SirAndrew. Din pacate nu exista varianta fizica pentru Xbox. Cred ca aceste carti erau deja in CE al jocului normal, exclusiv XboxOne.

  9. #2349 SP
    Member lilmonkey's Avatar
    au fost alte 2 deckuri, nu aceleasi ca astea din dlc pack. oarecum complementar, x1 a avut 2 deckuri in CE, ps4 a avut celelalte 2 deckuri in DLC pack.

  10. #2350 SP
    Member CataPuscas's Avatar
    Urmatorul dlc le va avea probabil pe celelalte doua

  11. #2351 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Astept parerile voastre sa vad daca merita sa mai cumpar expansionurile.

  12. #2352 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Cei cu XO primesc un cod pe care-l inregistreaza pe site si primesc cartile prin posta, acasa (altele fata de cele doua pachete din CE) aka deci sunt toate 4 pachetele.

    Oricum astea n-au nicio valoare deoarece TOATE (PS4, XO, PC) sunt incomplete

  13. #2353 SP
    Member lilmonkey's Avatar
    din cate stiu, ce ai spus Ronan e valabil doar pentru cei cu Season pass, nu pentru orice X1 ca tot trebuie sa plateasca si cartile + transport - Redeem Gwent

    To receive the code, you need to fill out the form below and upload your proof of purchase -- this might be a photo of the Expansion Pass or Hearts of Stone expansion pack in your library, or a copy of your digital receipt that was generated for you after you made your purchase. Try to keep the pictures legible and mind the attachment size (they shouldn’t be too big).

  14. #2354 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Taxa aia ii ceva normal (dupa parerea mea) pt. ca si cei care au cumaprat CE, pt PS4, au platit aceeasi suma ca cei care au luat CE pt. XO si au primit cele doua pachete de carti (ma rog s-a inteles ce-am vrut sa zic) acum toata lumea ii la egalitate

  15. #2355 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Pai nu e la egalitate. Eu am luat CE pe PS4 si dupa ce am luat acum DLC-ul fizic, am cele doua pachete de joc care imi lipseau in CE. Altul care a luat CE pentru One are doua pachete de carti inca de atunci, iar acum cu lansarea DLC-ului poate ajunge la 4 pachete. Eu tot sunt in urma

  16. #2356 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...ioi da :/ ai dreptate nush, ce calcule am facut :/ no dale-n colo de carti, ca oricum nu-s toate. Eu sper sa apara, candva, setul complet.

    In alta ordine de idei: incep problemele cu expansion-ul
    Pe XO il joc si eu si am exact problema aia

    ...o mai are cineva? :/

    ---------- Post added 14-10-2015 at 19:58 ----------

    Nevermind l-am rezolvat din 2 timpi si 3 miscari ei ce m-am speriat ca tre sa reiau jocul de la ultimul save manual (care a fost acum ~ 2 ore)


  17. #2357 SP
    Member CataPuscas's Avatar
    Oare de nu pot sa pun extra sockets pe mastercrafted gear? Trebui sa creasca in nivel runewright-ul?

  18. #2358 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Am primit un update in urma cu ~ o ora habar n-am ce face, lol.
    Attached Images Attached Images 20151015165955.jpg

  19. #2359 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    What would you do if you were the developers of a million unit selling game, but cheaters were found all around? CD Projekt RED decided to have some fun with their fans.
    In this short video that follows this paragraph below, player WhatsMyGame found his Geralt facing up with the local tax man. In this amusing exchange, the fourth wall breaking deputy tax enumerator Walthemor Mitty grills you on any possible cheats you may have used in the game, but does so in a way that makes sense in the universe. Mitty even asks straight up if you’ve entered someone else’s house to take their items.

  20. #2360 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

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