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Thread: No Man's Sky

  1. #161 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Eu nu înțeleg ce nu înțelegi? Chiar am explicat destul de simplu. Am înțeles, avem păreri diferite, stiu ca aștepți jocul cu sufletul la gură, sper sa nu te vad dezumflat cum te-am văzut după Division Eu nu mai comentez, apoi mă faceți hater.
    Nu astept jocul cu sufletul la gura, ba chiar nici n-am sa-l iau la lansare. S-a dus din hype-ul pe care il aveam mai demult. Iar la Division don't start, si tu ai alimentat la "indoctrinarea" mea . Putin imi pasa de joc, dar forumul asta m-a convins sa-l cumpar. IT WAS MY UNDOING!

  2. #162 SP
    Member marv's Avatar
    eu cel mai mult astept review-urile.

  3. #163 SP
    Member vladthegamer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by vladthegamer View Post
    PowerPyx: "No Man's Sky platinum unlocked! Difficulty: 2/10. Time to plat: 20-30 hours. FYI: If you want the plat quickly play without the day-one patch. They changed the trophy requirements to make it harder. Full trophy guide incoming..."

  4. #164 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eagle-eye View Post
    Nu astept jocul cu sufletul la gura, ba chiar nici n-am sa-l iau la lansare. S-a dus din hype-ul pe care il aveam mai demult. Iar la Division don't start, si tu ai alimentat la "indoctrinarea" mea . Putin imi pasa de joc, dar forumul asta m-a convins sa-l cumpar. IT WAS MY UNDOING!
    Pentru faza aia ți-am rămas dator cu un cod de review

  5. #165 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Wow, acum aflu. Nu te refuz, domnule!

  6. #166 SP
    Member esop's Avatar
    Tocmai s-a terminat live-ul de la IGN

    Iata primele 2h din joc:

  7. #167 SP
    Member televizor's Avatar
    A mai dat cineva link mai sus, mai dau si eu la articolul asta:
    Patch The Process | Rami Ismail
    Pe scurt, consolele au technical requirements pt submissions si ferestre pentru submissions.
    Daca nu le-ai bifat pe toate (sunt sute, am lucrat si eu la TRC pentru Gameloft, pe NintendoDS) sau daca ai pierdut fereastra, se duce posibilitatea sa iti iei approval de la Sony sau M$ pt lansare.
    Daca e doar downloadable sau daca e joc de PC (unde lipsesc complet la Steam, GOG si restul), nu mai esti la fel de presat ca poti sa-ti pui pe Store tot timpul ultima versiune.
    Hello Games au trimis build-ul pt a obtine approval dupa care au continuat sa lucreze la joc, unele din aditii fiind si chestii cerute de fani pe reddit sau twitter (de exemplu: pets). Au zis ca jocul e mai mult un canvas si ca o sa adauge ce ii roaga fanii.
    Nu inteleg cu ce au gresit la faza asta. Daca e sa facem o paralela, EA ar fi cerut DLC moneyz pentru chestii post-launch.

  8. #168 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Hello Reddit! I’m Sean Murray, and I’m one part of a small indie dev called Hello Games.
    I joined the industry straight out of Uni, worked for three years, became a technical director, lost my way, quit and made a game with my friends. That was Joe Danger. Tomorrow we're releasing our next game called No Man's Sky.
    You can read about it here: What do you do in No Man’s Sky? | No Man's Sky
    It's a chill sci-fi game.
    I can’t really describe in words what today feels like... but let's go with weird and terrifying.
    My specialist subjects are programming, indie development, working at EA, not sleeping, maths, hype-trains, drinking tea and stressing about your game releasing... Ask Me Anything!
    Proof here…
    EDIT! Thank you everyone! I'm gonna do another half hour and then try to get some sleep
    EDIT! Leaving now because people pointed out we might overtake Obama as the most popular AMA. If that happens someone might start to worry that the hype has gone too far ¯\(シ)/¯ - thank you all so much! Hope you enjoy the game, I'm going to try to sneak off into anonymity now
    Sean Murray's AMA, Summarized
    submitted 6 hours ago * by jayhawx19
    Link to AMA
    Hey guys, I've basically just taken every answer Sean has given and put them in an easily digestible post! I've tried to order the questions in terms of importance, aka important game features/clarifications first and fluff at the end.

    Q: Will No Man's Sky on PC have FOV options?
    A: Innes and Charlie are here working on it right now, but every time someone asks we take away one degree of field of view FOV settings for PC confirmed! - Imgur

    Q: Hey Sean, In an old trailer I saw huge snakes/wurms, are those still in the game? Also have a nice day!
    A: Oh man, I hate questions like this, because like wouldn't you just rather discover for yourself? Huge creatures are out there, and I haven't seen them on streams yet. They are rare.

    Q: Is PC getting a midnight release?
    A: The reality is that we're still here working on it right now. There's no conspiracy, we're just racing to get all the extra options and stuff we want. PS4 comes out tomorrow and we'll just try to pretend it's a normal work day! Best guess right now is 6pm GMT on Friday, but we'll keep you up to date as we get closer.
    I'll tell you a funny story about PC. I was here late yesterday, and I had to take a break and do an interview with Playboy (!) - and the guy was like "what are you working on when you go back downstairs?" and I was like "compatibility for ATI opengl drivers", and he said "ummm.... could you make something up. That sounds pretty nerdy". I always knew I wasn't Playboy article material

    Q: Will PS4 and PC Universes be linked in any way?
    A: PS4 and PC players are using two different servers. We are running a control experiment to see who names things the most juvenile things... Let the games begin!
    Q: I've heard rumors of the possibility of an API at some point for at least Atlas data, will that be a thing?

    A: It could be for sure. We were talking today about just having a twitter bot that tweets discovery names at random. We've just been glued to the screen all day, watching names come in. Game isn't out... but we had like 160k discoveries uploaded today... so...

    Q: You mention being tight-lipped on the PC version, and you've got your reasons, but will you be tight lipped in this AMA?
    A: Whenever devs are tight-lipped, it's normally just because they literally, legally, can't talk about a thing. Man, you would surprised how wrapped up most devs are in contracts and nonesense. Often for instance lots of devs will have a clause that says "you literally can't say the name of platform X". Knowing this it's really funny watching interviews where devs are squirming trying not to the word Wii or whatever when being asked about some industry thing - you see us say things like "well the thing about supporting... that particular console is..."

    Q: When Sony became heavily involved, did they have any input (or say) on the final product? Is this still completely your vision?
    A: Sony has been super cool to work with, but mainly just because they haven't been involved in development, you know? We're still sort of the underdog with Sony, and in the general AAA (for obvious reasons). If NMS is a success, I think that probably will have a real impact in terms of how a lot of people in larger publishers view indie games. People generally think of NMS as a Sony title, but we're still just a self funded indie studio - it's kind of a crazy situation

    Q: Can you just talk about balancing expectations/hype in the lead up to release based on your experience so far?
    A: REAL TALK - so obviously the hype is terrifying. I mean, I have had this hanging over me for three years since we announced. I get like 3 hours sleep a night, but like I can't sleep even if I was home so ¯(シ)/¯. It's catch 22, if we hadn't announced when we did, we probably would have quit the project without the community supporting us... but god... should I have passed up Colbert? Or E3? I dunno. Every time we showed the game we always assumed people would suddenly not like it anymore... but instead the hype would just get crazier. In an alternate timeline, imagine if we could just be showing it for the first time tonight and launching tomorrow? Imagine how fun that would have been...

    Q: How often do you and your coworkers read /r/nomansskythegame?
    A: Some of the team read it for sure, and then post me the weirdest stuff OK so I'll admit there have been times, my lowest on the project, where I've looked at the subreddit and it's cheered me up and kept me going. But there have been times I've looked on there and despaired - and just thought "how can we ever live up to the expectations of people who having been waiting for this game for 3 years"

    Q: How close is the game coming out compared to the original idea you had of NMS?
    A: I think really close... I think? I was kinda posting about that today, going back to early versions of the game: What do you do in No Man’s Sky? | No Man's Sky

    Q: Would you consider expanding HelloGames into a multi-project studio, or do you prefer more of a Pixar/Naughty Dog single-game style environment?
    A: Initially I think we'll all be supporting NMS. But there are other ideas we've got rattling around in our heads too. I think video games is just such a largely unexplored field. There's very few studios that pull off the two game thing, but supporting one game and then kicking off something new - that's doable right? Sht, I just remembered, we've got another thing we're already working on that's unannounced. It's a small experiment, but hopefully you all might like it Maybe we can be the Johnny Depp of studios - do a mixture of big stuff and indie stuff? *

    Q: Do you think our real universe is procedurally generated or perhaps a simulation?
    A: So Elon Musk asked me this (NAME DROP!). I said if I was Elon Musk, then I'd be pretty sure it was right? Like load up the holodeck with the disk where I get to colonise mars and make self driving cars... So I think he almost certainly is, and then I'm an AI bot I guess? In his simulation? Controlled by a giant AI that's smirking to itself whilst I give this answer....

    Q: How did the development of the game affect you physically and mentally?
    A: Apparently so bad that pictures of it gets lots of RTs

    Q: How drunk were you guys in your live stream today?
    A: Yeah, so everyone thinks we were high or drunk Just hadn't eaten today, and am operating on zero sleep. It's an ok buzz. 5/10. Would not sleep again.

    Q: Could uh, could you do something like Burnout again?
    A: I have a recurring dream that I am back working on Burnout 3. Normally that I'm playing the game, and we've made it so every race ends with a crash junction. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. Games dev does things to you.

    Q: Favorite kind of tea?
    A: [Someone chimes in saying he's Irish, it must be Barry's Tea]
    OMG! I was about to say Barry's Tea! This is what it feels like, when doves cry

    Q from /u/seanmurrayinsideme: Wanna grab dinner sometime?
    A: Sure... where we going?
    Sumar la ce s-a discutat aseara.

  9. #169 SP
    Member xenocid's Avatar
    A mai jucat cineva de aici Elite pe Z80 si are lacrimi in ochi?

  10. #170 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    cam boring.

  11. #171 SP
    Senior Member Danny's Avatar
    3.7 GB... Wow

  12. #172 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  13. #173 SP
    Member televizor's Avatar
    A auzit cineva sa le fi pus in vanzare vreun retailer, ceva?
    Cred ca ma duc diseara cu miloaga la Altex poate pica ceva

  14. #174 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Sa ne spui si noua daca il gasesti pe undeva.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #175 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    De mâine încep livrările, aveți puțină răbdare.

  16. #176 SP
    Senior Member Razvan's Avatar
    Excelent FOV, zici ca te uiti printr-o lupa.

  17. #177 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    FOVul ala e criminal. Nici voi putea sa il ating pe consola.
    Am vazut o poza undeva cu setari pt FOV pe PC.
    Sincer, arata cam .... pllliccctttiissiitttorrr. Deja casc.

  18. #178 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    A bit creepy.

  19. #179 SP
    Member televizor's Avatar
    Pls, nu mai pune spoilere (te spoilezi si din titlu) cand asteapta toti de pe threadu asta jocul de 3 ani. Mersi mult si mult noroc in viata

  20. #180 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Okay, my bad, nu stiam ca nu se astepta lumea sa fie gauri negre intr-un joc cu spatiu ~infinit.

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