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Thread: Tales From The Borderlands

  1. #1 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

    Tales From The Borderlands

    Cei de la Telltale lucrează la 4 jocuri in acelasi timp ( GoT, TWD season 2, The Wolf Among Us si Borderlands Adv.) Felicitări!
    Telltale Collaborating with Gearbox on Borderlands Adventure | Game Front
    Newly beloved adventure game devs Telltale Games announced its next project at the VGX thing today, and despite rumors about it being Game of Thrones, the next thing they’re working on that they’re talking about is none other than Tales for the Borderlands, an adventure title in the style of their Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us games but set in the world of Gearbox’s Borderlands. Randy Pitchford says the thing is about “wannabe vault hunters,” and they’re all saying it’s legit Telltale stuff.
    If you take a look at the trailer above, you’ll see some familiar faces, and the whole thing will kinda click into place. Coming 2014.
    Attached Images Attached Images tales-borderlands.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar
    Holy... mi se pare ca mulg vaca prea mult cand au vazut succesul lui TWD.
    Sa zicem 2 jocuri dar 4 ?
    Si chiar nu inteleg chestia asta cu Borderlands , un joc dupa un joc ?

  3. #3 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Mie imi place, deocamdată mulg 4 vaci diferite

  4. #4 SP
    Completionist Boghy02's Avatar
    Eu nu sunt deranjat , bring me disCan't wait

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar au lansat inca The Wolf Among Us episodul 2 desi trebuia sa apara in noiembrie si au si sezonul 2 din The Walking Dead..acum se ocupa si de Game of Thrones si de universul din Borderlands?

  6. #6 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Stati asa sa clarificam lucrurile.

    "... Telltale Games announced its next project
    at the VGX thing today, and despite
    rumors about it being Game of Thrones,
    the next thing they’re working on that
    they’re talking about is none other than
    Tales for the Borderlands.."

    Deci GameOfThrones era doar un zvon, Telltale nu lucreaza la 4 jocuri, ci doar 3( WalkingDead, Wolf Among Us & Borderlands)?

  8. #8 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Vezi aici
    Game of Thrones

    PS si cei de la HBO au confirmat jocul(GoT), va avea mai multe sezoane

  9. #9 SP
    Completionist Boghy02's Avatar
    @ComaLight dormea la VGX (jk) Ce credeai man ca au anuntat aiurea GoT?

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Internetul este plin de zvonuri si speculatii, vroiam sa fiu informat corect, pentru ca sunt foarte curios sa vad ce reusesc baietii de la Telltale sa faca cu cele doua proiecte(GoT, Borderlands).

  11. #11 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    It's set on Pandora, the planet which served as the battleground for the first two Borderlands games — but rather than focus on the plight of the heroic Vault Hunters of that universe, it focuses more on the planet's less adventurous inhabitants.

    The two characters featured in the trailer are Fiona, the well-dressed con artist, and Rhys, the cybernetically-enhanced Hyperion company man. The player will control both characters as they recall, in turn, the plot of the game from the future. Both narrators' versions, however, are fish tales — players will quickly notice the discrepancies between the versions of the events presented by Fiona and Rhys.

    "You never really play what actually happened, you're playing this Big Fish version of what happened," Telltale's Kevin Bruner explained during the panel.

    You'll have plenty of reason to doubt the untrustworthy narration from Rhys and Fiona, as they're both thoroughly greed-driven people — much like everyone else surviving on Pandora. That driving desire also plays into the general tone of the game, and its decision-based gameplay. To put that into context, Telltale's Harrison Pink compared the series to The Walking Dead, where players were constantly forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. In Tales from the Borderlands, players will more often have to choose from the better of two extremely desirable options.

    In terms of tone, it should come as no surprise that Tales from the Borderlands will try to preserve the humor of the core franchise. That tone is something of a departure from The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, but Bruner is quick to point out that the studio is rooted in comedic series like Sam & Max.

    ---------- Post added 10-03-2014 at 17:23 ----------

  12. #12 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Detalii noi si cateva imagini
    What else can I say about this game series?
    * The loot you grab in Tales will be available to use in other areas of the Borderlands franchise
    * It’s an episodic series that’ll be $4.99 per episode (or you can save with the Season Pass)
    * Your choices matter and will help create YOUR version of the story across the season
    * The series takes place after the events of Borderlands 2. Handsome Jack is gone. Or is he? You might have seen the trailer we put out a while back
    * You’re going to play two different viewpoints. Rhys works for Hyperion; he’s a company man with grand ambitions that have been thrown off the rails. Fiona is a fast-talking con artist, with very few people left on Pandora she hasn’t swindled one way or another
    * They both have a very different opinion of the events that brought them together, and the only way to find out something near to the truth is to live their lives and make your own decisions

  13. #13 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Tales from the Borderlands – Welcome Back to Pand…:

  14. #14 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu sunt fan Borderlands, dar sunt fan telltale games si cred ca-l voi incerca si pe acesta.

    Ah, sunt fan Patrick Warburton si vocea lui

  15. #15 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Cel mai bun joc de la Telltale de pana acum, mi-a placut foarte mult primul episod. Sper ca urmatoarele episoade sa fie cel putin la fel de bune ca asta

  17. #17 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ti-a placut pentru ca esti fan Borderlands ? Sau chiar sunt mai bune ca The Walking Dead si The Wolf Among Us, nefiind un fan Borderlands ?

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar
    L-am terminat si eu azi de dimineata, recomand! Nu mi-a placut niciodata Borderlands, insa jocul asta e facut fix in stilul Teltale Games.

    Tot ce trece prin mana studioului asta e golden

  19. #19 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Ti-a placut pentru ca esti fan Borderlands ? Sau chiar sunt mai bune ca The Walking Dead si The Wolf Among Us, nefiind un fan Borderlands ?
    Am jucat doar Borderlands 2 si nu pot sa spun ca sunt un fan imens, dar imi place universul si atitudinea umoristica cu care e abordat. Lucru ce se reflecta perfect si in jocul asta. Si da, dupa parerea mea, e mai bun ca TWD si TWAU, cel putin eu m-am distrat mai mult jucand asta. Cred ca urmatoarea replica preluata din joc il descrie perfect: "I'll kill you until you'll die from it!"

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar

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