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Thread: E3 2015

  1. #161 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Si ceva super amuzant )))))

  2. #162 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ilie11 View Post
    ''Can you feel it PS4 fan boys?''
    Bai, nu prea, eu am văzut si conferința Sony

  3. #163 SP
    Senior Member ilie11's Avatar
    Si eu, si la anul imi iau PS4 ( din nou) ca sa joc The Last Guardian pe care il astept de ani buni.
    Dar, sa fim realisti... Microsoft are o bila alba.

  4. #164 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Sunt realist, pt mine a fost o bombă faza cu BC, pt asta o sa iau XOne. Îți respect părerea, dar ai fi putut sa ți-o expui altfel, uite colegul RonanN1 ce frumos a formulat cu o pagină in urmă. Știi ca sunt mulț acest forum, te-ai gândit sa pui gaz foc. Sper sa discutăm civilizat si de acum încolo

  5. #165 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    nu inteleg de ce mereu trebuie sa fie un vs ambele companii au o bila alba, ambele au avut conferinte fantastice

  6. #166 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Nici eu nu înțeleg flame-ul, iar atunci când ai o formulare cum a avut colegul Ilie, trebuie sa te aștepți si la consecințe. In timpul conferinței Ms am văzut un comentariu scârbos de la un user cu vechime, care stiu ca gândește înainte sa vorbească, sper ca citez corect:

    "S-a pi..t Ms pe Sony"

    Ce poți sa mai spui, taci si înghiți, dar e o limită.

  7. #167 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Tocmai asta e ca toti oamenii care au doar ps4 chiar au laudat MS pentru ce au facut si nu au creat flameuri sau au trolat . Daca si dupa e3 asta nu intelegem ca de fapt noi gamerii am castigat eu am auzit useri spunand "gata imi iau xbox one m-au convins" sau "nu se mai poate, trebuie sa-mi iau ps4 pentru jocul ala" asta arata cat de misto a fost e3

  8. #168 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Eu unul cred ca Microsoft a venit cu BC ca raspuns la PS Now. Acum au avantajul ca ofera chestia asta gratis, aici trebuie sa raspunda Sony cumva(de preferat sa scada preturile care sunt cam piperate pt un stream).
    In rest ambele au avut conferite foarte bune, spre deosebire de EA, care a anuntat doua IP-uri noi, dintre care un joc pentru mobile si un joculet cu un ursulet de lana. Putin penibil din partea unei companii care ne-a obisnuit cu titluri AAA.

  9. #169 SP
    Banned Templier's Avatar

  10. #170 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Eu sunt fann Sony si spun ca M$ au facut o treaba super buna cu BC, la cat costa jocurile de 360 acum e pacat sa nu le joci, asta daca ai destul timp la dispozitie, PS Now este un serviciu de rahat, ar merge bine daca il trec pe subscriptie cu termen ca la PS Plus, dai 230 de lei pe an si joci ce joc vrei tu din lista, au aburit pe toata lumea cum ca nu de poate BC, sa fim seriosi traim in era IT, orice se poate acum, sunt convins ca i-a cam pus pe ganduri pe cei de la Sony pentru ca " Winter is comming"

  11. #171 SP
    Member Tomcraft's Avatar
    Nu inteleg de ce aveti orgasm cu BC? Imi iau next gen pt jocuri vechi? Pt mine este egal cu 0. Nu vad sa ziceti nimic de Gears care arata superb , dar va bucurati ca o sa jucati jocuri de acum 10 ani pe next gen...

  12. #172 SP
    Member eastbason's Avatar
    In momentul in care ai un raft plin de jocuri pentru X 360 e si normal sa te bucuri ca poti sa le folosesti chiar daca s-a schimbat platforma.

  13. #173 SP
    Senior Member Razvan's Avatar
    Neasteptat de bune conferintele in anul asta, e dificil sa alegi o "castigatoare". Mi-a placut la Microsoft ca ne-au aratat Hololensul, pacat ca Sony a trecut repede peste Morpheus.

  14. #174 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomcraft View Post
    Nu inteleg de ce aveti orgasm cu BC? Imi iau next gen pt jocuri vechi? Pt mine este egal cu 0.
    Poate ceea ce pentru tine este egal cu zero, pentru multi e o super veste. De exp. eu imi dau seama ca in sfarsit pot sa-mi vand Xbox 360-ul pentru ca voi putea juca titlurile pe Xbox One. De ce sa tin inca o consola degeaba?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomcraft View Post
    Nu vad sa ziceti nimic de Gears care arata superb , dar va bucurati ca o sa jucati jocuri de acum 10 ani pe next gen...
    Apropos de Gears, vad ca ti-ai raspuns singur la prima intrebare: odata ce ai BC, poti sa joci linistit seria Gears of War, Mass Effect si alte jocuri care inca nu exista pe Xbox One, si care chiar merita... Nu mai trebuie sa-ti cumperi un Xbox 360 pentru asta, o vei putea face direct pe Xbox One. Mai mult, nu dai bani pe un Remastered Edition, ci-l primesti moka.

    As fi inteles frustrarea unora legat de BC daca Microsoft cerea bani pt. asta... But it's godamn free! Nu-ti place free, poti sa-ti faci abonament la PS Now si joci titluri mai vechi in streaming. Simple as that...

  15. #175 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Sau poate spre exemplu: eu am vandut tot ce tine de old-gen pentru a strange bani pt un X1, insa totusi imi pare rau ca nu am apucat sa joc chiar tot ce vroiam sa joc, acum cu BC am ocazia sa joc niste jocuri extraordinare pe care le gasesti in magazin la 50-100lei.

  16. #176 SP
    Member eastbason's Avatar
    Totusi s-au gandit si la noi, cei care am bagat o caciula de bani in jocurile pentru old-gen, sa nu ramanem cu " banii blocati ". Pentru un colectionar nu conteaza asta, dar sincer cred ca e un sentiment destul de tare sa poti sa-ti alegi orice joc de pe raft si sa-l poti nu mai conteze daca e pentru old-gen sau next-gen.

  17. #177 SP
    Member dragosbc's Avatar
    sau privita altfel ai 2 console intr-una , de ce sa dai aprox 600-700 pe un xbox 360 cand la 1300-1500 iei x box one

  18. #178 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    O veste buna, mai ales pentru Dant3

    Best E3 moment: @yosp telling Greg and I that he's played Bend's, Sucker Punch's, & Quantic Dream's unannounced games, then laughing at us.

    So QD, Sucker Punch si Bend nu stau degeaba, au jocuri neanuntate si care pot fi playble . Eu zic ca e mai bine ca nu au anuntat totul pt E3, altfel cum mai pastrau surprize pana la sfarsitul anului.

  19. #179 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Unde, ce, cum, când??? Hai Sony la Gamescom, ffs

  20. #180 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Nici eu nu înțeleg flame-ul, iar atunci când ai o formulare cum a avut colegul Ilie, trebuie sa te aștepți si la consecințe. In timpul conferinței Ms am văzut un comentariu scârbos de la un user cu vechime, care stiu ca gândește înainte sa vorbească, sper ca citez corect:

    "S-a pi..t Ms pe Sony"

    Ce poți sa mai spui, taci si înghiți, dar e o limită.
    Da, nu e frumos ce s-a spus...dar na...mai scapa. La fel ca la fotbal cand spune unu' ca Rapid sau alta echipa s-a pi...t pe cealalta.. E o parere de moment, influentata de starea de hype a conferintei. Nu e de luat in calcul ca rautate neaparat! In plus la nr. de console vandute de Sony in acest moment este foarte greu ca Microsoft sa poata face ceva real pentru a micsora gapul.
    In fine, indiferent de fanboyisme sau nu trebuie sa nu ne suparam pe cei care reactioneaza asa la auzul la "cald" a unei stiri. Ulterior dupa ce se aseaza totul se poate discuta la "rece" cu un pahar in fata si mult calm despre aceasta conferinta. Pt. mine Microsoft a fost aproape de a egala conferinta Sony care a fost o idee mai buna.

    Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg Talks Backwards Compatibility, Sony’s E3, Windows 10 Gaming and Phantom Dust

    AdTech Ad
    Microsoft had a very strong showing at E3, and one of the men behind that effort is First and Third Party Marketing Head Aaron Greenberg. Today he gave quite a lot of info on what we saw and on where Xbox is heading in an interview on Gamertag Radio.

    First of all, he talked about what’s going on with Phantom Dust:

    “It’s been a passion project for Phil and the team. We’re exploring what we’re going to do with Phantom Dust. The project is not cancelled. We don’t have an active developer on it right now but it’s a project that, like many things, will take a little more time, but at this point we’re not giving any more updates on it.”
    Secondly, he clarified Microsoft’s position on the relationship between Xbox and Windows:

    “We’re trying to build the best platform for gamers, and the beauty of this is that our architecture is all built on windows. Xbox is built on Windows infrastructure, we have the new OS that we’re giving as a free upgrade and we expect a billion people to upgrade to Windows 10, so we think we’re going to build a huge platform for gamers.”
    “Windows is a very long term investment that we think a lot of people will use on a massive scale. That’s how we think broadly about that ecosystem and we innovate about both, And ultimately from a gaming standpoint we think we have a real opportunity to bring gamers together.”
    Greenberg also mentioned that we’ll hear more about this at Gamescom.

    After that, we also hear the reasoning behind the newly announced elite controller’s price point:

    “It is primarily for professional gamers, and so its really a high end controller. It is not built for mass market. We have a mass market controller today that is $69 and isvery affordable. But if you want a high end controller, we’re giving you the choice. We went off and built the ‘Ferrari of controllers’ and so that was the idea, we’re not expecting everyone to buy this.”
    “It is the price of two controllers, with that said, If you look at what people are doing today in this space, this controller with the switchable knobs and the customization, built from the ground up built as a pro controller is delivering a lot more functionality than anything you’re getting at that price point today. I think we’re delivering on value for pro gamers and what they’re expecting to get.”
    Sony also delivered a quite smashing press conference, and Greenberg was asked to comment on the competition’s performance:

    “Sony in particular, i think they had a good show. They focused on fan-favorite games. They have a different type of lineup than we do this year. I though they had some games I’m definitely looking forward to. I thought Uncharted looked great. Its exciting to see everyone bring their games. Bring some surprises. At the end of the day, we do sort of have like a scorecard and sort of say say “how many games did we show, how many did they show.”
    “What was interesting is both of us showed 25 games, we both showed eleven exclusive games, we shown seven exclusives coming this holiday and, at least from our count, we didn’t see any of their exclusives games confirmed for this year. So I think that’s really the big difference: we’re focused on delivering the big exclusives, whether it’s Halo 5, Tomb Raider, Forza, Fable, RareReplay, Gigantic, all these games are coming exclusively this holiday, so hopefully that with backwards compatibility, we’re going to deliver for our fans, and get a lot of those Xbox 360 owners to migrate that have been maybe waiting for the new Gears or maybe waiting for a new Halo, or waiting for backwards compatibility. We expect millions of those gamers that are gonna move over this holidays.”
    Lastly, he also talked about one of the highlights of the show: backwards compatibility:

    “With the architecture design, this is something we didn’t think we were able to do. But we have some of the best and brightest software engineers in the world working at Microsoft and they went off and spent a lot of time trying to emulate this. So what they’ve been able to do – which is an amazing breakthrough – is it runs an Xbox 360 in full emulation on the Xbox One, so the games actually think they’re on an Xbox 360. And that’s brilliant for a lot of reasons:

    One Developers don’t have to do any work for their games to be enabled. If you remember with 360, backward compatibility we actually had to touch a lot of the games. And the other reason is that you’re able to chat with people on 360. And it runs within Xbox One, so you can do screenshots, you can do all that.”

    “What that means is that we’re going to have a hundred games this holiday, then we’ll have hundreds more in a matter of months. You’re going to see the ramp up of those titles really fast. We want people that invested in these games on the 360, whether its digital or on disk, to be able to play these games.”
    Greenberg definitely had a lot of good points to share, and if you’re curious to hear more, you should definitely listen to the full interview.

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