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Thread: Numarul de spectatori de la MLG a crescut cu 334% fata de anul trecut

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    Numarul de spectatori de la MLG a crescut cu 334% fata de anul trecut

    Jocurile video au capatat o popularitate atat de mare in ultima vreme incat acestea au devenit adevarate sporturi in unele tari. Dar cat de populare au devenit in realitate? Ei bine, cei de la Polygon au aflat recent ca numarul de spectatori de la Major League Gaming (unul dintre cele mai importante campionate care au loc doar de patru ori pe an) a crescut cu 636% fata de acum doi ani si cu 334% fata de anul trecut. Deci cu alte cuvinte, daca in 2010 erau doar 1.8 milioane de spectatori, anul urmator a fost ceva mai generos, atingand 3.5 milioane de spectatori. Dar numerele acestea ar trebui sa paleasca avand in vedere ca anul acesta MLG a avut in jur de 11.7 milioane de oameni care se uitau la diferite campionate.

    Acest lucru nu inceteaza sa demonstreze ca jocurile video sunt cu adevarat o forta de temut (la figurat vobind) si nu poate decat sa ne puna pe ganduri cati spectatori vor fi la astfel de evenimente in urmatorii 5-10 ani.
    Attached Images Attached Images majorleaguegaming-857850.jpg mlg_infographic_2012.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    popularitatea a crescut asa de mult ca acum trebuie unite fortele esport-ului MLG, ESL and Dreamhack team up for unified rankings system | VG247
    The partnership should result in pro players being able to spread themselves across multiple leagues easily, and the three organisations hope to foster the eSports scene by alleviating timing clashes which divide players and audiences.

    “The growth of competitive gaming over the last few years has been staggering and we have now reached the point where we need to align our efforts to advance eSports on a global scale,” said MLG boss Sundance DiGiovanni. “The collaboration between our organizations is the first step in a united effort to take the sport to the next level while benefiting all of those involved.”

    The agreement is not limited to particular games or genres. Currently, the only titles shared by all three organisations are StarCraft 2 and League of Legends.

    Interestingly, the agreement apparently sprang from talks held at the first eSports Congress in Spain last month, but other organisations in attendance did not sign up.

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