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Thread: Diablo III pe PS4: 1080p, 60FPS si functii exclusive!

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Diablo III pe PS4: 1080p, 60FPS si functii exclusive!

    Nu mai este un secret faptul ca Blizzard pregateste Diablo III: Reaper of Souls pentru consolele next-gen (Xbox One si PS4), insa pana acum nu au fost dezvaluite exclusivitatile disponibile. In acest weekend la BlizzCon, directorul de productie Blizzard (John Hight) a venit si a lamurit situatia, cel putin pentru cazul consolei PlayStation 4. Astfel aflam ca jocul ruleaza nativ in 1080p la 60 de FPS. Nu doar ca veti putea importa caracterele create pe PlayStation 3, dar veti avea parte si de ceva extra.

    Mai exact, editia "Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil" vine cu exclusivitati printre care cea mai interesanta pare a fi un fel de "social feature" denumita Avenger Kills. Avem totodata si "Player Gifts". In plus, varianta pentru PS4 va avea o densitate mai mare de monstrii, grafica imbunatatita, timp de incarcare redus si suport pentru touchpad. Mai jos aveti explicate functiile respective, precum si un gameplay trailer inregistrat direct pe PS4.
    Avenger Kills offer another opportunity for friends to connect, even if they're not playing cooperatively at the same time. With an Avenger Kill, when a player dies at the hands of a monster, there's a chance that monster will level up and then jump into a special portal. That monster will then target a player on your friends list. Later, when that friend comes online, that monster will appear during a special event; the skies will darken and the player will be warned that "Matthew's Bane" — a special title — is after them. If that monster kills that player, it will level up again, becoming the "Bane" of that player and then find a new friend to target.

    If you manage to kill the monster, however, you and the friend who spawned it (or most recently helped level it up) will get a piece of loot.

    Just how powerful those Avenger Kill monsters can ultimately become is still something that's under discussion. Become too cruel, too overpowered, and the monster may ultimately "retire,".
    I'm going to be running around, killing monsters and a Legendary will drop, and then — cue awesome sound, column of light — a box, a gift will pop off that Legendary. It's going to say 'Gift for Michael.' I'm going to pick it up and send it to you." That gifted item will be of either Rare or Legendary class and can be used by the player character who opened it.

    Even though you and I are not adventuring together, "I can give you something, and still make it feel like we're playing together.
    Attached Images Attached Images diablo3-ps4.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member colossus's Avatar
    Monky,tin minte ca pe current gen nu prea ti-a convenit grafica noului Diablo III;cred ca acum esti putin mai relaxat ....

  3. #3 SP
    Junior Member Prowld's Avatar

  4. #4 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by colossus View Post
    Monky,tin minte ca pe current gen nu prea ti-a convenit grafica noului Diablo III;cred ca acum esti putin mai relaxat ....
    Asa este. Mama lui de joc... am ajuns sa-l cumpar de 3 ori ca sa ma simt si eu bine (il am in varianta de PC, il am pe Xbox 360... si probabil o sa-l iau si pe PS4). Ar trebui sa-mi dea Blizzard o medalie or something... pentru perseverenta

  5. #5 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Eu il am pe PC & PS3. Versiunea pe PC imi place cel mai mult si cu ea voi continua "povestea"

  6. #6 SP
    Junior Member furygreen's Avatar
    Va exista RoS si pe ps3 sau doar pe ps4 ? Vreo data de lansare ?

  7. #7 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Blizzard a declarat la BlizzCon ca expansion-ul va veni si pe PS3 si Xbox 360... pe cand pe PS4 va veni ca full game. Ca data de lansare, tipic Blizzard: "when it will be ready". As in "2014".

  8. #8 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Doar pe PS4 si PC. Nu s-a anuntat data de lansare.

  9. #9 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Diablo 3, Driveclub si Watch Dogs au fost impinse pentru 2014 si chiar erau jocurile de PS4 pe care le vroiam la lansare. Nu am luat Diablo pe console pentru ca am zis ca astept next-gen, dar iar am de asteptat.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Nu am luat Diablo pe console pentru ca am zis ca astept next-gen, dar iar am de asteptat.
    Pai nu cred ca grafica Reaper of Souls (Diablo pe PS4) va fi peste ce e pe PC acum, deci nu te astepta sa fie on par cu next-gen.
    Dar la ce features vor fi in Reaper of Souls eu zic ca merita asteptarea, 1080p la 60fps e un super bonus.

  11. #11 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Eu pana la urma nu am mai rezistat si l-am luat si pe PS3.
    Concluzii (fata de PC):
    + Gameplay;
    + sistemul de loot;
    - grafica;
    - lag cand ajung 3-4 personaje in party.

  12. #12 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Pe PC nu am vrut sa il joc, desi se gasesc key-uri pe la 10 EUR. Daca merge in 1080p pe PS4 e destul pentru mine. La genul asta de joc nu simti 60fps cum simti la altele, poate doar la party-uri de 3-4 persoane.

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    cred ca merita asteptat ptr ps4 cine sia /isi cumpara consola probabil dif mare chiar si fata de pc

  14. #14 SP
    Banned nurv's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Pe PC nu am vrut sa il joc, desi se gasesc key-uri pe la 10 EUR. Daca merge in 1080p pe PS4 e destul pentru mine. La genul asta de joc nu simti 60fps cum simti la altele, poate doar la party-uri de 3-4 persoane.
    True. Nu cred ca e vreo diferenta intre platforme la acest titlu. Si 60fps nu se vor simti atat de mult ca la un shooter. Si 30 erau ok.

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