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Thread: Au aparut primele reviews pentru noua consola Xbox One!

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Au aparut primele reviews pentru noua consola Xbox One!

    Asa cum era de asteptat, cu 2 zile inainte de lansarea oficiala, Microsoft a ridicat in mod oficial NDA-ul pentru reviews-urile la noua lor consola. Cat de next-gen este Xbox One, care sunt plusurile si minusurile sale, cat de bine se comporta pe partea de media, tv si gaming, veti afla de la cele mai mari nume din presa. Din pacate, in Romania este aproape imposibil sa punem mana pe o astfel de consola inainte de lansare, prin urmare ne bazam pe ceea ce vor scrie ei. Dupa cum se poate vedea, impresia generala este una buna, cu mici ups and downs. Mai jos aveti cateva citate si linkuri la review-urile aferente. Sunt curios care este opinia voastra in privinta noii console Xbox One... eu unul am pre-order si de-abia astept sa butonez noul controller.

    The Verge: Xbox One review | The Verge
    Today, the Xbox One is a great gaming console with a few great games — Zoo Tycoon and Forza are both excellent, better than anything currently available for the PS4, and Dead Rising is a blast even if it’s flawed. Whether or not the Xbox is better than the PS4 is entirely subjective: if you're committed to buying a console this holiday season, buy the one with the games you want. It's too soon to make a call on almost any other feature. Don't buy an Xbox One expecting to immediately throw out your entertainment center.

    The Xbox One is here for a decade. If Microsoft can deliver on all its promises in that time, it will have built a console truly worthy of Input One — but that's a big if.
    Polygon: Xbox One Review | Polygon
    But in many ways, the Xbox One's bold direction for the future is well in place. The integration of voice controls and its media strategy are a boon to everyone, and the ability to run apps while playing games is something we now want on every gaming console we have. That it has a handful of strong, exclusive games at launch only supports its legitimacy as a gaming console and not just an entertainment hub.

    The Xbox One is an impressive marriage of software and hardware that raises the bar in terms of what we expect from a living room machine. Looking forward more than it looks back, the Xbox One feels like it's from the future.
    Kotaku: ​The Xbox One: The Kotaku Review
    With great ambition comes a curious sort of precariousness. With so many interlocking parts, it only takes a small misfire to gum up the whole works. The Xbox One will doubtless sell hundreds of thousands of units in its first weeks on the market, and hundreds of thousands of people will plug it into their home entertainment centers. And so a hundred thousand town bowmen will let fly a hundred thousand arrows, and plenty of them will strike the mighty dragon's weak spots.P

    I admire what Microsoft is trying to do with the Xbox One, and I'm rooting for them to give their console that final push to get it to where it needs to be. The whole thing is almost there. The Kinect almost works well enough to get me to use it all the time. The TV integration is almost smooth enough to make me plug it into the heart of my living-room setup. Multitasking almost works well enough to get me checking the internet while I play games.
    IGN: Xbox One Review in Progress - IGN
    The Xbox One hardware review embargo has lifted, and you may be wondering: where is IGN's review of the new system? As with the PlayStation 4, IGN does not want to prematurely review these next-generation systems without first experiencing them after their services fully launch. In the case of the Xbox One, that means we'll issue our full review sometime in the week following the launch this Friday. From hardware, to software, to server problems -- or even critical updates -- anything can happen. Based on our experience with Xbox One, we have no reason to expect any specific issues, but if major product launches have taught us anything, it's that it's wise to reserve judgment until the facts are in.
    Eurogamer: Hardware Test: Xbox One • Articles •
    There are some great ideas here, then, but we've had just a small glimpse of what the machine is capable of. Cool functions like resuming gameplay from standby are flaky, while the centrepiece of the media experience - full integration with live TV - just isn't there yet outside of Microsoft's home market. It's coming, but we have no idea when. The core of what's left, beyond some neat features, is very much a games machine: one whose capabilities are proven, but which remains considerably more expensive than PlayStation 4.
    Wired: Review: Microsoft Xbox One
    And that pretty much encapsulated my experience with Xbox One: It does a lot of things, and in a way that you may find extremely helpful, but you’ll need to take the time to learn how to do them — and learn by trial and error when it’s best to just stop trying.
    ArsTechnica: Xbox One review: More than a game console, less than a living room revolution | Ars Technica
    As a video game console, the Xbox One offers about what you'd expect from a new Microsoft console: a big, heavy box (though quieter than you might expect), more impressive specs (though less than what you might expect after eight years), an improved controller (though still with a few odd oversights), and some good exclusive games (more reviews are coming but look into Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Powerstar Golf, and Zoo Tycoon). As the central hub of a living room entertainment complex, though, Microsoft has a much harder sell. The company needs to prove the Xbox really adds enough value to be worthwhile and to justify the extra cost of the included Kinect over its similar competition.
    Engadget: Microsoft Xbox One review: a fast and powerful work in progress
    The Xbox One may not be exactly what Microsoft thinks it is, but it's still a strong start for a powerful game console. Its sheer speed, versatility, horsepower and its ability to turn on and off with words make it a relatively seamless entry into our already crowded media center. What determines whether it stays there is the next 12 months: Exclusives like Titanfall and Quantum Break will help, as will gaining feature parity with the competition (we're looking at you, game broadcasting!). For broader success beyond just the early adopter's living room, the NFL crowd must buy in to Microsoft's $500 box. But will they? That remains to be seen. What's there so far is a very competent game box with an expensive camera and only a few exclusive games differentiating it from the competition.
    Gizmodo: Xbox One Review: Absolutely Amazing (When It Works)
    For now, the Xbox One is one impressive living room box machine—and it more than justifies its $500 dollar price with the inclusion of at least $100-worth of set-top boxitude—but you're going to be better off waiting for a little while to see how things shake out.

    But—and this is admittedly a sizable but—if the Xbox One can straighten the few little quirks it has with some software tweaks, this thing is going to be unstoppable in a way the PS4 could never touch. It's too versatile, too feature-ridden, too future. So wait, yes. But while you do, go ahead and start clearing out plenty of space underneath your television.
    TechCrunch: Review: Microsoft Xbox One | TechCrunch
    With that said, it’s important to stress that one key term: “Day One”. The current state of the Xbox One — and the PS4, for that matter — is quite likely very, very different from what the same consoles will look like in just a few years. Compare the Xbox 360 on Day One to the 360 today; from the games to the interface, it’s almost unrecognizable. Both Microsoft and Sony are laying the runway for the next few years.
    Rolling Stone: Xbox One Review | Culture News | Rolling Stone
    Microsoft has taken its share of criticism regarding Xbox One, including many of its policies regarding used game sales and privacy concerns. Most of those decisions have been reversed, thankfully, and what we're left with is a solid next-generation console that unifies your gaming, movie and television watching under one voice-controlled roof. Now, let's see which platform gets the best games.
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox_one_is_here.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Mai jos aveti si ceva video reviews, pentru a va face o parere mai buna. Mai multe detalii si discutii gasiti pe threadul oficial:

  3. #3 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Parerea mea este TV TV SPORTS TV, fara suparare, nu am nimic cu Xboxul si sper sa-si revina pana la urma ca e mai bine pt toata lumea, insa deocamdata nu au pus accentul pe ce imi place mie.
    Cand se vor aduna niste exclusive games must have ma voi gandi daca merita sau nu sa achizitionez una, dar nu la pretul care il are acum binenteles.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Ms Monky, pentru informaţiile oferite.
    Din punctul meu de vedere amandoua console promit multe si amandoua au potential insa din pacate in momentul de fata nici una nu vine cu macar un joc care sa ma convingă sa o cumpăr. Da nu-i bai, timpul le rezolva pe toate.

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kobayashi View Post
    Parerea mea este TV TV SPORTS TV
    No offense, dar in momentul de fata PS4 nu ofera niciun joc gen Dead Rising 3 sau Ryse. La fel cum nu are niciun fel de rival pentru Forza Motorsport 5. Ce va veni dupa... asta e o alta poveste. Vorbim strict de launch day si de titluri (desi vad ca unora le place sa vorbeasca mai mult despre TV). Ca X1 e mai lenta... asta e clar, nu e nevoie sa ne ascundem dupa deget. Ca o fi mai prost gandita... asa o fi. La sfarsitul zilei insa, conteaza ce vrei sa joci. Si din punctul asta de vedere, X1 nu inseamna doar "TV TV SPORTS TV"...

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    eu am inteles din clipuri ca si de data asta Kinect fail(mai ales daca sunt mai multe voci pe fundal,ori la un party..), dar este un kinect mai imbunatatit.

    in rest este exact ce stiam , doar ca nici macar tv-ul nu-l executa corect , uneori da chiar si freez

    judecand dupa jocuri xbox one rulz in acest moment din punctul meu de vedere,insa cu toate astea..astept ps4

  7. #7 SP
    Member Inuhanyou's Avatar
    Eu nu inteleg de ce toata lumea lauda lansarea PS4. Nu exista nimic de jucat. Cumperi PS4 ca in decembrie sa joci ce? Knak, Resogun si Killzone? Detin un PS3 acum dar sincer daca as fi obligat sa cumpar next gen as lua xbox. Dead Rising arata foar fun... Rise pare foarte ok... Forza Motorsport si pe viitor Titan Fall. La PS4 avem doar in viitor apropiat Infamous Second Son si Drive Club.
    Totusi sunt foarte curios de notele ce le va avea xbox la jocuri la lansare pentru ca la PS4 nu a fost mare lucru Knak 4-5 Killzone 8.
    Eu ma refer numai la jocuri next gen ca restul le pot juca si pe ps3-ul meu actual si din cate am vazut nu pierd nimic, poate niste emotii sa nu se strice consola.

    Asa ca hai sa jucam pe generatia actuala pana vine ceva cu adevarat interesant

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    No offense, dar in momentul de fata PS4 nu ofera niciun joc gen Dead Rising 3 sau Ryse. La fel cum nu are niciun fel de rival pentru Forza Motorsport 5. Ce va veni dupa... asta e o alta poveste. Vorbim strict de launch day si de titluri (desi vad ca unora le place sa vorbeasca mai mult despre TV). Ca X1 e mai lenta... asta e clar, nu e nevoie sa ne ascundem dupa deget. Ca o fi mai prost gandita... asa o fi. La sfarsitul zilei insa, conteaza ce vrei sa joci. Si din punctul asta de vedere, X1 nu inseamna doar "TV TV SPORTS TV"...
    Daca mergem pe logica ta din prima fraza, nici Xbone nu are jocuri gen Knack, Killzone sau Resogun.

  9. #9 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    No offense, dar in momentul de fata PS4 nu ofera niciun joc gen Dead Rising 3 sau Ryse. La fel cum nu are niciun fel de rival pentru Forza Motorsport 5. Ce va veni dupa... asta e o alta poveste. Vorbim strict de launch day si de titluri...
    None taken, mai bine ca nu are DR3 si Ryse, mie nu mi le trebuie, singurul joc cu adevarat next gen de pe Xbone e Forza 5 si atat, restul sunt toate jocuri portate de pe curent gen sau transformate din Kinekt only, doar ca sa aibe jocuri cat mai multe la lansare, asta nu inseamna ca sunt si bune. Iar pt Forza 5 Sony aduce GT6, pe current gen intradevar, insa tot un racing game exclusiv este, destul zic eu cat sa potoleasca setea putin a fanilor pana vine Drive Club.

    O alta idee gresita e ca tu crezi ca lumea isi cumpara console luand in considerare doar launch day games, nu, lumea, mai cu capul pe umeri, in general considera o consola de gaming o investite de durata, de la care asteapta jocuri bune pe toata durata de viata, ori aceasta garantie nu o am din partea lui Microsoft. Sony detine mult mai multe studiouri first party care scot jocuri foarte bune, Microsoft scoate mai putine exclusive si poate azi cumpara un joc 3-rd party poate maine nu, nu ai cum sa stii cu un astfel de business model.

    Iar partea de TV si SPORTS si Kinekt & all that shie* chiar nu ma intereseaza deloc, nici nu vreau sa aud de ele, ori in review-urile consolei am observat ca mai mult despre asta se vorbeste, lucruri care pt mine sunt egale cu 0.

    Deci...pana nu vin cu niste jocuri exclusive Xbone, next gen si faine pt mine Xbone are un singur joc la lansare Forza 5 si nici o garantie pt viitor...mai asteptam

  10. #10 SP
    Member Inuhanyou's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bubli-789AD View Post
    Daca mergem pe logica ta din prima fraza, nici Xbone nu are jocuri gen Knack, Killzone sau Resogun.
    Ordinea e asa : Killzone - knack - Resogun. Dintre care Killzone e singurul joc de consola care merita atentia... Knack s-a dovedit a fi un esec si scuza-ma dar la next gen vi cu Resogun joc de tableta?

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    De ce este Knack un esec ma rog ? Eu vreau sa-l joc pentru ca este pe gustul meu. Iar cu Resogun joc de tableta...Cred ca aici pot sa inchid discutia.

  12. #12 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar
    Fight girls, fight. A mea este mai mare... ba a mea este mai mare... si ambele sunt niste piticanii la ora actuala.

  13. #13 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    singura consola cu adevarat next gen tot OUYA ramane.

  14. #14 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar
    Ouya rulz

  15. #15 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ooops, au sarit haterii Sony pe mine... Usurel oameni buni, ca nu v-a bagat nimeni Xbox One pe gat. Eu le iau pe amandoua, dar avand in vedere titlurile, ma voi juca mai mult pe X1. E asa complicat?

    Pe PS4 singurul joc comandat este Killzone-ul... pe care l-am luat asa, ca sa am si eu ceva "next-gen" (nu ma omor prea mult cu FPS-urile, asta e). Pentru ca in rest, nu prea am ce. Knack - no thanks! Daca vreau platformers bune ma joc pe Wii U. Si poate o sa comand Injustice-ul Ultimate pt. PS4 (ca sa am un fighting macar). In rest, nu tu race sims (pe X1 am comandat Forza Motorsport 5), nu tu killing madness (pe X1 am luat Dead Rising 3), nu tu "adventures" (pe X1 voi lua Ryse).

    Mai incolo, cand vor veni inFAMOUS, The Order, Uncharted, Driverclub or whatever... o fi alta viata. Asa cum probabil va fi cu Halo, Quantum Break, Fable, D4 & Co. In momentul de fata, X1 kinda wins. For me. OK?

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar
    Stati un pic, killzone ce gen e? Ca citesc mai sus ca xbox nu are jocuri gen killzome
    cod si bf?
    Si or fi de calitate diferita, dar vedeti care e pe primul loc la vanzari software la ps4?

  17. #17 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Mo View Post
    Ouya rulz
    Corect! Si se lanseaza si in varianta alba! Asta da consola!

    P.S. Haters gonna hate...
    Attached Images Attached Images ouya-white-limited-edition.jpg

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Se vorbea de jocuri exclusive. Are rost ? Pe bune acum.

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar
    La postul care e dat quote monky zicea ca ps nu are jocuri gen...

    Ce exclusive?

  20. #20 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar

    One - DR3, Ryse, FM5, Killer Instinct
    PS4 - Killzone

    Child games, platformers, lasam deoparte. Fiecare isi alege ce vrea sa joace urmatoarele luni, pana apar altele. Un joc pe care sa il decimeze sau patru titluri, genuri diferite.

    Ok. Incheiem subiectul?

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