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Thread: Kane & Lynch 2 in Septembrie; Thief, Hitman si Tomb Raider mai tarziu

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar

    Kane & Lynch 2 in Septembrie; Thief, Hitman si Tomb Raider mai tarziu

    Ian Livingstone, presedintele Eidos a stat la o discutie in timpul unei conferinte din Mumbai cu cei de la GamingIndians si a dezvaluit o multime de lucruri interesante. In primul rand a vrut sa remarce ca achizitionarea firmei de catre Square Enix a fost "o afacere super in multe feluri" si ca multe studio-uri Eidos vor ramane independente, ceea ce e "o veste buna pentru brand si pentru oameni".

    De asemenea se pare ca o veste buna pentru sequel-uri, pentru ca Livingston a confirmat mai multe:

    • Se lucreaza la un nou joc Hitman - super! de cand IO Interactive lucreaza la Mini Ninjas m-am si speriat.
    • Un nou Kane & Lynch care are ca target de lansare luna Septembrie a acestui an.
    • SOC! - un nou joc Tomb Raider care "va surprinde pe multi si va reinvigora franciza".
    • De asemenea se lucreaza la Thief 4 dar asta nu-i ceva nou din moment ce chiar compania a declarat ca a fost "the worst kept secret" in industry.
    Attached Images Attached Images tomb-raider.jpg thief.jpg hitman.jpg kane-lynch.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

    Kane & Lynch 2 in Septembrie; Thief, Hitman si Tomb Raider mai tarziu

    Ian Livingstone, presedintele Eidos, a acordat un interviu siteului GamingIndians. In acest interviu Livigstone a afirmat ca se lucreaza la un nou joc din seria Hitman. Acesta nu a oferit nici un detaliu despre joc.

    It�s being worked on, but there�s been no announcement on the release date yet. We haven�t even announced the game yet, so everything you hear about the next Hitman game is purely speculation at this point
    Livingstone a discutat si despre continuarea jocului Kane and Lynch, joc lansat in 2007. Desi Kane and Lynch nu a fost un joc foarte bun acesta va primi o continuare numita Kane and Lynch 2. Jocul va fi lansat pentru consolele generatiei actuale in septembrie, insa data de lansare nu este sigura

    [The game has] a target date [of] September, but as you understand, these games often slip because the production times are so difficult to predict due to the amount of work they have to put into them now in high-end consoles. It�s a tough business
    Cand acesta a fost intrebat despre Thief 4 nu a confirmat nimic, spunand doar ca Thief este franciza a carei continuare este cea mai dorita

    Well, we did some research on all our franchises and the one that was most wanted was Thief. So you might want to draw your own conclusions, but I cannot confirm that.
    Acesta a spus jurnalistilor ca va exista un nou joc Tomb Raider, joc care-i va impresiona pe jucatori. Urmatorul joc va aduce elemente noi francizei.

    The next Tomb Raider, I think, will surprise a lot of people and reinvigorate the franchise. There are some remarkable things we�re doing in the next Tomb Raider to make you say, �Oh Lara, I love you so much!�
    In interviu acesta a oferit detalii despre echipa ce se ocupa de Deux Ex 3. Din pacate jocul nu va fi lansat in acest an.

    Eidos lucreaza la noi jocuri, jocuri ce nu apartin unor francize. Acestea vor fi jocuri cu un mod multiplayer dezvoltat, un lucru nou pentru Eidos care s-au remarcat de-a lungul anilor prin jocurile singleplayer.

    Yes, we are certainly working on new IP, but they won�t be ready for this year. We have a reputation for great single player character-based games and now we have to bring diversity to our portfolio. You cannot ignore the rise of online multiplayer because it is a huge market; the number of people playing Call of Duty or FIFA online is extraordinary, and that market is only going to get bigger
    Livingstone a vorbit si despre seria Chamionship Manager. Acesta considera jocul mai bun decat ultimul joc din seria Football Manager, joc de care anumiti fani s-au declarat nemultumiti.

    Intrebat daca Eidos va intra pe piata casual, acesta a spus ca Eidos nu va crea jocuri casual in urmatoarea perioada de timp, insa va crea jocuri sociale.

    I don�t think we�ll be focusing on the casual side; but we will be focusing on the social side. Social gaming has risen largely because of Nintendo, so rather than games just being played by teenage boys in their bedrooms, they�re now being played by the entire family in the living room. Bringing in a social aspect and being able to play a game with others increases the enjoyment of a game, and you can�t ignore that. So we�re going to focus on social gaming, both online and offline.
    Eidos va crea content downloadabil pentru jocuri, dar si jocuri ce vor putea fi downloadate. Aceasta afirmatie este valabila atat pentru console, cat si pentru iPhone.

    Eidos nu va lansa DLCuri exclusive pentru o consola, asa cum s-a intamplat cu DLCurile pentru Tomb Raider Underworld. DLCurile vor fi lansate pentru toate platformele pe care va aparea jocul.

    Acesta a explicat si amanarea jocului Batman Arkham Asyllum. Jocul a fost amanat pentru a putea oferi fanilor un joc cu adevarat exceptional.

    Eidos lucreaza la o multime de titluri bune in acest an, sa speram ca acestia nu vor dezamagii
    Attached Images Attached Images eidos_logo.gif

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mika View Post
    SOC! - un nou joc Tomb Raider care "va surprinde pe multi si va reinvigora franciza".
    WAW! Ne-o dau pe Lara nud, sau il introduc pe Drake din Uncharted ca personaj "porno"? lol

  4. #4 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Defapt faza ȘOC se potrivește aici:
    Un nou Kane & Lynch care are ca target de lansare luna Septembrie a acestui an. ȘOC că OMG, NOOOOOO!

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar
    Desi nu l-am terminat mie mi-a placut Kane & Lynch.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member DeathWings's Avatar
    Nu ma intereseaza decat Thief.. sper sa fie macar la fel de bun ca 3

  7. #7 SP
    Member ciypriyan's Avatar
    kane and lynch 2 :X

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Ma intereseaza Thief si Hitman; primul Kane & Lynch a fost ok, dupa mine.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    hitman este unul din jocurile pe care le ador . Chiar asteptam sa apara un joc din seria hitman pe consolele next gen. thx mika for the good news.

  10. #10 SP
    Member Dromoter's Avatar
    Un nou joc Thief dupa atata timp de asteptare . Yay .

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Ma intereseaza toate, in afara de Kane&Lynch 2. Nu am jucat primul joc decat 1 ora si nu prea mi-a placut. Cel mai mult astept Hitman si Thief, dar voi juca si Tomb Raider

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    un interviu cu St�phane D'Astous, the general manager at Eidos-Montreal despre cel mai nou joc din seria Thief. Thief 4 Developer Interview|IncGamers

  13. #13 SP
    Member steauacroitoru's Avatar
    kane and linch 2 cat am putut rade in co op la jocul asta

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Wow, esti din viitor?

  15. #15 SP
    Member steauacroitoru's Avatar
    Greseala de exprimare,ma refeream la primul kane and lynch.

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Stiu, bineinteles, am glumit .

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    In an interview with IGN, Eidos reveals that a console version of the game doesn't exist yet. In fact, they might wait for 'next generation'!

    The Thief franchise got its start on the PC and saw most of its success there, although the third Thief title also ended up on the original Xbox. And while it seems likely that a PC version of Thief 4 is in the works, the fledgling title's console future is a bit hazier.

    "As for platforms and consoles, things are moving so fast. There's some contradictory noise on when there's going to be the next generation, so we're going to be prudent on that one," said D'Astous. "So we're going to wait a couple of months to announce more about that. It's going to be cutting edge technology, that's for sure. It would be imprudent for us to say which console because, first of all, we don't know exactly the window of release and we don't know the first-party strategy."
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  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Sper, totusi, sa fie released si pe console, daca e pc only nu-l voi juca, din pacate (si mi-ar parea rau...).

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