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Thread: Neversoft se uneste cu Infinity Ward

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

    Neversoft se uneste cu Infinity Ward

    Studio-ul Neversoft este un studio vechi, fondat in 1994, cunoscut in special pentru seria Guitar Hero si Tony Hawk's. Ei i-au ajutat pe cei de la Infinity Ward cu productia lui Call of Duty: Ghosts (modul Extinction) si acum a fost anuntat ca cele doua studio-uri s-au unit pentru a forma un nou "super studio" (cum a spus Eric Hirshberg). Asta inseamna ca numele Neversoft va disparea si cei de acolo vor lucra la urmatorul Call of Duty, Activision devenind de ceva timp "the Call of Duty company". E destul de trist si ma intreb daca ii vom mai vedea vreo serie de jocuri importante de la Activision.

    Anuntul lui Eric Hirshberg, CEO Activision Publishing:
    As you know, Neversoft and Infinity Ward teamed up for the development of Call of Duty: Ghosts, and through that process, it became clear that the two studios have very complementary skill sets. Between these two excellent studios, it seemed like a single 'super-studio' could emerge.
    The impact of their 20-year run of hard work and success cannot be overstated, as already mentioned, we are merging these two very talented teams and obviously had to choose a name for the combined studio. Since the Infinity Ward brand is indelibly tied to the Call of Duty franchise, it is the sensible choice. While it will be strange to not see the Neversoft logo on future games, the important things--which are the Neversoft team’s talent, creativity, professionalism and commitment to creative excellence--all remain unchanged as part of this new chapter.
    I am very much looking forward to what the new Infinity Ward will deliver in the near future.
    Attached Images Attached Images thps2-neversoft_00394.jpg

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