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Thread: Xbox One primeste un update major!

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Xbox One primeste un update major!

    Well, e timpul pentru update. De data aceasta, mult asteptatul "system update" pentru Xbox One isi face aparitia. Pana ieri acesta a fost disponibil doar pentru "preview members" dar poate fi deja updatat de catre oricine - sau cel putin asa m-a anuntat al meu Xbox One. Din pacate, nu sunt acasa deci nu pot verifica exact, insa acesta este update-ul despre care s-a vorbit la Gamescom 2014. Mai exact, cel care aduce streaming-ul pentru Smartglass, un nou sistem de Party, o sectiune noua pentru Friends, Bandwith Usage plus multe alte imbunatatiri. Dar, cel mai important, acest update aduce noul Media Player, o aplicatie ce va permite rularea aproape oricarui format multimedia, atat de pe USB cat si via DLNA. Mai jos aveti lista completa cu noutatile. Good job Microsoft!
    • Parties – The Party App has been re-organized, so you can now see what activities everyone in your party is doing and tell more clearly who is playing in the same game with you. You can also more quickly perform common actions like muting, joining, or sending game invites. Also, Parties now have a Party Leader. This person can change whether the party requires invitations, and she/he can remove others from the party.
    • New Friends Section – The new Friends section has been available for a few early access preview members and we’re expanding it to additional participants enrolled in the preview program. The new Friends section enables you to see at a glance what’s going on with your friends. You can stay up-to-date with your current activities, the most popular games your friends are playing, and a Gamerscore leaderboard to see who has improved their Gamerscore the most over the last 30 days.We’ll continue to roll this feature out to all participants in the coming updates.
    • Media Player – A new app will be available soon that enables you to play media files from either an attached USB device or from a network connected home media server that supports DLNA protocols. The preview version of the Media Player app will initially only support USB devices, with DLNA support coming soon. Xbox One will support more formats than Xbox 360, including support for dozens of new file formats like mpeg 2 TS, animated gifs and mkv which will be added by the end of the year. See below for additional file formats.
    • Xbox One Digital TV Tuner – Announced last week, this new hardware accessory will enter a limited preview program in Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain), in advance of its retail launch beginning in October.
    • Stream TV to SmartGlass – Launching first in markets receiving the Xbox One Digital TV Tuner, you will be able to stream your TV across your home network to your smartphones and tablets using the Xbox SmartGlass app. You can also pause, play and rewind as well as change channels, without interrupting gameplay on Xbox One.
    • Boot to TV – Now you will be able to set your console to boot directly to television when coming out of connected standby.
    • Live TV Miniguide – For markets where OneGuide is available, a new mini guide on the bottom of the screen will display details about the TV content that is currently playing. You can quickly change channels and see what’s on other channels, while still watching TV.
    • SmartGlass Updates – You can now post status messages from the Activity Feed as well as add comments and share items from both your Activity Feed and from Game Clips. Along with the new comment and share features, a personalized Activity Feed has been added to your profile. Messages have been updated to a new layout supporting a full conversation view. Additionally, we are adding the ability to record game clips directly from the Now Playing bar. Finally, if you upgrade the app directly we have introduced a What’s New page highlighting the features of each release.
    • “Xbox On” in New Markets – Adding support for additional markets to use the “Xbox On” Kinect voice command to power on consoles: Australia, Canada (French), Italy, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil – a top used feature.
    • Country Expansion – We’re doing a lot of work on the back end to prepare for Xbox One to launch in 29 new markets in the coming weeks.
    • Multiple GameDVR Deletes – You will be able to choose multiple GameDVR clips to delete at once in the Upload app.
    • Save your Avatar Gamerpic – A new option is now available to save Avatar GamerPics to your OneDrive.
    • Settings Updates – New options help you manage your controllers and accessories. Also, Instant Sign-In is being moved to Settings, to the Sign-in, security & Passkey area.
    • Bandwidth Usage Display – Located in Network Settings under the Troubleshooting column, Bandwidth Usage will show you how much bandwidth your Xbox One is consuming over a period of time. This is useful if you want to track against bandwidth caps set by ISPs in certain markets.
    Mai jos aveti lista formatelor compatibile cu noul Media Player:
    • 3gp audio
    • 3gp video
    • 3gp2
    • aac
    • adts
    • animated gif
    • asf
    • avi divx
    • avi dv
    • avi uncompressed
    • avi xvid
    • bmp
    • jpg
    • gif
    • h264 avchd
    • mjpeg
    • mkv
    • mov
    • mp3
    • mpeg 1 ps
    • mpeg 2
    • mpeg 2 hd
    • mpeg 2 ts
    • mpeg 4 h264 aac
    • mpeg 4 sp
    • png
    • tiff
    • wav
    • wma
    • wma lossless
    • wma pro
    • wma voice
    • wmv
    • wmv hd
    Mi-a atras atentia insa si acest aspect "Country Expansion – We’re doing a lot of work on the back end to prepare for Xbox One to launch in 29 new markets in the coming weeks". Oare va fi si Romania in acea lista de 29 noi tari? We can only hope so!

    Attached Images Attached Images xbox_one.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu sunt ferm convins, dar e posibil ca update-ul cu noul Media Player sa fie totusi disponibil doar pentru "Preview Members", in timp ce update-ul actual sa fie cel legat de BlueRay 3D and stuff... (pun lista si cu acel update mai jos). Daca a facut cineva update la Xbox One si poate sa ne confirme, ar fi ideal. Thanks!

    Surse: Xbox One System Update Now Available for Preview Members - Xbox Live's Major Nelson.
    Next Xbox One Update Begins Rolling Out Today - Xbox Live's Major Nelson.
    • Mobile purchase: One of the most requested features on Xbox Feedback. Using Xbox SmartGlass or on, you can remotely purchase games and Add-on content. No more waiting to begin downloading when you get home – if your console is set to automatically take updates, your console will begin downloading your purchase.
    • Activity feed updates: We’re adding new ways for you to interact with friends in the activity feed. The interface will change to a single column scrolling list that is longer and includes more content. We’ll add the ability to post text to your feed, and to “like” and comment on feed items. You can share game clips and anything else in the feed with friends either publically (to your activity feed) or privately (as an attachment to a message). You’ll also be notified when anyone likes, comments on or shares your items. Each user will get a personal feed on their profile, so you can see what specific friends have been up to. And, with SmartGlass, you can see what your friends have shared to their activity feed and “like” specific posts (additional activity feed support coming in future SmartGlass updates).
    • Low battery notification: You asked for it, now a notification will pop up when your controller battery is getting low.
    • Disable notifications during video: Adding the ability to turn off notifications based feedback we heard from you.
    • Enabling 3D Blu-ray: An update to the Blu-ray player app will enable 3D Blu-ray functionality on Xbox One.
    • Last seen time in Friends list: Direct from Xbox Feedback, the friends list will now show how long it’s been since a friend has been online. For example, “Last seen 20m ago: Forza Motorsport 5.”
    Oricum ar fi, ma bucur ca Microsoft a renuntat la genul de update-uri de pe Xbox 360... prin care vedeam de 2 ori pe an cate ceva nou. Acum se pare ca sunt "la foc automat", ceea ce pentru mine e OK.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    e vorba despre al doilea update MonkY ^, uite ce spune Next Xbox One Update Begins Rolling Out Today - Xbox Live's Major Nelson

  4. #4 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Mda, conform postarii lui Major Nelson pe Twitter, e vorba momentan de update-ul cu 3D Blu-Ray. Celalalt este inca doar pentru "Preview Members". Damnit... Well, oricum... sunt doua update-uri bune. Dupa ce termina cu toate nebuniile astea "multimedia", poate pun si un DirectX12 si mai optimizeaza cate ceva la OS.

  5. #5 SP
    Member BatsBike's Avatar
    anyway,important updates .. asta cu redarea 3D a unui blu-ray atarna mult,practic se duce in sistem multimedia .. in cateva luni xone a devenit mai bogat,mai ofertant .. raman cu gandul la white one pana spre iarna ..

  6. #6 SP
    Member Emeraldu's Avatar
    streaming pe tableta numai la TV ... off ...

  7. #7 SP
    Junior Member Metaf's Avatar
    Nu stiu cat de fan XBOX sunt, dar, chiar am citit cu interes -- ma asteptam insa la ceva legat de DX12, nu stiu, imbunatatiri pe partea ...ei bine, de gaming. Dezamagit din nou.
    Oircum, trendul pare-a fi sa avem o cutie buna la toate.
    Din pacate totodata suntem foarte departe de asa ceva.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    - a se citi "o sa putem viziona filme piratate pe xbox"

    Desi apreciez ceea ce face Microsoft acum, cred totusi ca nu se indreapta in directia buna. Fanii au cerut optimizare mai buna, sa nu mai auda mizerii precum "pe PS4 jocul ruleaza cu n FPS mai mult" sau "jocul x nu se prezinta un 1080p"; putini sunt cei care si-au dorit macar sa isi transforme consola de jocuri in media player, pentru simplul motiv ca un laptop, de exemplu, se descurca deja excelent in privinta asta, si este mult mai portabil. Nevertheless, ma intriga redarea BlueRay 3D.

  9. #9 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Fanii Xbox au cerut performanta mai buna si Microsoft a renuntat la Kinect (desi ar fi putut sa "moara cu el de gat") - restul va veni via DirectX12 care inca nu e gata si a optimizarilor de kernel, drivere, etc. (asa cum s-a intamplat cu toate generatiile de console). La fel, s-a cerut un player bun (atat lor cat si celor de la Sony) si se pare ca doar Microsoft a rezolvat problema. Nu vad ce e rau in asta. In rest, imi pare rau sa o spun (pentru ca nu pentru asa ceva ar trebui sa fie consolele), dar multi folosesc o consola si pentru multimedia, streaming & sharing. Va reamintesc ca pentru Netflix consola PS3 a fost nr.1. N-au nevoie de un laptop pentru asta! La fel cum nu au nevoie pt. un BluRay player pe next-gen, sau cum nu aveau nevoie de DVD pe PS3/Xbox 360. Sa va reamintesc ca in reclamele Sony, PS2-ul era recomandat ca fiind si "cel mai ieftin DVD Player"? Sau ca XBMC-ul este unul din cele mai bune playere, si vine de pe Xbox (primul)?

    Referitor la .mkv-uri, e aceeasi conceptie gresita (precum cea cu piratarea) ca si la torrent, modare sau unlock. MKV-ul este un container (open & free) care permite tone de codecuri inside (atat audio cat si video). Sunt o groaza de camere video si gadget-uri care inregistreaza mkv (inclusiv anumite camere de supraveghere). Asta inseamna automat piraterie? Ca si in cazul modarii, unlock-ului sau torrent-ului, piraterie se cheama atunci cand furi folosindu-te de acele mijloace. Asta nu inseamna ca nu poti moda o consola pentru ca iti doresti extra functii care nu exista by default, ca nu poti face unlock la un telefon pentru a customiza dupa cum iti place OS-ul, sau ca nu poti folosi torrent-ul ca mijloc de transfer pentru free software sau fisiere proprii.

    P.S. Sunt ferm convins ca daca PS4 venea cu suport pentru mkv-uri acum era party pe-aici

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    Haters gonna hate! Long live cu .mkv-ul pe xbone, sau ops cu ''filmu` piratat'' cum zic unii pe aici. Damn, a dracu' vulpe.

    ps; hey guys: Piratebay + Xbox One = Entertainment Paradise!

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Nu era vorba de console wars aici. Daca PS4 ar fi avut suport MKV, cu atat mai bine, pentru ca e ceva in plus, la fel ca in cazul Xbox One. Un update major inseamna, in primul rand, ca domnii de la Microsoft se implica activ in consola lor, ceea ce e extraordinar. Spuneam doar ca ordinea nu e optima: sa se fi ocupat mai intai de optimizarea jocurilor, iar mai apoi de media.

  12. #12 SP
    Member BatsBike's Avatar
    ar fi fost o varianta sa se ocupe de optimizarea zonei gaming dar sa nu uitam ca,xbox one a fost anuntat cu sloganuri ca 'tv,sports,tv' and so on .. apoi,nu cred ca zona Kinect a murit .. vor mai fi adaugiri dar mai rare .. pentru mine,un xbox one fara Kinect ar fi ca un PC ..

  13. #13 SP
    Junior Member Metaf's Avatar
    Iar acum vedem sloganuri de genul "The future of gaming ... Xbox One" etc.
    Este firesc insa, aceasta este strategia lor de marketing in aceasta perioada.
    Au incercat sa se ridice de la pamant (sper sa nu fie prea fortata aceasta exprimare) si poate reusesc sa duca pana la capat aceasta strategie de "turnaround" -- bineinteles cu un final fericit nu numai pentru ei dar si pentru noi ca si consumatori.
    Mai este insa pana acolo, cum am scris si mai sus, eu astept gamingul din "the future of gaming"

    Nu vreau sa transform threadul intr-un console wars dar, sincer, am avut impresia ca a cam suierat un glont pe la urechile noastre cand M$ a anuntat ce vrea sa faca cu Xbox (de la always online, pana la cutia buna la toate .. inclusiv spionatul de nu stiu ce agentii guvernamentale, genial leakege / rumor.
    De aceea am zis mereu: concurenta aduce numai lucruri bune.
    Daca Sony nu ridica stacheta asa cum a facut-o, cine stie ce era Xbox one acum.

  14. #14 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post

    P.S. Sunt ferm convins ca daca PS4 venea cu suport pentru mkv-uri acum era party pe-aici
    Corect, sa nu uitam de cazul Tomb Raider.

    De ce ar trebui sa pornesc o consola cand pot sa vad un mkv direct de pe un hdd extern prin mufa USB a tv-ului? E un bonus pt o consola desigur, poate unii își doresc si chestia asta cum eu îmi doresc redare Blu Ray 3D si mp3-uri, dar nu pt. asa ceva mi-as cumpăra în primul rand o consola. Fiecare cu piticii lui

    PS orice bonus de acest gen e foarte ok.

    PPS România nu e pe lista amintită în știre, nu mai stiu unde am văzut lista cu cele 29 erau niște state de te doare mintea

  15. #15 SP
    Junior Member thafifth2006's Avatar
    The full list: Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and UAE.

  16. #16 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    De ce ar trebui sa pornesc o consola cand pot sa vad un mkv direct de pe un hdd extern prin mufa USB a tv-ului?
    Trebuie sa iei in considerare ca nu multi au un SmartTV. Din cate am observat chiar si aici la noi pe forum, foarte multi se joaca direct conectati la un monitor.
    Quote Originally Posted by thafifth2006 View Post
    The full list: Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and UAE.
    La naiba... iar ne-au ratat

  17. #17 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Corect, dar nu numai pe smart tv-uri funcționează acele filme. Am vecini care nu au smart tv, au tv-uri vechi de 3-4 ani si funcționează fără probleme.
    Pt cei cu monitoare da, desi e păcat, o consola cere un tv de minim 102 cm

  18. #18 SP
    Junior Member Jonn11's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    La naiba... iar ne-au ratat
    Inca nu... daca numeri acolo sunt 26 de tari, iar ei au zis 29 de tari. So maybe....maybe...

  19. #19 SP
    Member Snake's Avatar
    Si toate astea se intampla in timp ce Sony nu poate face un amarat de player de mp3-uri. Hai ca daca apare si Romania in lista, i am in!

  20. #20 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Si gata, a venit si update-ul major! RonanN1 deja a trecut in japoneza:

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