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Thread: Primul joc rulat la "console quality" vine pe Apple TV de la Disney

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Primul joc rulat la "console quality" vine pe Apple TV de la Disney

    Stiu ca multi nu accepta ecosistemul Apple atunci cand vine vorba de gaming si cu atat mai mult este desconsiderat Apple TV-ul. De exemplu in Romania am observat ca interesul pentru Apple TV este aproape zero, desi mai nou acesta a primit un boost semnificativ de performanta, spatiu mai mare de stocare, suport pentru gamepad-uri, and so on. Cu toate acestea publisherii nu se lasa pagubasi, iar in cazul de fata cei de la Disney garanteaza ca Disney Infinity 3.0 va rula la nivelul unei console "intre Xbox 360 si PS4". Avand in vedere ca un Apple TV este $149, nu e rau, nu?

    Mai jos aveti cateva cuvinte ale producatorului Disney, Sean Patton, acordate intr-un interviu al celor de la Gamespot.
    "We can actually use our console assets directly into our pipeline," he said. "So we're actually using a variation of Xbox 360 and PS4 assets throughout the game, as well as thousands of shaders from PS4. It fits really nicely into that same pipeline."

    "The platform itself is actually really powerful," he said. "It's always a gentle balance for us between how great can we push the visuals vs. how is the performance. So for us, our goal is always to have 30 frames-per-second performance. And all the amazing visuals. So we look at opportunities to bring things to the visual quality we want, starting with PS4, and then look at the performance and kind of dial it back. So it's somewhere between Xbox 360 and PS4 currently."

    You may not even be able to tell difference between Disney Infinity 3.0 on Apple TV versus console. Patton recalls a meeting where someone said to him, "OK, so now we've seen the console, switch over to the Apple TV, we want to see what the differences are.'" And I'm like, 'No this is the Apple TV.'"
    Attached Images Attached Images disney_infinity_3.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    Cam greu Monky, cred ca pot spune ca piata este "meh", trebuie sa ne gandim si cu cine / ce se bate Apple TV .. na.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Mie imi place directia in care merge apple tv, pret competitiv, hardware bun, appstore cu multe aplicatii gratuite, devine un competitor serios pentru tv boxurile cu android si consider ca nu mi-ar strica nici mie unul.

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