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Thread: Wii 2 in productie ?

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Thumbs up Wii 2 in productie ?

    Well, Miyamoto se pare ca nu dezminte toate zvonurile care circula lately, cum ca Wii 2 ar fi in productie. Nu spunem ca mintea geniala din spatele succesului Wii ar fi ramas in pana de idei, insa sa fim seriosi, desi Wii are un succes enorm la public, ramane o consola pentru o anumita "nisa", fara nici-un fel de sansa de a fura ceva Next Gen. Multe titluri care nu ajung pe Wii se datoreaza acestui fapt, si cred ca nimanui de la Nintendo nu-i place acest lucru.

    Eu unul ma intreb, daca Wii ar fi avut din start puterea unor console precum PS3/Xbox 360 ce nebunie ar fi fost. Well, sa speram ca in scurt timp vom afla cum este, desi au fost "furate" multe licente si exclusivitati de catre PS3 si Xbox 360.

    Recently many Nintendo fans perusing RSS feeds did a spit-take upon seeing two headlines, both from the online edition of British industry news magazine MCV. The first proclaimed "'Wii 2' in production, confirms Nintendo", apparently indicating the successor to the console is ready for manufacturing. Another piece on the site titled "Wii Music Miyamoto's last idea'" gave the impression that the legendary game designer had finally hit a creative wall after three decades at Nintendo.

    Unsurprisingly, the eternal game of telephone that is the forumsphere reverberated with the double-shot of news--news that actually originated from a single article in The Wall Street Journal. Titled "Keeping up Nintendo's momentum", the piece is a collection of quotes from an interview that the financial daily's Japan correspondent did with company president Satoru Iwata. But while a pair of the executive's comments led to MCV's attention-grabbing headlines, upon closer inspection, their meaning radically diverges from what said headlines imply.

    Concerning the Wii's successor, Iwata said: "The hardware team started work on the next thing as soon as they were done with their previous project, but what they think up doesn't necessarily become a product." (Emphasis added.) He went on to emphasize the conceptual nature of Nintendo's next console and to underline the fact that there is no actual Wii 2 product yet--let alone one in production. "We only turn something into a product after it's been thoroughly vetted inside the company," said Iwata. "We're not at a point where we can give specifics, but of course, we're working on it."

    As far as Miyamoto goes, Iwata said that Wii Music, the rhythm title awkwardly demoed at Nintendo's E3 press conference, was the last of the designer initial concepts for the Wii. "Wii Music completes what Miyamoto wrote in his proposal when he came up with the idea for the Wii," Iwata told the paper. The executive continued: "He was saying that he needs to think up more ideas now," indicating that far from being at his wit's end, Miyamoto is hard at work on Nintendo's next big thing.
    Sursa aici.
    Attached Images Attached Images wii2.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Arată ca un Wii cu XCM ICASE...și dacă e așa...atunci asta e mai reușită

    ***later edit***

    Here it is...
    Attached Images Attached Images 070926metroidwii.jpg halo_green.jpg

  3. #3 SP
    VIP Member Donely's Avatar
    Ceva coace nea Miyamoto si nu este exclus sa vedem in curand pe piata Wii 2. Si cand te gandesti ca acum 19 ani Nintendo faceau numai carti de jocuri si alte nebunii din astea.....

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    poate foarte bine Nintendo sa stoarca tot din Wii , dupa aceea sa scoata Wii 2 si parca vad ca tot ar fi un huge success.

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Donely View Post
    Ceva coace nea Miyamoto si nu este exclus sa vedem in curand pe piata Wii 2. Si cand te gandesti ca acum 19 ani Nintendo faceau numai carti de jocuri si alte nebunii din astea.....
    Man, Nintendo face carti "de joc" de peste 100 de ani (119 daca vrem sa fim exacti). Probabil ca ai vrut sa spui 119 si nu 19
    Oricum, in linii mari ar trebui sa nu uitam ca la cel mai mare crash din istoria gamingului, cand toti se dadeau batuti, Nintendo a fost singura firma care a mers mai departe, against all the odds. Si uite ca a reusit, ca altfel poate nici nu existam azi cu

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