Gears of War 3 Epic Edition Preview: Marcus Statue Closeups
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Gears of War 3 Epic Edition Preview: Marcus Statue Closeups (1 min 26 sec)
Uploaded on 19-06-2011 at 10:02 PM by Graft
General Media - YouTube

Want a closer look at the 11.2 inch Marcus Fenix statue in the Gears of War 3 Epic Edition? Of course you do! This video shows you the centerpiece of the Epic Edition up close and personal, as well as a special look at the Octus Service Medal (the metallic COG in the video) avaliable in both the Limited and Epic editions.

Find the full details on the Epic and Limited editions of Gears of War 3, plus preorder content information, over at our official Gears 3 Buyers Guide!

Tags: art, behind, closeup, cog, community, design, detail, edition, epic, footage, games, gcon, gears, graphics, inch, limited, marcus, network, online, preview, scenes, september, special, statue, tag, the, three, twenty, viddoc, war

Gears of War 3 Epic Edition Preview: Marcus Statue Closeups
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