Duke Nukem Forever "Shrinkage Video"
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Duke Nukem Forever "Shrinkage Video" (1 min 10 sec)
Uploaded on 03-07-2011 at 06:14 PM by party_man
Game Trailers - YouTube

"Shrinkage" video for DUKE NUKEM FOREVER from 2K Games and Gearbox Software. Look out for the little guy! Duke Nukem Forever will be available for the PC, PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Xbox 360 on June 14, 2011. Until that day comes enjoy this little peek!

Tags: 2k games, aliens, babes, console, consoles, duke nukem, duke nukem forever, first look, first-person shooter, fps, gameplay footage, gaming, gearbox software, shooters, shrinkage, sneak peek, teaser, teasers, trailer, trailers, video game, video gameplay, weapons

Duke Nukem Forever "Shrinkage Video"
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