Mortal Kombat Freddy Krueger DLC Official Trailer
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Mortal Kombat Freddy Krueger DLC Official Trailer (0 min 33 sec)
Uploaded on 15-08-2011 at 03:30 PM by MonkY
Game Trailers - YouTube

Featuring a complete move-set, an arcade ladder story ending and two brutal fatalities, Freddy is available today on Microsoft Xbox LIVE for 400 Microsoft Points or for download as part of the Microsoft Season Pass. He is also available for $4.99 on PlayStation Network or as part of the newly released "Mortal Kombat DLC Warrior Bundle" where all four DLC characters can be purchased for only $14.99.

From Press Release:
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios are excited to present the first gameplay video featuring the newly-announced fourth DLC character for Mortal Kombat -- Freddy Krueger. With some slight modifications to even up the odds in arena he now boasts two knife-accessorized hands, so now Freddy's every hit is that much more dangerous and his fatalities even more lethal. Check out this video as he shows off just a few of the moves that could bring each opponent that much closer to their eternal rest. Don't fall asleep.

The second of four new downloadable warriors, Freddy will be available on Microsoft Xbox LIVE for 400 Microsoft Points or $4.99 on PlayStation Network starting on August 9. He will be available on the same date for users who have purchased the Microsoft Season Pass. Freddy will also be offered for pre-order and purchase in-store at GameStop via their digital download stations across North America.

Mortal Kombat is the most brutal installment of the legendary fighting game to date and is currently available on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft in 2011.

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Tags: claws, coin-op tv, coinoptv, dlc, fighting, freddy krueger, freddykrueger, games, gloves, highdefinition, mortal kombat, mortalkombat, netherrealm, nightmare on elm street, nightmareonelmstreet, nintendowii, official, playstation3, preview, psn, robertwelkner, trailer, xbl, xbox 360, xbox360, ytqualityhigh

Mortal Kombat Freddy Krueger DLC Official Trailer
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