Darkness Falls. Heroes Rise: The Demon Hunter
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Darkness Falls. Heroes Rise: The Demon Hunter (3 min 16 sec)
Uploaded on 11-04-2012 at 01:24 PM by OEE
Game Trailers - YouTube

The demon hunters. Vengeful harbingers of righteous doom who bring swift judgment and death to the hellish creatures daring enough to trespass on the mortal lands of Sanctuary. Skilled archers, assassins, and trackers, demon hunters are perfectly honed instruments set to scour demons from the world. The fact that every last one of them has a deep and personal motivation to do so only sharpens their deadly purpose.

Learn more about the demon hunter and other Diablo III heroes here: http://reveal.diablo3.com/en_US/clas...g/demon_hunter

Tags: blizzard, blizzard entertainment, darkness falls, demon hunter, diablo, diablo iii, gameplay, hereos rise, heroesrise, tyrael

Darkness Falls. Heroes Rise: The Demon Hunter
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