Conversation Between !nsomn!A and bestdog

2 Visitor Messages

  1. What’s the Best Underground Dog Fence?
    For those of you who are looking for a list of best underground dog fence, I have some options lined up. But first, let me tell you about my own dog, Walter, with whom I previously used a wireless underground dog fence with great success. We live on several acres of property and the dogs next door are troublemakers. Walter, a well-meaning and hyperactive dog, would run over next door and get into fights with the other dogs.
  2. Best Shock Collar Reviews In 2018 (Update)
    There are times when dog owners can’t control and correct their misbehaving pets. There are times when they seek the help of dog experts regarding this matter and it will cost them an ample amount of money and time – About the best shock collar for dogs!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2