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Thread: Death Stranding / Director's Cut

  1. #1 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar

    Death Stranding / Director's Cut

    Watch Hideo Kojima introduce his latest project: Death Stranding at the E3 2016 press conference.
    Attached Images Attached Images death-stranding-header-05.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    I'm confused, but I like it.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    I'm confucious too.

  4. #4 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    I had the most confusing boner of my life.

  5. #5 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Găsită pe Reddit, foarte interesantă analiza.

    Kojima has confirmed that the mascot is called Ludens. Ludens is first referred to in a russian 1987 novel about the coming of a superior race of beings called Ludens who experiment on humanity. The opening lines of the trailer are from William Blake's Auguries of Innocence which has a lot of meanings, but mostly that with time nature can restore itself even after the mistreatment of man, that human judgement will have dire consequences, and that there are multiple planes of existence. Finally going into the trailer, immediately the beached whales and dead wildlife directly links to the poem, showing the destruction of nature through humanity. The disappearance of the baby can also show the divine retribution of mankind by not being able to continue living on earth as mortals in order to allow nature to be reborn, as nature is all interconnected (see; the umbilical cords on mammals).

    Going into Norman Reedus' character and the 5 beings, there is a definite religious allegory as well. Not only from the cross on his stomach but also to the positions the figures are taking, creating an homage to crucifixion. This can take on two tones. either that Norman is humanities only salvation; as a Jesus figure or; that he is a Christlike figure fallen from grace and must save humanity through the destruction of gods.

    Going back to the Ludens theory, this can link greatly back to the religious themes as well. If the Ludens are seen as godlike figures, they could have been the ones who decided that humanity had gone too far and decided to destroy earth. now, Norman is also the character model for the Luden logo, so some are assuming that Norman himself is a Luden and has gone against his people. But I disagree because since he is wearing a handcuff I believe he is a human who has escaped some sort of testing facility the Ludens have made to either test on humanity or enslave them.

    The 6 items around his neck are either keys or usbs of some kind, showing that he is a harbringer of knowledge and the key to humanities survival, though he is still not a completely pure being, as seen from the child turning to oil. There can also be a darker tone from the necklace, possibly symbolising 6 other children who had turned to oil, though they clearly do not die due to the prints still existing in the sand. Could it be that simply the corporeal forms of humanity cease to exist? This is a very valid claim when you look back to the auguries because of its hinting towards multiple planes of existence. Norman is chained to this one because he has not succumbed to humanities destruction of nature but at the same time is destined to be the one to break that cycle of humanity.

    And the lyrics are the representation of Norman's character. He's going to take the Ludens head on, though he is destined to be the unknown hero of humanity. This as well as the theory of humanity being on another plane of existence than him is in the line 'seen but never heard, buried underground'. The humans can clearly see him in some way, from the way the footsteps on the sand follow him around, but there is no way to contact one another.

    People have also found a tattoo on Norman's character. The idea of Cetacean Stranding could also be where Kojima got the title of the game from. There are similarities between this phenomenon and what is shown in the trailer.

    Și trailerul curat, fără partea de E3.

  6. #6 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Nebun e Kojima, cred ca era si un pic fumat, cum a intrat el asa ca un VIP si a spus, "aim bac" Sper sa apara prin 2018

  7. #7 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Confucious as hell, but I like it to. He's "bac" baby

  8. #8 SP
    esbhrwvnjfkajhd SeikQ's Avatar
    Initial am crezut ca este vorba de un joc The Walking Dead, cu Daryl personaj principal

  9. #9 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Mie nu imi place ca tot ajung actori pe care ii stim din filme in jocuri. Cum arata God of War daca foloseau un actor din ceva film pentru Kratos? Mai avea acelasi impact? Cum era Nathan Drake? Gordon Freeman? Master Chief? Si tot asa. Nu asa faci un caracter memorabil, tocmai asta e frumusetea personajelor din jocuri, nu trebuie sa arate ca nimeni, poti sa ii faci sa arate cum vrei tu, ca nimeni altcineva, nu aceasi actori generici pe care ii vezi toata ziua la TV sau in sala de cinema. Ce mare scofala a facut Kojima ca nu l-a mai adus pe Hayter inapoi pentru MGS5? A fost cineva impresionat? Ba din contra.

  10. #10 SP
    Member Kupy's Avatar
    Mie îmi place asa mult Reedus ca as juca și Mario cu el. Prinzi drag de un actor după atâtea sezoane, de ce sa nu îl controlezi și tu un pic într-o lume post apocaliptică Acum sper sa trăiască în Walking dead pana apare jocul

  11. #11 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Pe asta cred ca il vedem prin 2019 pe PS5, jale
    In terms of Death Stranding’s development, they haven’t entered full production yet as Kojima Productions is still deciding which engine to use, but once they do pick one, “we will be in full production.” Kojima also revealed that the teaser is running in real-time and was made by Kojima Productions, “so people can trust us.”

    Speaking with Game Informer, Kojima said one of the engines was used for the teaser trailer, and the concept of what Death Stranding’s world will look like is already determined:

    We’re weighing our options for the engine. We are down to two candidates. One of the options was used to create this [trailer]. Because it’s a new game, we want to do many tests first. As far as the imagery and the concept of what the world will look like, it’s already settled. In between all of this, I’m trying to make the story and the characters and how it all comes together. We should settle on the engine soon, and at that point we’ll move from tests to full development.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Daca inca se gandesc la ce motor grafic sa foloseasca e clara 2019 jucam un prolog cu o singura misiune iar in 2020 tot jocul :wink: :wink:

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Nu stiu daca e locul potrivit, dar imi poate explica cineva de ce e atat de lăudat Kojima? A fost singurul cu intrare monumentala la E3 si nu a fost in stare sa spună doua vorbe. A mai facut altceva in afara de MGS? Seria mi se pare draguta, dar exista jocuri mai bune de ai caror producători nu a auzit nimeni. Sunt convins ca majoritatea nu imi pot numi un singur om care a lucrat la GTA 5, de exemplu...

  14. #14 SP
    esbhrwvnjfkajhd SeikQ's Avatar
    Kojima e un fel de Carmack asiatic. Sau un Spielberg al jocurilor

  15. #15 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member solecon's Avatar
    Mi se pare absolut incredibil cat de multi bani pot sa bage cei de la Sony in Kojima.

  17. #17 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Norman Reedus si Mads Mikkelsen . Oare cine o sa mai apara la urmatorul trailer?

  18. #18 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    What the hell is this game!?
    Attached Images Attached Images 25739427.jpg

  19. #19 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Technical Producer - Knack 2 Cred ca vine odată cu PS5, chestia asta

  20. #20 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Poate daca se lungesc, altfel eu nu sunt dat pe spate de nimic din ce am vazut incat sa am impresia ca nu va rula pe actuala ciorba de generatie.

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