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Thread: Ghost of Tsushima / Director's Cut

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar

    Ghost of Tsushima / Director's Cut

    Tocmai a fost anuntat la Paris Games Week , Sucker Punch ,2018 and looks glorious !
    Attached Images Attached Images ghost_of_tsushima_e3_2018-5.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Si ceva mai multe detalii

    PS: modifica, te rog, textul de mai sus, pentru ca ma zgarii pe retina cu spatiile alea din dreptul virgulei. Si daca tot deschizi thread nou, da si tu mai multe detalii.

  3. #3 SP
    Member vladthegamer's Avatar
    Acesta este un joc pe care mi-l doresc din tot sufletul. Cine nu vrea să fie samurai într-o Japonie feudală îmbibată de atunci cu multă istorie?! I want right now to play this game.

  4. #4 SP
    Member Otman's Avatar
    Pfff......i need this.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

    Hai cu data de lansare...

  6. #6 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by vladthegamer View Post
    Acesta este un joc pe care mi-l doresc din tot sufletul. Cine nu vrea să fie samurai într-o Japonie feudală îmbibată de atunci cu multă istorie?! I want right now to play this game.
    cred ca eu sunt unul din aia...

    dont get me wrong, abia astept jocul, il cumpar sigur ca sunt fan sucker punch, dar asa cum nioh nu m-a atras din cauza plasarii lui in japonia, asa cum jocurile yakuza nu ma atrag deloc, am oarecare indoieli si cu jocul asta.

    lasasem un comment pe facebook la trailer, cu aceeasi idee si lumea a sarit cu "you racist mf"!

    in realitate imi place cultura, mi-ar placea sa traiesc in tokyo, de exemplu dar pana acum n-a fost joc "asezat" acolo care sa imi placa.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar
    Depinde foarte mult si de stilul de gameplay.

    Nioh mi-a placut, doar ca nu sunt obisnuit cu astfel de gameplay. Mi se pare greoi, cel putin pentru mine.

  8. #8 SP
    Member MAGNUS2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 495 View Post
    cred ca eu sunt unul din aia...
    yup, TU= 100%

    ca si toti care spun ceva tampit despre jocul asta, jocul e bestial, inca un killer exclusive game pt ps4

  9. #9 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    ^Watch out, we have a badass over here!

  10. #10 SP
    Member 495's Avatar

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Mie mi-a placut din ce au aratat, pare interesant.

  12. #12 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Impresionant. De-abia aștept!

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    SUPER !

  14. #14 SP
    Member MENTATAL0R's Avatar
    Asta DAAA!

  15. #15 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Bun bunut! dpdv grafic este superb!

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member keanustar's Avatar
    Mie mi se pare ca seamana in fighting style cu filmele cu samurari ce le vedeam in copilarie. Chiar speram sa arate asa inainte de E3, iar asteptarile mi-au fost depasite. Nu ma asteptam sa arata asa eye candy dpdv vizual. Pentru mine pare un must buy day one.
    Tot ce imi doresc este sa nu fie ceva foarte liniar, dar dupa cum ultimele jocuri de la SP au fost Open Wold, ma astept ca si asta sa fie. Dupa cum am spus si pe aria TLoU2, parca arata a joc de next gen.

  17. #17 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    Batalia aia data sub copacul ala cu frunze rosii si covorul de frunze rosii pe jos, plina de fizica, de iluminare perfecta... WOW!

    Dar ce imi place cel mai tare e ca nu o iau pe partea aia de asian, japanese game unde la fiecare lovitura sar scantei si culori si particule si arata damage-ul (desi acum era no hud, in jocul final poate apar damage numbers). Fara combo multipliers, fara sarituri SF in aer etc. Vreau un joc despre acel conflict, in acea perioada dar facut de americani pt western world if you get my point.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar
    Cel mai probabil va fi fara hud, fara damage numbers... Probabil cum este la Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

  19. #19 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

    ---------- Post added 14-06-2018 at 02:57 ----------

    ---------- Post added 14-06-2018 at 04:26 ----------

    Main info:

    It’s an open-world samurai adventure.

    The game is grounded and realistic.

    The game is a original work of fiction they are not rebuilding history stone by stone.

    It is much bigger than the games Sucker Punch have done in the past. A lot bigger than Infamous.

    You can play the game with a Japanese voice track. Even with a cast of mostly native Japanese speakers, they still have a dialogue coach for the game for authentic ancient Japanese.

    Story, characters, missions:

    The main character is called Jin Sakai.

    Jin does serve a shogun who has not been shown yet.

    Main storyline will be Jin vs. the Mongols.

    Leader of the Mongols is an “uncomfortably reasonable killer” trying to intimidate our hero.

    Jin’s nickname is “The Ghost of Tsushima”. Jin has become a “legend” in Japan called “The Ghost”.

    The E3 2018 trailer is not part of the main story, it’s a side quest.

    There a lot of stories in the game that you may not find them all.

    There are many side characters in the game, most which have sidequests.

    Jin will learn new things from NPC quests.

    You can ride a horse, is integral to the game. Horse’s name is Nobu.

    Jin will change what is wearing. In a rain-drenched part of the world Jin has traded his traditional armor for a straw raincoat called a*mino. This has both mechanical value and narrative value.

    Combat, progression:

    Jin had to go beyond his samurai training in order to fight back against the Mongols.

    They will share details on the combat later. The theme of the combat is “mud, blood, and steel”. They want a feeling of intensity and danger in the combat.

    Combat system can scale all the way up from a one-on-one combat with a worthy opponent all the way up to dealing with a horde of Mongols.

    Possibility of other weapons but they’re only showing the katana right now.

    Sucker Punch teases that Jin's combat style abandons some samurai techniques, swapping them for the "violent grace of a silent assassin".

    The player can choose if they want to go full samurai or full ghost in any situation.

    There is a progression system. Jin has learned to use a grapple hook but this is not part of his samurai training. He’s had to learn new tricks to silently kill the Mongols.

    The evolution on how he fights back is the key to what will keep you engage you will keep finding new ways to wage war.

    They are looking at Kurosawa films and John Ford westerns to try to translate the cinematic nature of those moves into the game.

    Everything you can see in the background you can go to such as a Pagoda and Mongol ships, you have the freedom to go where you want at your on pace.

    They want to give players a lot of navigational options.

    Square button swings you sword.

    Graphics engine, tech:

    Dynamic time of day and weather.

    Simulated clouds. All dynamic, not painted, never going to be seen twice.

    Procedural skies and procedural sun break tech.

    If you roll around a lot in the mud you will be completely cover. If it starts raining it washes away all the mud and blood.

    Strong focus on minimalism for the graphics, you see the things that are more pronounce.

    “Movement” is the environment theme, expect everything to move - blowing trees, windy fields, falling leaves.

    Landscapes range from the swaying bamboo forests of the countryside, to the urban centers of ornate castles.

    There will be a minimal game HUD but they’re not showing it just yet.

    Looks like there’s a photo mode.

    The swordplay is all mo-cap.

    E3 2018 trailer details:

    The E3 2018 trailer is not part of the main story, it’s a side quest.

    30,000 leafs on the ground in the duel.

    Half a million pampas flowers in that field.

    They photo scan the ground from Tsushima and out it in the game.

    The part where he stab the guy though the screen was not a scripted moment.

    Expect that level of detail (E3 2018 trailer) in the whole game.

    Leaked info:

    Samurai were the most respectable people in Japan, people bow to Jin as he passes by on foot or horseback, but samurai were also feared; some women and children will attempt to hide or flee at the sight of Jin, while others will attempt to attack in order to prove themselves, or take some of the valuable gear a samurai would typically carry. This all helps to make the world feel alive and immersive. Not sure how often these civilian interactions occur.

    Each outpost has a story behind it and a quest line, not just "take out these soldiers and you retake the village". Villages can be retaken by Mongols if you do not complete the quest line.

    The game has two central towns (think Witcher 3), and many smaller outposts / villages.

    There are NPCS who can help train you in the ways of the Ghost, as for a Samurai, it would be a completely different form, and dishonorable way, of combat. Don't expect Jin to be able to right out of the gate know how to throw shuriken, use kunai, use alchemy (poisons, create potions, and explosives), use grappling hooks to get on top of rooftops, quickly, etc.

    2 major skill trees with many branches; which are way of the samurai, and way of the ghost. Samurai focusing more on sword play, archery, and defense, while ghost focuses more on stealth, alchemy, and agility.

    Samurai skill tree is fully unlocked from the start, while ghost requires you to complete tasks in order to unlock a specific branch, such as working with an alchemist in order to learn poison abilities, or to create potions with strong effects.

    You will be free to switch between samurai and ghost kits. Jin in full samurai armor won't be able to climb buildings (you can still jump, don't worry) or swim/dive, and would be fit more for a defensive, all out attack build. This can be balanced out however by mixing kits. You switch by going into any outpost / town, there you will also be able to sleep in order to pass the time, so if you prefer to tackle a mission at night as a ghost, or at day as a samurai, it's up to you. So for a more grounded approach, samurai is recommended.

    Think of climbing buildings as a faster paced assassins creed. Tenchu style grappling hook makes it even faster.

    You don't*necessarily*want to be seen in your ghost kit, as people may take you for an assassin and will sometime be hostile toward you. The game recommends you to be the ghost at night, but samurai at day. Some quests will only be handed out in your samurai gear, or only in your ghost gear, such as assassination requests. Double agent type of system and story to back it up.

  20. #20 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    Toate detaliile astea suna fcuking amazing! Hype level increased!

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