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Thread: R.I.P. Steve Jobs

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    R.I.P. Steve Jobs

    Desi de obicei refuz sa scriu astfel de threaduri si anunturi, pentru un astfel de mare om si vizionar voi trece peste: Imi pare rau sa va anunt ca astazi Steve Jobs a plecat dintre noi. Stim cat de mult s-a luptat cu cancerul... cu vremurile... cu concurenta si mentalitatile multora. Daca vremurile, concurenta si multe mentalitati a reusit sa le invinga... boala l-a rapus pana la urma. Ma bucur ca a reusit totusi sa traiasca suficient cat sa vada rodul muncii sale la inaltimea pe care si-o dorea: Apple. Pentru mine, Steve Jobs a fost si ramane un Leonardo Da Vinci modern.

    Multumesc Steve pentru tot! Nu vei fi uitat niciodata!


    R.I.P. Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

    Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies -
    Steve Jobs: Ex-Apple CEO Dies - ABC News
    Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, has passed away at 56 -- Engadget

    Cateva articole despre si cu Steve Jobs:
    Steve Jobs in his own words -- Engadget
    Tribute Video to Steve Jobs
    The Life of Steve Jobs
    The Bestest Steve Jobs Quotes
    Who Is Steve Jobs?
    Apple's Most Amazing Products Under Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said. Jobs was 56. "We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," read a statement by Apple's board of directors. "Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."
    The homepage of Apple's website this evening switched to a full-page image of Jobs with the text, "Steve Jobs 1955-2011."
    Clicking on the image revealed the additional text: "Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."
    Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in 1976 and, with his childhood friend Steve Wozniak, marketed what was considered the world's first personal computer, the Apple II.
    Tim Cook:

    I have some very sad news to share with all of you. Steve passed away earlier today.

    Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

    We are planning a celebration of Steve's extraordinary life for Apple employees that will take place soon. If you would like to share your thoughts, memories and condolences in the interim, you can simply email [email protected].

    No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve's death or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much.


    Apple Board of Directors:

    We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.
    Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.
    His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.

    Steve Jobs' family today made the following statement regarding his death:

    Steve died peacefully today surrounded by his family.

    In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he cherished his family. We are thankful to the many people who have shared their wishes and prayers during the last year of Steve's illness; a website will be provided for those who wish to offer tributes and memories.

    We are grateful for the support and kindness of those who share our feelings for Steve. We know many of you will mourn with us, and we ask that you respect our privacy during our time of grief.

    Bill Gates:

    I'm truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs' death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work.

    Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives.

    The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.

    For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.
    Attached Images Attached Images apple-ceo-steve-jobs-unveils-latest-improvements-companys-m.jpg steve_jobs.jpg steve_jobs1.jpg steve_jobs4.jpg stevejobs-ipad.jpg steve-jobs-time-magazine-front-cover.jpg stevejobsadobe.jpg steve_jobs_headshot_2010.jpg apple_stevejobs_gettyimages.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member LordKratos's Avatar
    R.I.P. Steve Jobs!
    Cu adevarat zeul tehnologiei!
    Iti multumim pentru tot ce ai lasat in urma ta!

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    cand mi-a zis prietenul meu acu 20 de minute ca a citit pe Facebook ceva de genu "Rest in peace Steve Jobs", sincer am crezut ca e o gluma proasta. Vad ca nu e de gluma: astazi s-a stins o adevarata legenda. You will never be forgotten Steve . R.I.P. and thank you for all you've done.

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am intrat din greseala pe site-ul apple si am ramas uimit. D-aia nu a mai prezentat aseara. Nu a mai avut puterea...

    Rest In Peace Steve Jobs... Multumim pentu tot. Un adevarat geniu

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Nariggar's Avatar

    Steve Jobs nu mai este printre noi

    Imi pare rau ca postez asa o stire, insa consider ca omul, Steve Jobs, este o personalitate mult prea importanta pentru acest secol, o legenda ce a schimbat vietile tutuor in mai bine, cred eu, pentru a fi data uitarii. Pentru cei care nu stiu, desi nu cred ca exista cineva, Steve Jobs a fost co-fondatorul si presedintele consiliului de administratie, functie din care a demisionat recent, al Apple, datorita acestui geniu, noi utilizatorii, avem o viata mai usoara si mai placuta, tot el, alaturi de alti grei ai lumii IT, au pus bazele PC-ului (personal computer) asa cum il stim noi astazi, revolutia numita Apple exista si se extinde tot datorita acestei minti sclipitoare. "Suntem profund indurerati sa va anuntam ca Steve Jobs a decedat. Stralucirea lui Steve, pasiunea si energia sa au reprezentat sursa a nenumarate inovatii care imbogatesc si imbunatatesc vietile noastre. Lumea este incomensurabil mai buna datorita lui Steve", citat dintr-un comunicat de presa Apple.Ca si tribut pentru realizarile sale fara precedent Apple a modificat pagina de start a site-ului oficial Aveti mai jos link-urile cu sursa stirii si cu pagina de comemorare.

    Apple - Remembering Steve Jobs
    BREAKING: Steve Jobs Has Died
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  6. #6 SP
    Member Venom911's Avatar
    Rest in peace Steve Jobs....

  7. #7 SP
    Member Mircea's Avatar
    Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca, vesti triste de dimineata...

  8. #8 SP
    VIP Member Donely's Avatar
    D-zeu sa il odihnesca

  9. #9 SP

  10. #10 SP
    Banned isis's Avatar
    S-a dus la Doamne Doamne, se va bucura de acolo de toate lucrurile frumoase pe care le-a lasat in urma si care deservesc o multime de oameni. R.I.P. Steve! E in locuri mai frumoase acum.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar
    Rip Steve Jobs. Din punctul meu de vedere apple s-a dus odata cu el. Ce ne vor da astia de acum incolo va fi o portocala in coaja de mar.
    Attached Images Attached Images superjobs.jpg

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    R.I.P Steve Jobs...
    Attached Images Attached Images _500.png

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    RIP Steve Jobs. E o veste groaznica... a mai ramas Bill Gates, din acea generatie...

  14. #14 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images isad.jpg

  15. #15 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Steve Jobs a ajutat la transformarea computerelor personale dand acestei industrii un nou curs.
    Chiar si concurenta in afaceri la vazut ca pe un vizionar de neegalat.
    Lansarea lui 4S parca a fost mai trista fara el, mai mohorata. Dar probabil ca si stiau ca sunt ultimele clipe ale lui.
    Un tip cu adevarat destept, Dumnezeu sa fie cu el !

    "Amintirea faptului ca voi muri curand este cel mai important instrument care m-a ajutat sa fac alegerile cele mai mari din viata. (...) Amintirea faptului ca vei muri este cea mai buna cale de evitare a gandului ca ai ceva de pierdut. Deja esti dezbracat. Nu exista niciun motiv pentru care sa nu-ti urmezi inima". - Steve Jobs - discurs din 2005.

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member AndyZ's Avatar

    Odihneasca-se in pace.

  17. #17 SP
    Member ciypriyan's Avatar

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    R.I.P. Steve Jobs !
    Attached Images Attached Images t_hero.png

  19. #19 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    O zi foarte tristă.

    Sunt foarte recunoscător pentru tot ce a avut de oferit. Sper că a plecat spre un loc mai bun. Odihnească-se �n pace!

  20. #20 SP
    Member rulzmaker's Avatar
    RIP Stevie, the coolest cat.

    Sper din tot sufletul sa nu se aleaga praful de Apple.

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