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Thread: Cum sa-ti convingi prietena sa se joace pe Console

  1. #1 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    Post Cum sa-ti convingi prietena sa se joace pe Console

    Many men will be forced, at some point, to part with their beloved game console by supreme order of their female companions. This can be avoided using proven game system/girlfriend social activities to gradually introduce gaming culture to your loved one and vice versa. You may not get her into Resident Evil, but she may end up playing some games you both can enjoy.
    How to Get Your Girlfriend to Play Video Games

    ...n-am prietenă pare să fie util pentru cei care au.
    Attached Images Attached Images tetris-7104.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member EvilG's Avatar
    Eu unu nu o sa mai incerc sa o determin sa se joace. Am invatat-o mai demult si a prins putin gustul. Si nu prea obisneam sa o ajut o lasam sa se invete singura. Pana la un moment dat cand s-a enervat si......a dat cu joy-ul de atunci amin nu a mai pus mana pe consola nu am mai lasat-o asa k acuma I'm the only one playing

  3. #3 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...hehe, bine ai facut. dec�t să ajunga un James .

    Și dacă tot suntem la girls@games try this one -> - Girls And Video Games: What More Do You Need?

    ...sunt curios ele cum fac atunci c�nd se enervează pe un game

  4. #4 SP
    Member EvilG's Avatar
    @RonanN1 nu cred k vrei sa stii.... nu poate sa se manifeste sa injure sau sa sparaga dar o vezi cum fierbe inauntru si e fff amuzant

  5. #5 SP
    Junior Member Carinutza's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by EvilG View Post
    @RonanN1 nu cred k vrei sa stii.... nu poate sa se manifeste sa injure sau sa sparaga dar o vezi cum fierbe inauntru si e fff amuzant
    Sa crezi tu...........
    Sa ma vezi pe mine cum injur, gesticulez si ma agit....iar atunci cand joaca sotul meu...hmmm in cele din urma plec din camera ca ma oftic prea tare si cica "ii dau o stare de nervozitate"

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member DonAdryan's Avatar
    Nevasta-mea e gamerita, a terminat Warcraft 2 si 3 de nush cate ori, iar la Diablo 3 a ajuns pe hell cu un barbar cheatuit! (level 99 ).
    Niste poze, mai jos, cu GBA-ul si la Arcade, pe Dorobantilor! (RonanN1 tre' sa-l stii...)
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  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Khan's Avatar
    ntz ntz.. super nevasta ta daca deja rupe la Diablo 3

  8. #8 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Super tare nevasta ai. Cred ca lucreaza la Blizzard daca joaca deja Diablo 3. Sunt invidios.

    In alta ordine de idei, uitati aici cum se conving femeile "Welcome to our newest member, deathwings' girl ". Deathwings probabil a fost indeajuns de convingator

  9. #9 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Imi place nickul <3, hehe. Cred că e iubita lui DeathWings.

    Quote Originally Posted by DonAdryan
    (RonanN1 tre' sa-l stii...)
    ...of! nu-l stiu, sorry...dar știu jocul e...Ridge Racer 5

  10. #10 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Dar de pozele astea ce părere aveți?

    *mai multe pe albumul Beautiful Tragedy de pe profilul meu
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  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member DonAdryan's Avatar
    Tre' sa stii locul Ronnie, e pe Dorobantilor, in cladirea in care e si bowling-ul...

    Nice pics, 2bad4 the low res...

    PS: Guys, era vb. de Diablo2...

  12. #12 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Gata! �l știu acum


    A postat h0stile un link �n care Major Nelson trece printr-o perioadă grea din viata lui . Postez și eu aici toată conversația...că aici, �n acest topic, se potrivește cel mai bine!

    I am playing the Fable II Pub Games...but I have a little problem

    Out of the three pub games, which is your favorite? I�ve run into a very unique situation. I left the game on in my office at home, and I came back in an hour later to find my wife playing the games. Now, she�s not a gamer unless I put the controller in her hand, so this was a bit surprising. What happened next was even more surprising.

    Here is how the conversation went:

    Me: Hi..what are you doing?
    Her (staring at the screen playing Keystone): (no answer)

    Me: Hello? What are you doing?
    Her: Playing

    Me: Why?
    Her: I saw these games, and they looked interesting. I�m not very good at them though.

    At this point, I am a bit panicked, since the gold you win (or lose) will transfer to Fable II

    Me (getting nervous): Umm�are you winning?
    Her: No. I think I�ve lost about 3000. 3000 things.

    Me (getting more nervous): What do you mean things?

    Her: I don�t know�is this Dollars? Cents? Euros?
    Me: It�s Gold.
    Her: Ok. Gold. (Switches to Fortune�s Tower)

    At this point I am trying to get the controller away from her.

    Me: Why don�t you let me play?
    Her: I like these games. I�m not very good�.but they�re fun.

    Me: Well, we have a little problem.
    Her: What?

    Me: Well, you know that game you liked on the original Xbox? Fable?
    Her: The one where you could kick chickens? This music reminds me of that one.

    Me: Well this game should remind you of that one since these games are from the sequel coming out this fall called Fable II.
    Her (now 3400 in debt): Are you going to play it?

    Me : Well. That�s where we have a problem.
    Her: What�s the problem?

    Me: Well, any gold you win in the game you can transfer to the game when it comes out.
    Her: Cool. (pause)

    Her: Wait. (now playing Spinnerbox) What about the gold you lose?
    Me: You mean the gold YOU lost?

    Her: Yea. the gold we lost?
    Me: No�you lost.

    Her: Yea, the gold we lost.
    Me (sigh): Yes, the gold you lost. That�s where we have the problem. I�ll now start Fable II in debt. As in poor. As in owing money.

    Her (turning to look at me for the first time since I walked in): Wow. That sucks. (she put the controller down and walks out of the room)
    Her: I hope you can pay off that debt before the game comes out. I am going out, see you later.

    All totaled, as I post this, I am about 3650 in debt. I have some work to before the game releases in October. So if you have any Pub Game tips feel free to post them in the comments.

    Oh, and don�t leave your Gamertag signed in to Xbox LIVE playing the Fable Pub Games, as you may suffer the same fate I have.

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member DonAdryan's Avatar
    ^ Funny as sh*t!

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member mentorica's Avatar
    a mea a spart un joy de ps 2 cand ii rupeam capu la MK

  15. #15 SP
    Junior Member louie's Avatar
    la mine e imposibil sa o conving

  16. #16 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu am reusit cu LocoRoco, SingStar, DanceRevolution... si cam atat... In rest, ii place mai mult sa ma "admire" pe mine cand termin cine stie ce joc decat sa puna osul la treaba

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    Cumparati Rez pentru PS2 si importati TransVibrator. Conectati-l la PS2, puneti TransVibratorul la... mda... prietenei, si cu cat mai intens va juca, cu atat mai tare va vibra. Your girlfriend won't want to "get off" your PS2 again ?!

  18. #18 SP
    Junior Member HeinekeN_'s Avatar
    Ce duma,doh.Decat sa-mi invat prietena sa joace mai bine o invat sa-mi faca de mancare .

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