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Thread: Vand componente Pc Placa de baza Placa video

  1. #1 SP
    Junior Member Bogdan G's Avatar

    Vand componente Pc Placa de baza Placa video

    Placa de baza

    Asrock FM2A55M-DSG - 85 ron

    Placi video

    Leadtek GT440 1g ddr3 - 50 ron(ventilator galagios in primele 4 minute de functionare)
    Sapphire radeon hd5450 2g ddr3 64 biti silent - 70 ron
    Gainward 8500gt 512ddr3 - 40 ron

    Zona de livrare Bucuresti, Bv.Basarabia
    Telefon : 0764862474
    Attached Images Attached Images dscn0032.jpg dscn0102.jpg dscn0104.jpg dscn0103.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Junior Member Bogdan G's Avatar
    se adauga

    Mouse Wireless Microsoft 700 V2 - 15 ron(doar mouse-ul si receiverul)
    Hdd 500G Seagate st500dm002 - 65 ron, fara probleme!
    Monitor LCD 20"Iiyama E2001wsv - 90 ron
    Monitor Lcd 22" Acer AL2216W - 120 ron
    Adaptor wireless a-00007 logitech casti clear chat - 30 ron
    Tv Tuner Usb Leadtek Palmtop tv - 50 ron(aparent telecomanda nefunctionala)
    Cooler Notebook Cooler Master NotePal x3 - 40 ron(se blocheaza laptopul daca se activeaza led-urile)!
    Suunto Movestick Mini Usb ant+ 50 ron
    Boxe Logitech Ls11 - 30 ron(alimentator aftermarket)

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