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Thread: Far Cry 3

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

    Far Cry 3

    Far Cry 3 confirmed by swedish retailers, cover art revealed

    Already this winter, you could hear the talk about Far Cry third One writer said he had seen "very impressive materials" from the game, and did thereby commit an unofficial advertising. Last week was the cement of the data PC Gamer, as in a rumor column said that the development has already started.

    As if further confirmation were needed, two game stores - Amazon and Game - the title is listed, complete with price and cover. The Amazon description reveals that the game will take advantage of Ubisoft's infamous DRM protection, which requires an internet connection for the game to start.

    Boycotts and krigsrop is to wait closer to release, but until then we keep ourselves satisfied with a simple game cover. Fire-term, but some hints about the scene is not given. Intended platforms are at least firmly: PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 players can all play in the war-torn sand boxes.
    Attached Images Attached Images far-cry-3.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member amidacos's Avatar
    Super tare. Deabia astept. Nu am jucat Far Cry 2, dar l-am jucat pe primul, si daca apare asta, nici nu cred ca ma mai intorc la 2. Deci, va avea pana la urma DRM?

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Iti recomand sa joci si Far Cry 2. Far Cry 3 va fi o continuare a acestuia, joc care nu are nicio legatura cu primul din serie. Din ce scrie in articolul postat de Killswitch va avea si DRM.
    Mie chiar mi-a placut Far Cry 2, chiar daca multi l-au considerat prea dificil sau enervant. Mi-au placut armele, mi-a placut locatia, mi-a placut modul create... Sper doar ca in Far Cry 3 sa vedem ceva mai multa viata in jungla, asta daca va avea loc tot in Africa.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Crap, eu sigur nu-l joc daca e tot ca Far Cry 2. Far Cry a fost superb, Far Cry 2 o porcarie uriasa - asta-i parerea mea. Grafica din Far Cry 2 mi s-a parut execrabila, comparabila cu Outlaws (batranii stiu despre ce joc vorbesc ) Texturile, iarba, peisajele, totul e desenat in culori fade, iarba parca e din carton gri, cerul e o panza aruncata peste decor.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    Daca o sa fie ca Far Cry 2 spun si eu pas. Grafica a fost foarte tare, dar gameplay-ul si povestea au fost de nota 4, plictiseala din primul pana in ultimul minut.

  6. #6 SP
    Member dogdan's Avatar
    -farcry 3 ar trebuii sa fie "linear sandbox" gen far cry 1 sau crysis decoru sa fie linar dar cu MULTE feluri de a aborda fiecare situatie,diferite locatii dar sa se faca tranzitia de la o locatie la alta prin gameplay nu ca la COD prim mission briefing.
    -grafica din farcry 2 m-i s-a parut fantastica,cum spunea si RaverX s-a folosit c-am mult maro-ul, dar erau si portiuni de jungla verzi si ft colorate.
    -gameplayul avea o mecanica buna de fps solid,ft realist,am ramas uimit cand am tras cu un M107 .50 Caliber si a zburat teava de la pusca.

  7. #7 SP
    Banned GhostyAbudy's Avatar
    Da s-tiu sa folosit c-am mult mar-o.

  8. #8 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    s-e m-ai intampla

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    OPM: Far Cry 3 could arrive before the end of 2011

    More speculation is emerging from the depths of Official PlayStation Magazine UK’s rumour mill page in this month’s issue, this time regarding Far Cry 3. A snippet from the read states:

    “Start taking the malaria medicine in preparation: Far Cry 3 could be arriving before the end of this year.”

    The game was first confirmed to be in the preliminary stages of development way back in August 2008 by publisher Ubisoft. Since then we’ve heard Far Cry 2 scriptwriter Kevin Shortt claim the game to look “pretty exciting,” and Ubisoft’s Patrick Redding noting the possibility of the game being set in Antarctica - nothing's been seen though.

    So if this rumour is correct – it’s understandable, considering the 2010 release originally marked by some retailers – there’s a fine chance that we will see some sort of unveiling at an upcoming event. E3, anyone?

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    News: Far Cry 3 development still going, CVs are loud amid silence - Strategy Informer

    Ubisoft has been super quiet when it comes to Far Cry 3, with news that it was put on the back burner in August 2008, but August 2010 brought it back?

    Online CVs for devs at Ubisoft in Quebec make reference to an "unannounced shooter sequel" and a "first person shooter” with "exotic gameplay".

    The ever watchful superannuation compiled a list of CVs that in anyway linked to Far Cry 3. A senior software developer at Ubi Montreal mentioned his work on an "unannounced shooter sequel” for Xbox 360 and PS3.

    While a technical director of scripted events spoke of an “undisclosed first person shooter” featuring “exotic gameplay" on theirs, again for console. Another three developers didn't bother being coy and called out Far Cry 3 by name.

    Perhaps Ubisoft will grace E3 2011 with some Far Cry 3 goodness? Rumour says it'll be sticking with its African setting. The first Far Cry was made by Crysis' Crytek.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  12. #12 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  13. #13 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    News: Far Cry 3 gunning to look 'incredible' on PS3, 'fantastic' on 360 -

    Speaking to CVG in LA last week, producer Dan Hay said his development team is aiming to have the shooter looking "incredible" on PS3 and "fantastic" on Xbox 360 - but PC players will be able to "dial it to 11".

    "Far Cry is a franchise born on PC, so we want to make sure with the PC experience you can dial it to 11," he said. "But at the same time we've got a ton of experience working on Xbox 360 and PS3, and for us making sure that they're on parity with that stuff is incredibly important.

    "So we want to make sure that if you're playing it on PS3 it looks incredible, and if you're playing on the 360 it's unbelievable, sounds amazing and looks fantastic," he said.

    "We're looking for the experience of anything that contracts from the great characters that we have, the really cool story, the experience that the player's going to have, the immersion... that we hit it with a hammer."

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    l-au bagat cei de la Gameshop pe site
    Pagina Produsului
    Pagina Produsului
    Pagina Produsului

  15. #15 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Abea in noiembrie 2012 se lanseaza ?

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Abea in noiembrie 2012 se lanseaza ?
    inca nu se stie daca in noiembrie,cert e ca in Gamestop nu scrie nimic,pe site-ul Ubi la fel.

  17. #17 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Tocmai, pe Gameshop scrie "Data lansarii: 27.11.2012" la ultimile 2 link-uri, iar la primul link este gresita, "Data lansarii: 27.11.2005".

    Si eu stiam de TBA si asa am vazut pe diferite site-uri si stiu ca la E3 au spus ca prin martie aprilie, daca nu ma insel.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar
    6 Septembrie 2012

  19. #19 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Wow...deja e blocat de Ubisoft... Sau e doar la mine ?

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar
    O sa apara probabil o versiune oficiala in zilele ce urmeaza.

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