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Thread: Cateva imagini din Just Cause 3 Xbox One scapa pe internet

  1. #1 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    Cateva imagini din Just Cause 3 Xbox One scapa pe internet

    Pe site-ul Xbox Underground au aparut imagini din presupusa continuare a seriei Just Cause in varianta Xbox One (nu stiu daca jocul va fi multiplatform, dar presupun ca da), screenshoturile fiind din varianta debug build. Va reamintesc faptul ca Avalanche Studios dezvolta jocul Just Cause 3 (asa cum a facut si cu primele 2 jocuri din serie) urmand sa fie publicate de Square Enix. O persoana care nu a dorit sa-si dezvaluie identitatea (probabil un angajat al echipei de developeri a jocului) a declarat:
    "A source close to the project who asked not to be named verified the first image, saying it showed off Just Cause 3's Black Market. This lets players drop items into the game world at will.

    There was once a plan to have the PC version of Just Cause 3 free-to-play, with the console versions paid-for titles with optional micro-transactions, but we understand the plan changed and this may no longer be the case."
    Ca extra informatii, putem spune ca in momentul de fata Avalanche Studios lucreaza si la jocul Mad Max, joc care va fi lansat probabil anul viitor pentru Xbox One, PS4 si PC. Totodata, ii felicitam pentru renuntarea la ceva ce noi consolistii uram. Initial planurile pentru Just Cause 3 implicau microtrazanctii, dar urmarind valurile de nemultumire ale gamerilor referitor la micro-tranzactii developerul a decis anularea lor din joc.
    Attached Images Attached Images just_cause_3.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Aveti mai jos si imaginile leak-uite:
    Attached Images Attached Images uqvdhxn.jpg w3twa8g.jpg nzqjr2m.jpg lv18ca8.jpg

  3. #3 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Vazuta asa mica, ultima poza pare sa infatiseze^is si undeva in fundal e si jucatorul..

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    That's a giant Rooster! Sper sa ajung sa joc Just Cause 2 inainte sa apara 3, am jucat si primul si mi-a placut. Si bravo pentru renuntarea la micro tranzactii!

  5. #5 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    I love Just Cause! De abia astept a 3-a aprte (nici nu stiam ca urmeaza sa apara, lol).

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Imaginea din stire e din primul Crysis, mai exact dintr-un trailer, jocul nu a aratat chiar asa bine in final.
    Nu e fix acelasi frame din trailer, dar ca idee:

  7. #7 SP
    Member colossus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    I love Just Cause! De abia astept a 3-a aprte (nici nu stiam ca urmeaza sa apara, lol).
    Stai linistit ca e premeditat de mult... era asteptata a 3-a parte (de catre cei care joaca online si nu numai). JC2 a fost foarte reusit ,si tin sa cred ca acest joc e rezultatul cererii fanilor .

  8. #8 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Mi-a placut mult 2-iul, ca atare am fost incantat ca se anunta urmatorul.

  9. #9 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Cred ca sunt singurul care a considerat ca JC 2 e un joc mediocru Nici pana azi nu am reușit sa-l termin.

  10. #10 SP
    Member colossus's Avatar
    Da ,insa multiplayer-ul a facut din el o mare platforma pentru incercat lucruri nefiresti online (vezi plane riding/plane surfing... ,si multe altele).Te distrezi mult cand incerci nebuniile alea . Din cate am vazut in ultima vreme scopul multor vlogeri-gameri renumiti de pe YT e sa distreze publicul ,si astfel ei cauta asemenea jocuri necontand vechimea lor sau popularitatea.

  11. #11 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    si s-a anuntat oficial:
    According to the magazine, it was able to play “several hours of the game,” which is a fictional, open-world version of the Mediterranean which is ruled by dictator.

    The game will include updated parachute physics and grappling and players will also be able to don a wingsuit.

    “We’ve been waiting for this moment ever since Just Cause 2 was released, said Christofer Sundberg, founder and CCO at Avalanche Studios in a press release.

    “This is the culmination of a decade’s worth of open-world evolution and innovation. In Just Cause 3, we’ve sent Rico to a beautiful Mediterranean archipelago. He is of course bringing his Grapple and Parachute, both with game-changing upgrades, as well as the brand new Wingsuit.

    “Just Cause 3 truly represents the next generation of chaotic sandbox fun, and we can’t wait to show you more next year.”

    Publisher Square Enix also reiterated the game is a “full retail” release and not a free-to-play tile, as leaked images of the game suggested last week.

    Game Informer got its hands on the game as you can see in the video below.

    The magazine will land in mailboxes within the next two weeks, and later today it will be made available for digital subscribers, so we expect NeoGAF and other sites to have mined it for information.

    A domain for the game was registered back in April 2014, with Square stating at the time the registration was “routine IP management activity,” and nothing else.

    As far back as 2013, Avalanche Studios said the third installment in the series was possible, but was too early to talk about at the time despite Avalanche’s developer diary featuring the studio conducting environment research off the coast of Costa Rica.

    Even earlier in 2013, it was rumored the studio was working on Just Cause 3 for PC and “next-gen” at the time, which was followed up with Avalanche teasing an image for the game which has now been confirmed as being from Just Cause 3. See? I didn’t have to eat my socks after all.

    Mad Max, another title from Avalanche in the works for 2015, is also an open-world title.

    Just Cause 3 is out in 2015 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
    Attached Images Attached Images 260-cover-reveal-front-610.jpg just-cause-3-logo.jpg

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