The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross Season 5 Ep. 5 - SFxT: TIME OUT
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The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross Season 5 Ep. 5 - SFxT: TIME OUT (26 min 33 sec)
Uploaded on 21-03-2012 at 11:12 AM by OEE
Gameplay movies - YouTube

Following their sub par performance against Paul Kugler of Brokentier, Gootecks & Mike Ross have temporarily disbanded the greatest tag team of all time. Gootecks is no where to be found, lost amongst as sea of joysticks and streaming equipment. L.I. Joe steps into the ring to partner with Mike Ross and take on the internet.


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Tags: adventures, cross, episode, excellent, fighter, gootecks, iloveu, island, joe, long, marduk, mike, new, out, poison, ross, season, sfxt, street, tag, team, tekken, time

The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross Season 5 Ep. 5 - SFxT: TIME OUT
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