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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #5121 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    De unde va luati alte jocuri in afara de cel/cele cu care va vine consola? Apar pe la noi prin magazine au ba?

  2. #5122 SP
    Senior Member Tekken's Avatar
    De la...shopto...

  3. #5123 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    pt playstation plus (ps4) este suficient sa cumpar asta ?! vad ca scrie de ps3 , probabil ca e ok si pt ps4 ?!

    PlayStation Plus Memberships - 1 an PS3 | ALTEX

    consola probabil ca va fi asta la cumparare , pt mine

    Consola PlayStation 4 + joc Killzone - Shadow Fall | ALTEX

  4. #5124 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar

  5. #5125 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    PS4 has sold over 250k in the UK | Games industry news | MCV

    Over 250k PS4 consoles were sold in the UK in the machine’s first 48 hours on sale.

    Retail sources have confirmed the extent of PS4’s tremendous performance to MCV following Chart-Track’s confirmation this morning that PS4 is the UK’s fastest selling console ever.

    MCV estimates that UK PS4 sales reached approximately £87m during this period.

    Xbox One sold in the region of 150k units in its first 48 hours on sale.

    This means that the current-gen trio (which until recently referred to as ‘next-gen’) already enjoys an install base of around 600k units in the UK. Both PS4 and Xbox have already comfortably outsold Nintendo’s Wii U, which was released in the UK over a year ago.

    ---------- Post added 02-12-2013 at 21:54 ----------

    PS4: Sony 'very confident' it will hit 5 million sales mark by March -- PlayStation Universe

    “It’s the most important one in the history of the PlayStation, which will soon celebrate its twentieth birthday. I’m extremely happy about pre-order figures, which can be explained by the attractive price of the console. Our production chain is the best we’ve ever had. We’re redoubling our efforts to have more PS4s available before Christmas and not to disappoint customers. In the light of people’s reception, I’m very confident in the fact that we will sell more than 5 million PS4 by late March 2014,” said House.

  6. #5126 SP
    Member rhadoo69's Avatar

  7. #5127 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar

  8. #5128 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Eu vând Killzone ul venit cu consola. Îl vreau digital. E sigilat. Dacă vrea careva PM. Scuze de off topic.

  9. #5129 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar
    A 'substantial' number of PS4s coming to the UK before Christmas, Sony promises | Games industry news | MCV

    PlayStation UK is celebrating record-breaking sales of PS4, and has promised gamers that a 'substantial' amount of stock is now being flown into the UK.

    The firm sold just shy of 250,000 consoles in two days last week, significantly more than the previous record holder – PSP – which sold 185,000 units over a four day period.

    The sales helped retailers take home £175m in sales last week.

    In a statement sent to MCV, Sony has praised retailers, customers and partners for their part in the success, and have promised to fulfil the demand from gamers still waiting for their machines, and even deliver more machines than expected into retail.

    "We are delighted by the initial sales of PS4 and are proud to have set new records for a UK console launch," said UK MD Fergal Gara.

    "In particular, I want to thank all the gamers who have waited patiently for PS4 and who have come out to support PlayStation. I also want to thank all of our retail and publishing partners who have helped make this possible by delivering huge sales in a very short period of time and great games for PS4.

    "Since the initial announcement back in February, pre-orders for PS4 have surpassed all expectations and we continue to work hard to fulfil the remainder of these pre-orders and to deliver additional consoles to the market for the many more gamers who want a PS4. Substantial further volumes of PS4 will arrive in the UK before Christmas."

  10. #5130 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sexbobomb91 View Post
    pretul ar fi cam cu 50ron mai ieftin acolo, dar habar-n-am sa comand de acolo, iar pe langa asta pretul de achizitie nu mai costa nimic altceva daca comanzi de acolo ?! primesc mail cu un cod de activare sau cum se face ?!

  11. #5131 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    a mai cumparat ,comandat cineva ps 4 de la extrem digital stie cum o sa se desfasoare treaba? ,am precomandato si eu acum ma gandesc ca poate o primesc pana de craciun altfel astept dupa ai nostrii
    uite ce spun astia de la e digital "În prezent nu comercializăm produsul. În caz de precomandă vă anunţăm despre posibilităţile de preluare."

  12. #5132 SP
    Member the_fool2k's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 077danyel View Post
    a mai cumparat ,comandat cineva ps 4 de la extrem digital stie cum o sa se desfasoare treaba? ,am precomandato si eu acum ma gandesc ca poate o primesc pana de craciun altfel astept dupa ai nostrii
    uite ce spun astia de la e digital "În prezent nu comercializăm produsul. În caz de precomandă vă anunţăm despre posibilităţile de preluare."
    Nu mai faceti precomenzi de la firme no cname, eventual care va cer banii in avans si care au preturi mai mari decat cele oficiale.

  13. #5133 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by poiuyt View Post
    pretul ar fi cam cu 50ron mai ieftin acolo, dar habar-n-am sa comand de acolo, iar pe langa asta pretul de achizitie nu mai costa nimic altceva daca comanzi de acolo ?! primesc mail cu un cod de activare sau cum se face ?!
    man e foarte simplu si eu credeam la inceput ca e complicat, am facut un cont de paypal si am platit cu acel cont, intr-un minut am finalizat comanda si in 5 minute am primit pe email o poza la un psn card de valoarea respectiva care avea codul . nu sunt alte costuri, decat pretul psn cardului de pe site

  14. #5134 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by the_fool2k View Post
    Nu mai faceti precomenzi de la firme no cname, eventual care va cer banii in avans si care au preturi mai mari decat cele oficiale.
    de acord, INSA edigital nu cere banii in avans (platesti la livrare), iar diferentele de pret (cel putin la ei) sunt date de conversia prin HUF. 127990 HUF (care este pretul oficial pentru Ungaria) inseamna 1879 RON la cursul BNR de azi (la care se adauga transportul). daca vrei consola din Ungaria, nu ti se pare normal sa o iei la pretul oficial acolo? nu iti convine? nicio problema, asteapta 29 ianuarie si ia de la noi.

    cat despre ei, sincer sa fiu nu cred ca e firma no name daca vind in 5 tari si au venituri de multe zeci de mil. de euro anual (ceea ce nu as putea spune despre care s-au dovedit insa a fi seriosi pana acum, cel putin in legatura cu livrarile). ramane sa vedem cum se comporta si edigital in momentul in care vor avea consolele pe stoc, dar teoretic nu ar trebui sa fie probleme.

  15. #5135 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    OMG ce consola. Cu toate ca am lucrat in preajma ei de peste un an asta retail este absolut fantastica. Primul lucru care te loveste este calitatea sunetului atat in boxe cat si in speakerul de pe controler. Nu am jucat decat Resogun dar pot sa spun ca arata absolut fantastic. Si totul este foarte cursiv si rapid.
    Sper ca toata lumea sa puna man pe una sa putem sa ne bucuram impreuna.

  16. #5136 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    @bubli Sa o stapanesti sanatos! Eu abia maine o primesc pe a mea...abia astept sa jucam Killzone MP

  17. #5137 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Andrew House, presedintele Sony Computer Entertainment, a declarat ca s-au vandut 2.1 milioane de console PS4 la nivel mondial pana la data de 1 decembrie. Acest anunt a fost facut in cadrul conferintei PlayStation Awards 2013: PlayStation�Awards 2013 | プレイステーション� オフィシャルサイト

    Cred ca pot ajunge la 3 milioane pana la sfarsitul anului. Cererea este inca foarte mare.

  18. #5138 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Sincer cred ca ar fi vandut mult mai multe daca ar fi produs mai multe. Sunt tari unde deja se face preorder pentru 2014 (si nu vorbesc de amarati ca noi, ci de nemti, austrieci, etc...). 2.1 milioane mi se pare o cifra extrem de mica. Cred ca nici ei nu s-au asteptat sa se vanda atat de bine. Comparativ, producatorii de smartphone-uri (mult mai scumpe decat un PS4), reusesc sa vanda de 5 ori mai mult intr-o saptamana.

  19. #5139 SP
    konichiwa zombie chynagods's Avatar
    Ar putea sa ajunga si sa depaseasca suma asta lejer.
    Intrebarea este daca pot sa ofere pe masura cererii imense care este in momentul asta la nivel global
    Pana la urma toata lumea vrea consola anul asta de sarbatori....

  20. #5140 SP
    Member Andrei260191's Avatar
    Stie cineva cum pot activa cele 14 zile de playstation plus gratuite pe cont de uk? Daca pun datele unui card de Ro e bine? Multumesc

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