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Thread: God of War (2018)

  1. #61 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by poiuyt View Post
    de ce ,vrei sa-ti imprumut CD-u ?!
    Daca ai jucat de pe un CD e clar ca ai jucat altceva.

  2. #62 SP
    Junior Member Derek24's Avatar
    Sper sa fie cateva ore bune de gameplay arata senzational

  3. #63 SP
    Member Inuhanyou's Avatar
    Interesant.... ramasesem cu ce s-a discutat pana in E3..unde se zicea ca nu e un sequel sau prequel. Am mai citit si varianta ca nu joci cu Kratos nu e personajul principal.

  4. #64 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    informatii noi (cel putin asa sper, ca nu au mai fost postate):

    E3 2016: God of War Made Me Care About the Series For the First Time - IGN

    While you assume complete control of Kratos, you also passively control his son throughout the entire game, and both characters grow and evolve. There’s a single button dedicated to your son, and its use depends on the context. He becomes an active participant in combat, traversal, exploration, and puzzle-solving. In this, the game is about passing knowledge onto your child. At the beginning of your journey, you teach a reluctant child how to fire a bow and hunt. As you progress through the game, that becomes second-nature to the boy, and it’s clear that your knowledge has been passed on.
    This bond isn’t the only new, surprising element of God of War. The entire game is presented as a single, uninterrupted shot. Once you’re in, you’re in. No load screens, no cinematics, no fades to black. Kratos and his son’s journey across the world of Norse mythology -- which takes place an undisclosed amount of time past God of War III -- will be told in a wholly singular, and honestly unique manner.
    Right from the get-go, it was apparent that this was a very different God of War game. We now view the world from behind Kratos’ shoulders, with the previously-static camera now being controlled using the right stick. This part is important, because the world is rife with hidden paths, secret nooks, and collectables hidden all over the place. During my extended demo, we wandered off the beaten path and discovered a number of crafting resources, pieces of armor, and idols. God of War will feature larger, much more in-depth RPG systems, something Sony will discuss further down the road.
    While the E3 demo was a quieter, more character-driven look at the game, Barlog assured me that the series isn’t shrugging off its bombastic, cinematic roots. The reason they didn’t focus the E3 demo on a huge, spectacle-filled set piece is that it's a given that the game will have those. Barlog and Sony Santa Monica have mastered those moments, so with this demo, they wanted to surprise fans and non-fans of the series with the unexpected.

  5. #65 SP
    Senior Member raducucosmin's Avatar
    Ok, sincer, daca cele de mai sus sunt true facts, atunci I am sold. Nu ca nu eram si inainte. Dar imi suna bine bine de tot si abia astept sa il joc.

    PS: Sper sa nu fie exclusiv NEXT GEN

  6. #66 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Cum adica exclusiv next gen?

  7. #67 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    Exclusiv PS4 Neo ? Nici vorba.

  8. #68 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Sony a mai declarat că toate jocurile vor fi backward și forward compatibile intre versiunile ps4.

  9. #69 SP
    Senior Member raducucosmin's Avatar
    Foarte bine atunci. Sa vina.

  10. #70 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Potrivit unora dintre voi Kratos ba e fraier, ba e pedofil, asa ceva... Acum, in puii mei, in loc sa ziceti saru'mana ca o sa avem asa joc, ca arata cum arata, ca se misca cum se misca, ca il vedem iar pe Kratos, nici nu ar trebui sa conteaza unde si cu cine se va bate, veniti cu basini de astea. Ce cauta in mitologia nordica? Pai ati fi vrut sa si-o dea la gioale cu aceiasi zei? Numai cand ma gandesc ce lupte va trage cu Odin, Thor, Baldur, Loki, Tyr, ce pupici o sa isi traga cu Freya, si ma iau fiorii.

  11. #71 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Kratos e un Mos Craciun acum, na am zis-o, bucura-te ca dupa ce a omorat cerbul ala cu fi-su nu a venit Loki sa-l transforme in Puri Puri Prisoner din One Punch Man.

  12. #72 SP
    Member pufy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kkkotto07 View Post
    Potrivit unora dintre voi Kratos ba e fraier, ba e pedofil, asa ceva... Acum, in puii mei, in loc sa ziceti saru'mana ca o sa avem asa joc, ca arata cum arata, ca se misca cum se misca, ca il vedem iar pe Kratos, nici nu ar trebui sa conteaza unde si cu cine se va bate, veniti cu basini de astea. Ce cauta in mitologia nordica? Pai ati fi vrut sa si-o dea la gioale cu aceiasi zei? Numai cand ma gandesc ce lupte va trage cu Odin, Thor, Baldur, Loki, Tyr, ce pupici o sa isi traga cu Freya, si ma iau fiorii.
    Repet, nu am nimic personal cu IP-ul ci pur si simplu mi se pare stupid ca acest personaj sa vina aici, puteau foarte usor sa creeze alt personaj cu un nou backround.

  13. #73 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar
    Nu inteleg de ce uni sunt revoltati ca apare Kratos in mitologia nordica, pana la urma e doar un joc. Poate nu ati vazut cum ar fi trebuit sa se termine GoW 3.
    Essentially, Jaffe suggested that the battle with Zeus would be set at the beginning of the game. Kratos would kill Zeus, creating a vortex that would suck all mythologies - Greek, Egyptian, Norse etc. - into one world. While in this world, Kratos would ultimately stop the people from believing in these gods, thereby ushering in the new age of religions, beginning with Christianity. The ending of the game would see you playing as the Three Wise Men. The origin of the Sphinx would also be explained as a monster that Kratos froze with Medusa's Head, whilst Kratos ultimate fate would be to sacrifice himself to live with his family in Hades

  14. #74 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
    Kratos e un Mos Craciun acum, na am zis-o, bucura-te ca dupa ce a omorat cerbul ala cu fi-su nu a venit Loki sa-l transforme in Puri Puri Prisoner din One Punch Man.
    Ai un simt al umorului la fel de bine dezvoltat ca si personajul de la avatarul tau dupa ce

    In alta ordine de idei, mie chiar imi pare rau ca nu au ramas la stilul mai arcade al seriei. Mi se pare ca mai nou toate jocurile vor sa fie in acelasi stil si deja e prea mult (si asta, si Horizon, Farcry, Tomb Raider, you know what I mean). God of War avea o personalitate unica, personalitate pe care in demo-ul de la E3, cel putin, o gasesc transformata in mediocritate.

    Cat despre protagonist, nici eu nu ma omor dupa el, dar cui ii pasa? Calitatea unui astfel de joc nu sta in cat de simpatic e personajul. Se putea si mai rau, oricum. (vezi Nathan Drake )

  15. #75 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Iti multumesc, apreciez

  16. #76 SP
    Member noss <3 ciorica's Avatar
    Abia astept sa il joc

  17. #77 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    informatii noi dintr-un interviu cu "God of War Creative Director Cory Barlog and Voice Actor Christopher Judge"
    • Barlog was floored by the response to Kratos’ entrance during the live demo at the E3 press conference.
    • Right from the beginning the team wanted to “rip the whole thing up” and rebuild the franchise “from scratch.” They wanted to find all the things that worked and keep them, but change all the things that didn’t match the vision of a more intimate view on Kratos’ life.
    • The team “kicked around” a bunch of different mythologies for quite a while. The setting that they ended up selecting isn’t the viking era. Before the viking era there’s the migration era, and before that there’s a pre-migration era. It’s the era when according to the vikings the gods used to walk the Earth among men.
    • Kratos and his son are in a world where nobody is friendly and everything is hostile. Kratos’ son is actually the only one among the two who understands the local language. Kratos is a stranger in a strange land. For instance, the troll speaks ancient Norse, which the kid understands, but Kratos doesn’t. This allows the team to focus on a new dynamic with Kratos and his son.
    • According to Judge, the script of the game is not simply a game’s script, but is a fully fleshed out story with fleshed out characters that have full emotional ranges.
    • Kratos faces the struggle to accept a new role and not be the same old Kratos, and that for Judge is the role of a lifetime, as it allows a large emotional breadth as an actor.
    • Barlog mentioned that this is not a new Kratos, he’s still the Kratos we know, but he’s older, and he’s looking at life through a different lens. The same goes for Barlog himself: his view of the world is different from when he started working on God of War.
    • Kratos is struggling with the idea of having to deal with another person, a tiny human not listening and not understanding what he thinks is very simple. He’s frustrated, because he can’t let the anger out and has to remain patient and convey his knowledge to his son. His real challenge lays in how much how his real self he’s going to show to his kid, and in how much of himself he sees in his kid.
    • According to Judge nothing changes a man more than having a child, and the game also portrays the challenge of finding out how to be a father when you have never been fathered.
    • The ending of the demo portrays a missed opportunity. The kid is ready to open up, but Kratos misses the opportunity to open up himself. He doesn’t have the strength to pat his son on the back, while he’s completely capable to take down a troll. He has grown up under the most brutal military training possible, and that doesn’t breed cuddly puppies.
    • There are going to be RPG elements and progression, even if it’s not yet set in stone how they will materialize.
    • The axe that we see in the demo has a history. There is a whole story around that connects to many characters within the game.
    • Going with a new weapon was a very deliberate design choice, because there is a whole new way of controlling the game. There is a while new set of controls and a whole new way of interacting with the controller. This had a long development cycle and it went through a lot of revisions.
    • The team isn’t yet ready to reveal the name of Kratos’ son.
    • The whole narrative is set around the idea of teaching, and that’s incredibly important to the gameplay. Through the entire game, Kratos is constantly teaching his son via banter and actual interactivity. There is actually a button entirely dedicated to interacting with Kratos’ son and prompting him to execute certain actions within the game, both in battle and in situations not related to combat, like puzzles.

  18. #78 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Deci practic o sa avem un duo, pe tot parcursul jocului aproape. Un fel de Joel si Ellie, Booker si Elizabeth, dar cu ceva mai multa interactiune intre ei. Va fi nou, dar va fi si bine?

  19. #79 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Prima data cand am vazut God of War a fost pe un PS2. M-am indragostit instant. Abia mult mai tarziu mi-am luat un PS3 doar ca sa pot juca GOW 1. Daca nu ar fi fost pe ps3 imi luam ps2 doar pt acest joc. Am jucat dupa aceea toate editiile aparute. Ce mi-a placu foarte mult a fost exact stilul arcade al jocurilor...dar dupa ce le-am terminat pe toate parca e destul. Consider o schimbare de stil bine venita. Eu si acum daca am chef mai joc cate un mario de nes (terminator), cate un golden axe, cate un street fighter 1 etc. Jocurile nu sunt doar pt grafica ci pt gameplay si senzatia care ti-o dau si cand ne e dor de vechiul GOW ne putem oricand intoarce la vechile jocuri nu e nevoie de altele noi. Noile jocui trebuie sa aduca noi experiente si amintiri placute de joc, sper ca gow4 sa le aduca. PS. Acum va trebui sa imi iau si eu ps4 .

  20. #80 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar

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