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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #3201 SP
    Member davidteen14's Avatar
    Care e treaba cu zona 1 si zona 2 la jocuri ca nu inteleg???

  2. #3202 SP
    Senior Member Uziwood's Avatar
    Zona 1 - Jocuri pentru piata Americana
    Zona 2 - Jocuri pentru piata Europeana
    Zona 3 - Jocuri pentru piata Asiatica
    Zona 4 - Jocuri pentru piata Australiana.

  3. #3203 SP
    Member davidteen14's Avatar

  4. #3204 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by soselinho View Post
    Ps 3 inca nu se poate moda pana la momenul actual, si inteleg ca o sa cumpar numai jocuri originale.
    Aceste jocuri le pot copia pe hdd din ps3? ca mai apoi sa renunt la dvd-urile originale?
    Faptul ca nu se modeaza afecteaza doar in privinta jocurilor? un film bluray copiat de pe net pe un disc il poate citi?

    Filmele nu au probleme, atit timp cit sint in format suportat de PS3, ruleaza perfect. Problema este la conversie, mai ales daca au subtitrari dureaza foarte mult sa transformi un mkv in vob / m2ts (dupa preferinta) ... in general un film HD 720p in jurul a doua ore, altfel fara transcoding in 15 min este numai bun de rulat pe PS3. In orice caz solutia streaming-ului de pe PC o vad ca fiind ideala in momentul asta, considerind costurile este cea mai ieftina.

    Cit despre jocuri, daca cumperi din magazin normal, scumpe ca ... insa daca arunci o privire pe aria de publicitate o sa observi ca sint titluri cu un pret rezonabil chiar si pentru buzunarul romanului. O spun din experienta practica !

  5. #3205 SP
    Member soselinho's Avatar
    dar in privinta patch-urilor , acestea se pot instala pe ps3 si cum?, spre exemplu la fifa 09 pot instala liga I, sau la gtaIV pot introduce noi masini in joc??

  6. #3206 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    Nu.Doar DLC-urile care apar pe Store.

  7. #3207 SP
    Member soselinho's Avatar
    aaa, can nasol,
    10x de raspuns!, e bine de stiut!

  8. #3208 SP
    Member faby_67's Avatar
    am o problema cu ps3 se ancalzeste foarte tare si apoi se blocheaza si tuate astea an cam 4/5 minute de la pornire

  9. #3209 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    Intrebare, unde anume ai pozitionat ps3-ul? Trebuie sa ai mare grija ca toate evacuarile sa fie la o distanta de 60cm(optim) de orice obstacol, altfel risti sa supraincalzesti consola cu urmari grave.
    Incearca sa o muti intr-un loc mai bine aerisit departe de orice pereti sau dulapuri care sa duca la supraincalzire.
    Daca ai facut toate aceste lucruri si tot prezinta problema asta, e posibil sa fie nevoie sa o duci la reparat.

  10. #3210 SP
    Member soselinho's Avatar
    dar coolerul functioneaza?
    incearca asa ceva

  11. #3211 SP
    Member faby_67's Avatar
    functioneaza tot doar ca se blocheaza si se ancalzeste foarte rapid destul de mult o sa ancerc sa al mut undeva mai spre clima sa dau clima direct pe ps3 cand ai dau drumul sper totusi sa mearga altfel sa zis cu gamerul din mine

  12. #3212 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by faby_67 View Post
    am o problema cu ps3 se ancalzeste foarte tare si apoi se blocheaza si tuate astea an cam 4/5 minute de la pornire
    citeste asta
    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    in ultimul timp am vazut ca foarte multi oameni pun aceasi intrebare: e nomal ca ventilatoarele de la ps3 sa se invarta mai repede? Cred ca multi dintre noi pun aceasta intrebare cu gandul la problemele pe care le are Xbox-ul (supraincalzire -> RROD). sa stiti ca PS3 e construit foarte bine pentru a evita astfel de probleme. in primul rand, daca se incalzeste prea mult in interiorul consolei, coolerele incep sa se invarta mai repede pentru a mentine temperatura la un nivel optim. Daca nici aceste coolere nu reusesc sa raceasca consola, aceasta se va stinge automat pentru a evita supraincalzirea. acest lucru se mai intampla si cand consola nu este destul de aerisita. daca se stinge este recomandat sa o lasati sa se receasca in jur de 20 de minute. va puteti juca linistiti chiar daca consoala va face zgomot din cauza coolerelor .
    din cate am inteles ti se opreste ps3? daca e adevarat lasa consola 20 de minute sa se receasca si gaseste-i un loc deschis sa nu fie nimic in jurul ei, in special unde sunt pozitionate coolerele, cam 20 cm

  13. #3213 SP
    Member faby_67's Avatar
    nu se opreste se blocheaza si trebuie sa al opresc de la butonul din spate finca nici o alta metoda normala de oprire a console nu merge

  14. #3214 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar$1317359.htm
    Number one, the PS3 Slim is confirmed according to an interview with a French retailer on Jeux Video Network.

    When asked about the PS3 Slim, the retailer responded:

    "Yes, the PS3 Slim is a reality, it will soon emerge."

    The retailer was apparently informed about the console only a week ago from wholesalers and it's all very secretive. A release date is not confirmed, but it's expected for September. They haven't yet seen what the console actually looks like, the size of its harddrive is also unconfirmed, and possible bundles have yet to be discussed.
    este si un video dar nu stiu franceza PS3 Slim : Rvlations exclusives ! en exclusivit sur la chane du jeu vido, - Jeux Video Network

  15. #3215 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by faby_67 View Post
    nu se opreste se blocheaza si trebuie sa al opresc de la butonul din spate finca nici o alta metoda normala de oprire a console nu merge
    Daca ai garantie la el, cel mai bine mergi si-l schimbi. Daca nu si e mai vechi putin, incearca sa-i aspiri putin venturile (
    ) poate s-a adunat praf si d-asta coolerele nu mai fac fata.

  16. #3216 SP
    Member faby_67's Avatar
    ieu cand nu ma joc pun o punca peste ps3 ca sa nu se adune praf deci cred ca nu ai de la praf dar totusi am sa ncerc

  17. #3217 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    Pentru cei interesati de traducere

    After several months of rumor, the drafting of JVN today is able to provide you with all information you need to know on the next arrival of the PS3 Slim.
    The rumors increase every day on the arrival of a PS3 Slim. Many rigged photos floating around already several months on the canvas, as well as a so-called video tour in the Philippines. Recently we could see the German Amazon site show the console, even though the ad was not well received. We also know for sure Sony commissioned more source component PS3's than usual for the 3rd quarter. To learn more about a possible arrival of the so-called console, the drafting of JVN conducted its investigation.
    JVN: Hello, can you introduce yourself please?
    R.: Yes, I am XXXX, dealer specializing in video games.

    JVN: Recently, we've heard a lot of noise about the Slim PS3 online including images, and a video. Can you confirm if the PS3 Slim is a reality, and will it soon get out?
    A: Yes, the PS3 Slim is a reality, it will soon get out. However, there is a blur around the release date. According to information that we have obtained, it would be of the month of September, but official date is not yet communicated. On the price of the console, they have indicatored that the announced cost of the console to be 299.99 �, which is a decrease in 100 � compared to the current model.

    JVN: How long have you been aware of this? These are wholesalers who you have communicated this information?
    A: Yes, by the wholesalers. We've been aware since a week ago.

    JVN: And how are they presenting it to you?
    R: Something a little bit made to be elicit. It was announced that it would be a new template console, PS3 Slim, with a revised price down here. But on the rest of the information, it is a little unclear, because even to acquire consoles, they are noted on a piece of paper, as apparently there is not yet the bar code that allows you to create the existing product. There is not a definitive "visual console", the release date is not yet confirmed, and in addition, we do not know what it will benefit from existing consoles.

    JVN: So for the current PS3, do you have any information about a possible lower price?
    R: No. PS3 Slim has even been presented as a limited edition. A little in the manner of the PS3 160Go for the output of PES last year. We had one month and then failed to move on it. The Slim was presented as a transaction time-limited. I find it difficult to believe since experiencing when Sony has released a Slim model previously that it's substituted for the previous open model. But at present, it was shown to us like that.

    JVN: You spoke of the 160Go. Do you have information on the disk hard or on the specifics of the Slim?
    A: No, no. For us, it is presented to us as always a 80Go console. We did not have information about what really makes up the Slim in terms of specifics.

    JVN: Is it already planned to have bundles? We think of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves that could go out in October....?
    R: No. It is also a question promptly requested. As of now we do not know whether consoles would be a proposed "in pack" with games or new products. At present, the only information we have is the console would be sold bare, 299.99 �. AT the same, we announced that there would not be a inventory cut on the current PS3. As if the console decline in prices, apparently Sony only protects not resellers who bought the console to sell to 399 �. In other words, stores that have the inventory should continue to pass to the 399 � price at the risk of losing 100 � by console.

    JVN: So that had not unanimity with the announcement of his PSP GB Sony does it not risk attract distribution rage?
    A: Yes, not, because if they offer a drop in the console to 299 price �, this can really reinvigorate the hardware sales, because this starts to Cap a little bit. Until then there is that Microsoft has a policy a little aggressive small in terms of price. From Sony, since the first year where there were many cuts price on the PS3 and fun bundles, we remain on a status quo. Rumour a price drop we had already heard late last year. There we announced it for the month of March/April after the fiscal year: we are the month of September, it is more than six months that everyone expects a drop in price, and at the moment it does not occurred. This can reposition the console, so I think that the drop in price will be rather well seen. If indeed some stores have a lot of stocks and there is no protection, it may do a little grimace. But we are already aware since a week there is a new model to arrive at 299 �, I think that stores will try to exhaust their stocks. Therefore I believe that those who want a console in its present form must hurry to buy it even if the pay-to 100 � more expensive, because I believe that very few shops will keep this model in stock.

    JVN: Always at the level of stocks, is - current accessories of the PS3 be compatible with the Slim PS3?
    R.: We have no information, but normally Yes, everything is compatible. Do we not announced new accessories lines on which should we we positionnions. To do simple, one us has warned week past that such model would emerge from September without any specific date, that it should be positioned at 299 �. We were asked if we wanted, if so how much wanted us aside? And when we have asked for more information, we were told that in there was no more, so I think that an announcement will take place soon. The real concern is that this nickname Announces was made during the month of August. It is a period where commercial services are much vacation, so that we do virtually will have no true information until the third week of August.

    JVN: Yes, jusqu�� gamescom...
    R.: Yes, I believe that this is going to accelerate since most commercial services of various wholesalers revolve a little slow during this period: there is very little output, it is the summer, so is not here that we are going to have more information. And I think that Sony is trying to silence a maximum time to short competitors, what is good war to make a big event to the new school year.

    JVN: And personally as a professional, what do you think of this offer? Will this boost strongly PS3 sales? Is there a request for the PS3, but by a public which is held back by its price?
    R.: The PS3 aujourd�hui, is the console that dream. C�est-�-dire that many people took a Xbox 360 to make the transition since the PS3 tardait to come. Many people themselves are also exception on the Wii since first it was the cheapest console. But the PS3 being the last exit console is a little bit console that dream. Many Xbox 360 users rightly expect a decrease in prices in order to be rewarding and pass on a PlayStation 3. Aujourd�hui is the lighthouse console. It is quite criticised on some forums, but it remains the object of desire. This is really the PlayStation 3 truste attention. Now, the little concern for us that es-to say that if Sony really wanted booster sales, we know very well what they could do: backward compatibility. Aujourd�Hui the largest brake on the purchase of console is when people learn that they cannot read their top PS2 games, they are a little d�pit�s small. And it enough to see the price which is still sell 60Go, while they are templates that have three years, to account, there is a real demand on backward compatibility. So one model Slim, why not, but if really it wants to unanimity of the gamers and sell like hotcakes, this is not only look to be change, it must be into place backward compatibility players expect.

    JVN: And you have no information about it?
    R.: Unfortunately not according to information, backward compatibility was too expensive and it was too complicated. But aujourd�hui, it really is the guarantor of success. When we enter into opportunity in our store a PlayStation 3 60Go, it is not for a week to the store. It is super easy to draw a player telling him with this console, it will be able to play with its PSOne, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 games. It's great. A fan of a license as final Fantasy will tell him that it will be able to make all final Fantasy since they had all been reissued, the first to the XIII and XIV. Therefore it is really the most interesting thing now.

    JVN: many thanks for all these details, and XXXX giving a little bit of time.
    R.: From nothing.

    Sursa PS3 forums.

  18. #3218 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by faby_67 View Post
    ieu cand nu ma joc pun o punca peste ps3 ca sa nu se adune praf deci cred ca nu ai de la praf dar totusi am sa ncerc
    Foarte bine faci, la fel fac si eu
    Oricum daca acoperi consola si ps3ul nu e 2nd hand si nici foarte vechi probabil nu o sa ajute aspiratul venturilor.
    Desi putin "grooming" o data pe luna nu strica.

  19. #3219 SP
    Member soselinho's Avatar
    am intels ca pe ps3 te poti juca doar cu dvd-ul inserat, insa jocurile descarcate de pe net din store acelea se instaleaza pe hdd si nu mai necesita dvd nu?

  20. #3220 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pai daca le cumperi de pe Store de unde si Blu-Ray disc (nu DVD) ?

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